National Association of Congregational Christian Churches:
Community Connections- May 1, 2017
Leadership Council Highlights
Laura Hamby, Moderator

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ...  Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.  1 Corinthians 12:12-14 selected (NRSV)


Ministry Council Interns! Recognizing the body is one and has many members, we are excited to announce the Leadership Council (LC) has approved the position of Ministry Council (MC) Interns. The vision of the Strategic Planning Committee, this year's LC made it their priority to put a plan in place for HOPE aged adults to take an active part in the leadership of the NACCC.
MC Interns are adults between the ages of 18 and 24 years old. Interns have full voice and participate in consensus decisions. Interns serve a one-year term and are not counted among the five elected voting members of their respective MC. If you know of a potential Intern contact me, or a member of a MC. Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. Join me in welcoming MC Interns to the Leadership Team!

Volunteers from First Congregational Church of Nantucket, MA participated in a Habitat for Humanity project on April 23.
Board of Directors Highlights
Jim Waechter, Vice Moderator

Your NACCC leadership organized workshops at the Annual Meeting & Conference to help our congregations. The meeting will be held June 24-27 at Piedmont College in Demorest, GA. One workshop aimed at ministers is Preaching with Imagination: Preaching that Keeps the Preacher's Soul Alive.  Rev. Brett Younger, Senior Minister at Plymouth Church in Brooklyn, New York, will conduct the workshop. It will answer questions such as; How does a preacher keep offering a fresh and lively word? Can the preparation and delivery of sermons be a source of spiritual renewal week in and week out? How can preachers engage their own journey, the Scripture, the church and the world? We look forward to seeing you there. 
Donor Highlight: 
Lois Heilmann
Ashley Cleere, Vice President, Board of Governors

As May approaches, CFTS awards will be determined, and Lois Heilmann will make her annual contribution for the Heilmann Memorial Scholarship. When Lois's great grandparents immigrated to Etna, Pennsylvania from Germany in the late nineteenth century, they were pleased to find a German congregation. Honoring that heritage, Lois served on the Sunday School Association, Church Council, and as secretary at the First Congregational Church of Etna, in addition to working full time as an administrative assistant for a Pittsburgh attorney. She also shared her talent with the NACCC in several capacities, culminating with ten years as Association and Corporation Secretary. The opportunity to worship in different churches and build lasting friendships with people around the country was a "great plus" for Lois, and is a joy that continues as she keeps in touch with scholarship recipients.  

Cool Clicks

2017 Annual Meeting & Conference

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From Our Churches

First Congregational Church of Saugatuck, MI participated in a local beach clean up for Earth Day on April 22.

Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis, MN celebrated Plymouth Poetry Day on April 2.

On May 5, Congregational Church of the Messiah, located in Los Angeles, CA, will host Bingo de Mayo. 

Members from First Congregational Church of Portland, MI gathered to create crazy Easter bonnets on April 8.

The youth group from Mayfair Plymouth Church in Toledo, OH made "Blessings Bags" for homeless individuals on April 21.

First Congregational Church of Nantucket, MA hosted a "Tower Climb" on April 28. 
Apply for support to attend the AMC
The deadline to apply for the Providence Fund is May 5, 2017. Please consider taking advantage of this great opportunity! 
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Submissions for the June edition are due by  May 20, 2017
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 South Howell Ave
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1615