2018 MFF monthly newsletter
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Dear Friends,
This month we celebrated Shavuot—when we recognize the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people, celebrate with delicious dairy-based foods, and stay up all night reading the inspirational story of Ruth, a convert who came to the Land of Israel after her husband died. Ruth inspires us each year through her commitment to the Jewish people. Motivated by Torah and by inspirational figures like Ruth, we all make sacrifices so that the state of Israel and the Jewish people will be strong. Standing together, we celebrate that strength.
This month, we are thrilled to announce the launch of the third annual “Inspired by Israel” video contest, where pro-Israel videos are submitted and voted on for a chance to win a grand prize of $8,000 from a total of $20,000 in cash prizes. Registration is open now until June 24th.

We are also pleased to share Adam’s recent op-ed from The Jerusalem Post, about why celebrating Israel’s 70th anniversary is important for Americans. Both the US and Israel have withstood existential threats because of the courage and patriotism of their people, and Americans are excited to celebrate Israel's 70th birthday with the Israeli people..

You can also watch Adam’s powerful presentation to the students of YULA Boys High School in Los Angeles about how and why Jewish pride and courage can combat antisemitism.

We also hope you enjoy reading the Times of Israel’s insightful feature about the world’s most comprehensive Zionist anthology to date, which includes Adam because of his impactful work introducing the concept of Israeliness. Israeliness incorporates many elements of Israeli culture, Jewish values, and the Hebrew language; extraordinary pride in Jewish tradition and our history; a deep belief in Zionism; an incredible connection between Israelis and the Land of Israel; and a commitment to the idea ‘Kol Yisrael areivim zeh lazeh.’ Adam promotes the use of Israeliness to enrich and strengthen the Jewish community around the world and he is honored to be featured alongside influential Zionists like Theodore Herzl, Saul Singer, and Shimon Peres.

Lastly, we're proud to feature Artists 4 Israel (A4I), an extraordinary partner that brings the world’s most talented artists to Israel to teach them the truth about Israel. The artists return to their home countries feeling empowered to use their talents to express their love for Israel on campuses, creating beautiful murals, painting unique t-shirts, and designing popular, engaging artwork in a variety of media.
We thank you for all that you do to advance our shared mission. We and look forward to partnering with you in the months ahead, as we work together to strengthen the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
With sincere love and admiration for Israel and the Jewish people,

Gila and Adam Milstein
Inspired By Israel: Video Contest
The third annual  Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  "Inspired by Israel" video contest launched this month, in partnership with IsraelVideoNetwork.com . We’re giving out $20,000 in cash prizes, with $8,000 up for grabs as the Grand Prize!
This contest is open to people of all backgrounds, faiths and ages. Past entries have used poetry, humor, original music, documentary-style research, and more.

Let's spread the truth about Israel’s amazing people, places and innovations. How does Israel inspire you? Tell us through your best pro-Israel video!

Last year's contest received over 100 submissions, which got over half a million views in over 200 countries in just two weeks!
Registration is open until June 24 and videos must be submitted by July 23.

Both the US and Israel have withstood existential threats through courage and patriotism of their people.
Israel’s 70th birthday on May 14th has brought a surge of pride across America, as we #Celebrate70.

Fighting for the Jewish People and the State of Israel

Adam spoke at the YULA Boys High School in Los Angeles, CA in April 2018 for Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day. Adam explained the unique historical context about why we must defend Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people, and told the stories of courageous Jews throughout history who have stood up and fought against antisemitism and hate. 
Watch the video below:
The Most Comprehensive Zionist Collection to Date
Adam Milstein is featured as a torchbearer alongside other influential Zionists such as A.B. Yehoshua, Saul Singer, Sharon Shalom, and Rachel Sharansky Danziger.
A new anthology of Jewish thought, The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland – Then, Now, and Tomorrow , is being hailed by many as the most comprehensive Zionist collection ever published, containing wisdom from more than 170 different Jewish visionaries.

Featured Organization: Artists 4 Israel
Artists 4 Israel (A4I) paints a new picture of Israel on college campuses. A4I’s diverse team of artist-advocates, inspired by cultural missions to Israel, return empowered to use their talents to share their newfound love of the country in a unique and creative way. They create large-scale works of pro-Israel art in highly trafficked areas of campus, engaging large groups of diverse students. On campuses that have been torn apart by anti-Israel protests and BDS campaigns, A4I’s normalization of Israel as a place of creativity and free expression outshine the destructive, divisive narrative of Israel’s enemies. A4I’s artist-advocates represent many races, religions, and subcultures, making them uniquely able to speak to intersectional groups and giving pro-Israel students the opportunity to collaborate with progressive campus partners who are often hard to reach. During the 2016-2017 academic year, A4I engaged more than 20,000 students on 62 campuses.

The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation is proud to sponsor this impactful organization.
The Mission of  The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  ("MFF") is to strengthen the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, and its special ties with the United States of America; and to ensure the special affinity to the State of Israel of the young and future Jewish generations.