May/June 2024

Volume 42 Issue 6

In this Newsletter:

  • Upcoming Events
  • President's Message
  • Branch Business
  • Connecting with Our Members
  • Giving Back
  • Other AAUW News
  • Branch Links
  • Our Advertisers


Spring Lunch & Installation of Officers

Annual Spring Lunch and Installation of 2024-2025 Officers

Saturday, May 18, 12-2 PM

Mama Mia’s Restaurant, 275 E. Dunne

Italian pasta buffet and salad, $46 per person

 AAUW branch honorees for 2024 announced.

RSVP required no later than May 10.

Guests welcome.

For complete details, go HERE.

 Questions? Contact Margo,

"School Board Project" May Program

A panel discussion designed to counter misinformation about what is being taught in local schools will be held May 13 at the MH Library. Details in weekly emails.

Read an update on the project HERE.

Day of Peace Meditation Workshop with James Morrison, former Buddhist monk

Saturday, June 8, 10am to 3 pm

Morgan Hill House at Villa Mira Monte

Organized by AAUW Pilgrim’s Process interest group.

More details to come in weekly emails

Contact is Carol O’Hare,  

June 15th Annual Board Retreat


Save the date of June 15 for our annual Board Retreat, to be held at the Jackson Oaks Clubhouse.

Agenda items will include:

  • Review strategic plan and set goals for 2024-2025
  • How to get members, especially new members, more involved.

Come be in the room where it happens - all members are welcome to participate. Watch the Sunday email for more details, or email Krisse Boursier.


President’s Message

Dear Wonderful Members,

I am excited to share our recent branch accomplishments, including again being recognized as a National AAUW 5-Star branch, thanks to your dedication and participation. And there are more activities and events to come. Click HERE to learn more.


Volunteer Photos
Runner Photos

2024 Wildflower Run

Joy Safakish and Bobbie Erb, Wildflower Run Co-Directors

This was another sold out Wildflower Run, bringing in near record proceeds. This could not have been possible without the wonderful volunteers who put in hundreds of hours to make the Run a success! It is truly amazing to watch months of work come together for this one big event. We are grateful for all the work that EVERYONE did to make this a reality. Read more HERE.

2024 Wildflower Run Sponsors

The 2024 Wildflower Run Corporate Sponsor Committee worked hard to raise over $29,300! A special thank you goes to our two California Poppy sponsors, Enza Zaden company and the South Valley Islamic Center, who joined 34 additional companies and agencies to support the work of AAUW MH. Thank you to the committee members who work hard year after year.

Amy Whelan, WFR Corporate Sponsor chair

2024 Wildflower Fund Member Campaign Report


The 2024 Wildflower Fund Member Giving Campaign is currently at  $17,202. And it is not too late to donate. If you receive a letter in the mail requesting your financial support, please consider making a gift to the Wildflower Fund to support education and equity for women and girls. You can help us get closer to our goal of $20,000. Many thanks to the 40% of members who have already donated.

Branch Election Results April 2024


Congratulations to the newly elected officers for 2024-2025.

President: Krisse Boursier

President Elect: Harpreet Vittal

Secretary: Sheila Dunwoodie

Treasurer: Karen George  

Officers will be installed at the Spring Lunch on May 18 at Mama Mia’s resturant.

The proposed bylaws amendments setting term limits for board members were also approved unanimously. Thanks to everyone who responded.

Carol O’Hare, Governance Chair

Young Women Leaders Leadership Conference 2024

After months of conversation, preparation, and organization, the Young Women Leaders

Leadership Conference, with the mentorship of the AAUW MH, was held on March 9, 2024 at Central High School, Morgan Hill. The conference was attended by 37 eager young women interested in improving their leadership and advocacy skills. The topics covered a wide range of subjects chosen by the YWL members. The participant survey deemed the conference a success! Read MORE.

Earth Day 2024

Our annual Earth Day Festival on April 20 was a fantastic success! Attendees learned about the numerous ways that we can care for the earth. Displays and vendor booths, e-cars and bicycles, plants and bees, food and music, and happy crowds of all ages came together to make this a fun and educational event for the community. 

Click HERE for more photos and details.

New Members

To learn about our six newest members, go HERE.


Member Profile: Karen Kinsinger

Karen Kinsinger has been a member since 1985 and organized some of the branch’s earliest activities. READ how she came to Morgan Hill after beginning life in a very small town in Oklahoma.

Ellen Freitas 1950-2024

Ellen Freitas, AAUW member for more than 30 years, died March 19, 2024, at the age of 74. She had suffered a major stroke last year. Ellen served as branch treasurer, participated in YES and Hole in the Heart groups, and always helped at the Wildflower Run. She is survived by two daughters, son-in-law, and a grandson. READ more about Ellen.

Beth Wyman's Book

Congratulations to Beth Wyman on the publication of the newest version of her book, “Hiram Morgan Hill: The Man Not the Mountain” The book is available for sale at BookSmart, Villa Mira Monte, or from

Susan Hines Woman of the Year

Member Susan Hines was honored as 2024 Woman of the Year at the Morgan Hill Chamber Celebrate event on March 24. A longtime community advocate of STEAM education, Susan is the founder and president of the South Valley Science and Engineering Initiative. Here she is (4th from left) surrounded by her AAUW friends.

New Members Wine & Whine

For the April Wine & Whine, we gathered at the Grange to welcome and celebrate our newest branch members. READ all about it and see the pictures here.



Meet Briell Delisle, our AAUW branch 2024 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) scholarship recipient. She will attend this leadership conference at the University of Maryland the end of May. A graduate of Ann Sobrato High School, Briell now attends Oregon State University. Read MORE about Brielle and NCCWSL.

Tech Trek Update 2024

We have completed selection of our ten 2024 Tech Trek campers! Eight of them were introduced at the Wildflower Run. The rising eighth graders represent all six of the MH middle schools. The girls will attend Camp Carson at CSU Monterey Bay – the first year for this new location.

If you are interested in helping with camp operations, contact Krisse Boursier.

For more information about Tech Trek go HERE.


AAUW CA Lobby Days

Four branch board members participated in AAUW CA Lobby Days in Sacramento in early April.

READ about the three signature bills that AAUW is supporting and how you can lend your voice to helping them pass.

Faith Ringgold, internationally renowned artist, educator, and social activist, died April 2024 at the age of 93. She used her art to draw attention to racism and gender inequality and became famous for her painted story quilts.


In 2015 she was the recipient of the AAUW Alumnae Recognition Award that was presented by AAUW’s Gloria Blackwell at the national convention in San Diego. She had received an AAUW Creative Arts Award in 1976.

Tired of those sticky paper name tags?

Order a nifty name badge from:

Make It Mine, 101 Main Street, Morgan Hill

408-776-0556 or

The price is $12 plus tax.


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