We hope you are all safe and well.  It's been a long, difficult road, but brighter summer days are ahead for us to enjoy.  And enjoy we will, provided we work together to keep each other, and our beloved pups safe.  Read on below and see what we're doing here at Redfern, and how classes will work from here on out.  
Welcome back!  We missed you.

Hello everyone!
Redfern will be holding classes again!!!
While we are really excited about being able to start holding classes again, there will need to be some changes (temporary) to our normal way of working.
First and foremost, ALL students MUST wear masks from the time they get out of their car until they return to their car! This is absolutely required until further notification.
Secondly, our routine 2' rule is expanded to a 6' distance from all others attending class. Social distancing will be required.
Other changes will be:
  • During the regular class sessions, we are limiting attendance to only 2 people per dog.
  • Please understand that the restrooms will be available ONLY for emergencies.
  • We will be cleaning surfaces in between classes, so the interval will be increased to 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 minutes.


Please be sure to read the article below with other guidelines!

Welcome back! We are really looking forward to seeing you and your pups!

  Take care of yourselves and be safe!                                              Betsy

When Will Classes Resume?
We're Glad You Asked!

We're doing our best to get back on track and comply with CDC guidelines.  Our first step has already occurred and is an email to allow the folks who had opted for a credit for their cancelled classes to have the chance to register first. Step two will be to post the new schedule and descriptions on our website.  That will be happening today or tomorrow.  Check the website for the most up-to-date information on upcoming classes.

Click the link below for detailed class descriptions,  training dates and registration.

See our complete training class descriptions and register right here at redferncanines.com

Here are just a few of our classes:

  • Puppy
  • Advanced Manners
  • Rally
  • Agility
  • Reactive Rover
  • Canine Good Citizen
  • Tricks
  • K9 Sampler
  • Nosework
  • Therapy Dog Preparation
Who is that Masked Human?

Believe it or not, your pup may not recognize you, or understand commands if they aren't accustomed to seeing you wear a mask.  Same is true for hats.  

As masks are required for classes at Redfern, we're asking that you wear one at home with your dog.  Practice your sits and stays while wearing the mask so Fido won't be surprised or afraid the first day of class.  Just like us, pups need to adjust to this new normal.  You can help them out.  

Put your mask on, and don't forget the treats!
Portia's on Maternity Leave!
Puppies are due June 9th.
Stay tuned for updates!


Red Cross  Blood Drive
Sponsored by WES Hanover Business Association
June 6th at
Redfern Training Center

We are sure you have been hearing in the news that blood donations are down. With hospitals starting to resume non-emergency surgeries, the need for blood is becoming more important. The Red Cross has implemented precautions for the safety of donors, the location is a 2,000sq ft open space, face masks are required, and will be provided if you need one. 

Please consider coming out to help with the need for blood!

You can schedule a donation by calling Tony Acri at (717) 996-4160 or by clicking here.

It doesn't take long to make a difference.  Please make plans to stop by and share a little of yourself.

New Rules: It's All About Safety

We've always had rules here at Redfern to protect both you and your pup.  Keep three feet between you and any other dog.  No long leads. Pay attention to body language.  These rules are all in the name of safety, and they will continue.  COVID19 has caused us to take further precautions which you'll read about below.  For the safety of our staff members and you, we're going to be diligent, and ask that you are as well.

1.  Masks are mandatory. Our space, while comfortable, does bring us in closer contact with each other.  We will err on the side of caution, believing better safe than sorry.

2. Wait in your car upon arrival.  On good days, it's easy for folks to bunch up at the entrance.  Please wait in your car until a staff member gives you the go-ahead to enter.  If you take your dog out to relieve itself, please maintain adequate social distancing, and do not enter the training center until we call you.

3.  If you're training for the first time with Redfern, you are required to attend our training seminar prior to obedience classes.  Only one person from each family may attend, and as always, your pup will not.  The seminar is for humans only. :)

4.  Upon entering the center, you'll find chairs have already been set in place.  Do not move them.  We've worked out how many folks we can train safely at one time and set up our space accordingly.  Each pup may have a maximum of two handlers in attendance.

5.  All of our Redfern toys are currently in storage.  If your pup will require a toy, or a bone to chew, please bring one with you, and take it home afterwards.

6.  When at all possible, help us to avoid cross-contamination.  Keep track of your belongings, and keep them with you.  Restroom facilities are of course available, but if you can follow your mother's rule and "go before you leave home," we can keep cleaning duties reasonable.  Our classes run back-to-back and there isn't much time to do a complete decontamination of our restrooms in between each user.

7.  Keep six feet between you and any other classmates.  That goes for the furry, four-legged ones as well.  It's easy to get caught up and forget, but we no longer have that luxury.

8.  We're asking all folks that sign up for a nose work class to bring their own dirty box.  A dirty box isn't actually dirty; it's the box that holds the finds for your pup.  We always use the same box to avoid cross-contamination.  Having you bring your own box adds another layer of safety for all of us.

Thank you in advance for your time and patience as we navigate these complicated times.  We truly believe that it is all worthwhile for your safety, and benefits us all.

Redfern Canines