How Do We Define Quality?
Educators throw around terms like “best practices,” often without a common agreement of what constitutes powerful teaching and learning. Without consensus regarding what quality programming looks like, it is easy to develop blind spots and inconsistencies in our practice.
Recently, the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre released two documents to define quality physical education programming based on:
- Learning Environment
- Instruction
- Curriculum
- Assessment
- Professionalism
The following guiding documents define specific elements that optimize student learning in physical education.
1st Best Instruction: Elementary Physical Education
1st Best instruction: Secondary Physical Education
These documents are not intended to be used to evaluate teacher practice. Even the best teachers will identify things that haven’t previously been on their radar. Instead, these documents are intended to cultivate reflection, conversation, collaboration, and innovation in our work. They are meant to evolve our practice and develop students’ physical literacy in a manner that is equitable, meaningful and empowering.
Take a few minutes to review the document that best matches the students you work with. Consider using it to:
Reflect on your current practice by jotting down “evidence” for each of the descriptors. What strengths and opportunities do you see?
Share and discuss it with colleagues at department/district meetings (perhaps focusing on one element every time you meet). How might policies, procedures and programming evolve?
Plan future units and lessons. What can we do to engage students meaningfully with content?
Design a student survey to collect feedback on students’ experiences. What do they say about their learning and experiences? How might we better serve them?
Share with site/district leaders, including induction providers, so they better understand what quality physical education looks like. What support do you need to evolve programming?
Create a multi-year plan to evolve your practice and programs over time. How can we implement meaningful change without being overwhelmed?
The SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre will provide professional learning during the 2024-25 school year that will provide a “deep dive” into each of these documents. In the meantime, review the indicators. Wrap your head around them. Use them to start conversations. Consider the possibilities.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do to support you, your site, or district. Wishing you the best of luck as you finish the school year!