May 2023

Impacting Lives & Improving Homes

In your community

To all the men and women who serve... Thank You!

Highlights from the

Field Team

Oak Grove MHP

  • 22 Volunteers
  • 170 Meals Served
  • 45 Improvements
  • 14 Homes Helped
  • 3 Decks Built
  • 10 Decks Repaired
  • 3 Ramps Built

Fridays are RED shirt days. We wear RED to Remember Everyone Deployed!

All of us know people or have family members that have served or who are serving in the military. If we had room we could create a book and fill it to overflowing with stories of war, and patriotism, and devotion. But within our one page email we are limited by space and time so we had to pick a few. These two stories are a sampling of the amazing US servants and patriots that we meet in our communities. So while you're reading these inspiring stories think of the hundreds, thousands, literally millions of men and women that love this country and have devoted their lives to keeping it pure - for us, for those of us who cannot - it is to them we pay tribute and bestow honor.

We'll tell you about a vibrant, delightful gentleman named Herbert from Texas. And we'll share with you a special Christmas surprise that Impact Communities gifted through Impact Cares to a very deserving war vet and his wife, Mac and Sherry McMillan.

Read their stories here

Project Spotlight • US Flags

The US flag is a powerful symbol of the American spirit and the ideals that our country stands for. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who came before us and inspires us to strive for a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

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Hero Spotlight

Police Departments and Fire Departments - Always our HEROS

The local police departments and fire departments are a group of special people that we find rarely recognized for their devoted service. We want our community managers, employees and residents to build a solid relationship with their local PD and FD and let them know they are appreciated for what they do for us all. We always invite and include them in our Volunteer Days and honor them for their dedication in keeping our communities safe. Each department receives a customized, hand made plaque to commemorate their service and our relationship with them. In every town we travel to and serve in, They are our HEROS!

Don't forget to enter the Bloomers Photo Contest! There are prizes to be won! Get the Submission Guidelines and Contest Rules here. And in case you missed the correction: Impact Cares' Volunteers can enter too!


What does it look like to volunteer with Impact Cares?

Your Next Opportunities to Serve

Southington Estates

Southington, Ohio

June 10, 2023

Sign up now

Hunters Run

Armagh, Pennsylvania

July 8, 2023

Sign up now

Table Mound

Dubuque, Iowa

August 5, 2023

Sign up now
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