Comments From Our Friends Around The World
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to write and thank you for the style and manner you present your dowsing knowledge.
In any event, since watching your video series 'Blueprint for Freedom', I haven't looked back and have utilised many of the methods you describe in that film and elsewhere with remarkable results. Some of the most telling in past workplaces and colleagues who I originally had issues with, which were soon resolved thanks to 'tuning the energy' as I like to describe it. Your, as you put it, 'no nonsense, blunt and to the point' delivery of information is a huge breath of fresh air and uncomplicates what can be a complex topic. Leaning off some of your ideas I've developed a few methods of my own which I think have kept my energy and that of my family in great condition during what has been a rather tumultuous 18 months.
Thanks to you, dowsing has become a part of my daily life and energy work is something I can see myself doing for the benefit of others on a larger scale. I see this as a way I can positively impact the lives of people everywhere, as you do, and you've been a big inspiration in this ideal.