.. because meditation is a life skill that everyone can learn .. 
May 2016 ~ Scarves & Soup 
May.  Late Autumn.

For me, this is always a bit of a crazy month .. three close family birthdays, two friend birthdays, Mother's Day, special anniversaries and milestones, lots of classes.  And I am very aware that hiding just around the corner is June, so I am mindful of planning for more birthdays and the end of our financial year (so there are business milestones to meet as well).

I have definitely started to make use of my favourite scarf .. and there have been some hearty winter-style soups already.  Comfort food and comfort clothing.  Winter is coming.

So I thought .. time for a retreat

After finishing the eight-day meditation intensive in Sedona in January .. I knew that my long held dream of hosting regular retreats simply must HAPPEN.  I wasn't sure how, or when, or any of the details .. but I was sure that this year it was going to happen.

And then I had a coffee catch up with my friend and magical yoga teacher Jennifer J Ellinghaus .. and BLISS BOMB RETREATS  was born.

Quiet Mind Retreat

You may remember that I interviewed the lovely Jennifer .. about her yoga, meditation and book Yoga for Travellers (Focus On interview here) and once we started talking, dreaming, pondering and planning .. all the details just seemed to fall easily into place.

The Bliss Bomb Retreat is being held at the cosy Breathing Space Yoga (Chapel Street, Prahran) and will provide a day of deep nourishment, engagement and connection and a lot of fun!   Think .. 

*yoga asana (postures)
*pranayama (breathing practices)
*meditation and mindfulness techniques
*a deep, guided relaxation (yoga nidra)

Plus we have some special little gifts and surprises along the way.

I would love for you to join us.

Winter is the season that beckons us to slow down and find retreat and solace indoors - and it is natural for our awareness to shift inward and take a more reflective tone.  The opportunity to step away from our busy hurly-burly lives, and spend a day devoted to gentle restorative yoga and meditation will help us to reconnect with body, mind and breath, releasing tension and tightness, quietening our soul, soothing the nervous system and unleashing our body's natural potential for healing.

Grab a girlfriend and JOIN US HERE - plus there is an Early Bird Special 
available right now.

We are also on Facebook and Instagram so you can follow our journey .. and ultimately see some fun pictures from the retreat.

Please pass on to anyone that you feel needs a little ease and calmness. 

Quiet Mind Meditation
Corporate On-Site Meditation 
I am currently sharing meditation with a team of early childhood educators .. once a week, across eight weeks, we shall explore meditation and mindfulness and begin to
Quiet Mind At Work
implement daily practices to manage stress, improve concentration and focus, and heighten our sense of well-being.

In recent weeks the mainstream media have also noted that organisations are increasingly embracing wellness opportunities for their employees.  As an ex-HR specialist, I know how vital it is that businesses look after the physical AND mental health of their staff.  Recent articles include:  Mindfulness Takes Over the Corporate World from the Sydney Morning Herald, and  Mindfulness Can Improve Strategy, Too from Harvard Business Review.

Click image above to download our Meditation @ Work brochure.
On the blog ..

can learn to meditate .. find out what children in elementary school - and a USA Presidential Candidate - find so amazing about meditation.

Thoughts in Meditation  The #1 misconception about meditation is that you have to learn to STOP thoughts.  Read about what we really do with thoughts .. a post that I wanted to share again in honour of one of my teachers.

Love you Mum  some of our most popular meditation gifts .. wrapped up into one delicious bundle for your mum! (still available for delivery in Melbourne)
Learn to Meditate
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Monday Meditation Musings
 Monday Meditation Musings
  Lunchtime Enlightenment
Just Start Meditating
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Quiet Mind Meditation | info@quietmind.com.au | www.quietmind.com.au