May Newsletter

Your Guide to May Events and Happenings!

What's New?

Routesetting Rating Cards!

Hey there, climbers! You may have noticed new tags next to the routes in our gyms recently. These are our brand-new Routesetting Rating Cards, and we're thrilled to be introducing them!

We want to hear from the people we value the most - our Members! That's why we've added these rating cards. By sharing your feedback, you can help us create even better routes and a better climbing experience for everyone.

So how do these rating cards work?

First, after you climb a route, think about whether you found it Easier, Just Right, or Harder than the graded difficulty level.

Next, give the route an overall rating using a scale of 1-5 stars.

Our routesetting team will use this feedback to gain a better understanding of how their routes are being interpreted. We appreciate your help and can't wait to hear what you think about our new Routesetting Rating Cards!

What's Coming Up?

Queen City Boulder Bash 2023 & Member Appreciation Week

Save the Dates:

  • QCBB: 7/29
  • Member Appreciation Week: 7/31 - 8/4

It’s back!! Join us on Saturday, July 29th for our annual Queen City Boulder Bash! What makes this even better? Member Appreciation Week will directly follow QCBB!

Stay tuned for more information in the upcoming months!


What Else?

AAC Annual Climber Survey

The American Alpine Club is surveying the climbing community about who they are and what they value, so they can formulate and share the most accurate picture of the climbing community. 

Take just 5 minutes to share your thoughts in this anonymous survey. 

As a thank you for your time, the AAC is entering each person who completes the survey into a drawing for an equipment package from our partner Black Diamond!

Do you like the layout of this month's newsletter? (What's New, What's Coming Soon, What Else)
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