May Preservation News

As the sun begins to shine and the days begin to warm, it’s hard not to recognize the hum of a city awakening into its best season. Milwaukee was made for summers, and as we brush off the dregs of winter and don our best patio dining outfits, our city is coming to life.

I cannot imagine a more perfect season to highlight preservation and the story of our great city - people out and about, festivals and concerts soaring through the air, and the beaches and beer gardens packed with eager attendees. I look forward to getting out into those crowds myself and meeting you all as the days go on. Cheers to summer!

Emma Rudd, MPA ED, May 2023

Join us each month around the Greater Milwaukee Area as we explore historic buildings, adaptive reuse projects, and highlight incredible small businesses - all in an informal social setting!


This month will feature a MPA favorite: Ope Brewing in West Allis

More details coming soon!


If you’d like to suggest a location in your neighborhood, please send us your recommendations here!

May Rewind: Lakefront Brewery Exclusive Preservation Tour

A heartfelt toast and sincere thank you to Russ Klisch at Lakefront Brewing and all attendees of the Lakefront Brewery Exclusive Preservation tour! The facts (and brews) were flowing, Lakefront’s rich history was shared (along with some pretty cool artifacts/collections), and we at MPA cannot thank attendees enough for their thoughtful questions and overall passion for preservation!

Save the Soldiers Home

Solders Home tours are back!

Available Saturdays throughout the summer.

Registration required.

Register Today

Don't forget to visit our Virtual Store for Soldiers Home swag, including a new series of stickers! All proceeds benefit MPA and Soldiers Home advocacy.

Shop Now!

Save Our Domes

The Domes Survey ends today (5/31) and your voice matters!

Please take 5-10 minutes to fill it out before it's too late!


The Domes survey was featured on CBS58!

Watch Here

3D Printed Domes are still available and 25% of all sales go to MPA!


Read this thoughtful Urban Milwaukee article by Frank Schneiger that talks about the power of parks in urban environments.

Read Now

Celebrating 20 Years of MPA!

As we celebrate MPA’s 20th Anniversary, we’d like to take time out of each monthly newsletter to highlight small bits of MPA trivia! 

Your fun fact for June: 

Did you know we now have our very own office in the historic Arts @ Large building, located at 1100 S 5th Street? Stop by any time - we especially recommend the newly reopened café downstairs!

Lamers Building

MPA wishes to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Celine Farrell on the approved designation of the Lamers Building at 830-832 S. 5th Street.

For more info on the history of the Lamers Building, click HERE

MPA Note: It brings us great joy to recognize building owners who advocate for the designation of their historic properties - to learn more about designating your own historic property, click HERE.






Do you want to see your name or company logo here and support our important work? 

Click here for details!

Your membership and support are appreciated!

With your incredible support, MPA has been able to advocate for effective Historic Tax Credit policy, continue our work finding preservation solutions at the Milwaukee Soldiers Home and Mitchell Park Domes, and spread the word about the environmental and economic benefits of historic preservation. Please join MPArenew your membership, or donate today to increase the power of your voice in support of the restoration and adaptive reuse of Milwaukee's architectural heritage. Thank you!

Milwaukee Preservation Alliance is a proud member of the National Preservation Partners Network.

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You received this email because of your interest in the revitalization of the City of Milwaukee through restoration and adaptive reuse of Milwaukee's historic assets.