SBDC at UW-River Falls | May 2024
Upcoming Events
Build Your Business (BYB)
The UW- River Falls SBDC offers the BYB- Build Your Business networking event monthly for new and existing business owners! This event is the perfect opportunity for growing your business through the sharing of resources and creation of relationships with other business owners. Each month, there will be a local business expert speaking about different topics which will help your business succeed.

Don't miss out on our unique meeting in May! We will be having a Banker Ask Me Anything event. Three local banking professionals, Krista Paulus (Security Financial Bank), Rick Bonlender (Pillar Bank), and Miranda Green (Citizens State Bank), will be attending to answer questions from the group. Take the chance to ask questions about anything!
The BYB-Build Your Business meeting is on May 28, 2024 from 3:00pm-4:00pm at the St. Croix Valley Business Innovation Center. Afterwards, there will be optional open networking. If you have any questions, please contact
Client Spotlight:
Denise Monroe - Long Term Care Counsel
Q: Why did you start this business?
A: I started Long Term Care Counsel to help fill the massive gap in services offered to our aging and disabled population. I offer not only guidance, but a partnership to families experiencing stress due to long-term care planning. I provide personalized plans to help families navigate their options when facing chronic disease, disability, or injury.

Q: What are 3 tips for those thinking of starting their own business?
A: When I started, I was already working with older and disabled adults and had a passion to assist this demographic. I believe it’s critical to start a business that brings you joy and allows you to develop your passions while aligning with your expertise. Prior to starting a business, do your research, a lot of research, and connect with any business owner that you have a relationship with or those you want to build a relationship with. You’d be surprised how many people want to
help. Most people are happy to connect you with other successful or intelligent folks who can help you on your way. Finally, and of course this seems simple, but keep your personal and business financial accounts separate.

Q: Why have you been successful?
A: There are many factors that make someone successful, but I am very direct, yet compassionate and respectful at the same time, and I always put my client’s needs first. I am very knowledgeable in the realm of long-term care planning and how to traverse our very complex health care system. These factors allow me to provide my client’s and their families with the information they need to be successful without overwhelming them and keeping them hopeful and optimistic.

Q: What is next for you?
A:When I think of what is next, I think about helping even more people. As I said above, our healthcare system can be difficult to understand, particularly when it comes to Medicaid and Medicare, and the more individuals and families I can serve, the better. The more people I work with, the more needs reveal themselves and I would like to expand to support those needs.
Connect with Denise
Phone: 715-690-9600
Grant Update
Verizon Small Business Digital Ready
To help small businesses in the new digital economy, the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready program is offering $10,000 small business grants! In order to access this grant program, you must complete two of the courses on their platform. This program ends at the end of the day on June 28, 2024.
How-To Video Series
Law Series Video #1
Trademarks, copyrights, and patents can be confusing to understand. Check out the Law Series Video #1 to learn about trademarks, copyrights, and patents and how to obtain and register a trademark or copyright.
St. Croix Valley Business Innovation Center
St. Croix Valley Business Innovation Center offers a variety of spaces for your business. These spaces include co-working space, office space, food ready space, and more. To learn more about these spaces and find information about renting a space, check out the website below or call 715-425-3066!
Looking to hear from the UW- River Falls Small Business Development Center more often? Check out our Facebook and LinkedIn Pages!
Helpful links, new events, and more. Learn about new events quicker, interact with posts, and check out resources that are only posted on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Thinking about a business loan in 2024?
We have the experts to help you with financial projections and more! Contact us to get the conversation started -

Contact the SBDC at UW-River Falls
The Small Business Development Center at UW-River Falls helps entrepreneurs succeed at any stage. We offer no-cost, confidential consulting and business education across a wide region, primarily serving Pierce, Polk and St. Croix counties.
The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship in the Universities of Wisconsin System. It is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Call 715-425-3472 or e-mail
The SBDC at UW-River Falls offers no-cost, confidential business consulting and education. Visit our website: