ICYMI: Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon
Congratulations to Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon participants – Sisters Sally Duffy, Annie Klapheke, Joyce Richter, Associate Karen Martin and Justice Promoter Mackenzie Doyle. All five runners/walkers joined efforts to raise funds for Ignite Peace, an organization in Cincinnati that educates and advocates for peace, challenges unjust systems, and promotes the creation of a nonviolent society. In total, the team raised nearly $15,000 for the organization and its programs. Read more about the participants and why they became involved here 
Giving Voice will host its national gathering June 13-16, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. This year’s theme is “Being Seeds of Encounter and Communion.” The joyful annual gathering is open to all Sisters aged 50 and under. Click image above for more details.
Up the Line
In April Affiliate Karina Montes-Ayala and Pre-entrant Sandra Ramirez traveled “Up the Line” - I-25 from Albuquerque to Denver - with Sisters Andrea Koverman, Peggy Deneweth and Carol Wirtz. The journey to various ministries, past and present, where Sisters of Charity lived and served offered the two discerners the opportunity to learn more about the Community’s history and service to God’s people – a legacy that continues today. Learn more about the tremendous impact the experience had on both women as well as the Sisters accompanying them here.
Connect With Us
If you are interested in learning more about life as a Sister of Charity, please contact S. Tracy Kemme at vocations@srcharitycinti.org or 513-400-4628. For other ways to connect and stay informed, click here.

E-Vōc is the electronic newsletter from the Vocations Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single women wondering what new thing God is calling forth in their lives. To join the E-Vōc mailing list, contact Erin Reder at erin.reder@srcharitycinti.org. To unsubscribe, click here.