The Landscape Conservation Bulletin
A bi-monthly service of the Network for 
Landscape Conservation
May 2022
Dear Network Friends,

With the summer months approaching, we are looking forward to enjoying time outside with family and friends. But we also know that this is one of the most critical times for landscape conservation in US history and we must keep our focus and energy on these opportunities.

Just over a year ago, the Biden Administration announced the America the Beautiful Initiative, an ambitious vision rooted in a collaborative landscape conservation approach. And just last month the America the Beautiful Challenge was announced, a $1 billion public-private program that is designed to deliver the resources necessary to achieve the Administration’s vision. We are delighted to see resources being focused on delivering locally-led conservation and restoration at the landscape-scale, and will be excited to see the wonderful projects funded through the Challenge.

We see a critical missing piece though that could leverage and extend the impact of these investments: targeted support to build the collaborative capacity of landscape conservation partnerships. Such partnerships are critical vehicles for bringing together stakeholders and communities to identify shared priorities and goals, and shepherd projects forward that transcend jurisdictions and achieve the necessary conservation impacts at a scale that can respond to the interwoven biodiversity, climate, and environmental injustice crises.

We look forward to continuing to think about where such investments could come from, and how they can most effectively and efficiently delivered to support the inspiring work that you all are doing in your landscapes—and hope to continue hearing what you all are seeing and thinking about in relation to the America the Beautiful Challenge!
In This Issue
Decolonizing Conservation
Landscape Conservation as Climate Solution
Additional Landscape Conservation News
Upcoming Events
Landscape Conservation Job Board
Webinars & Additional Resources
Deb Davidson
Associate Director, Network for Landscape Conservation;
Vice President for Partnerships and Advancement, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Cover photo: Vermont's Green Mountains. Credit: Patrick Bald on Unsplash.
Featured News
Decolonizing conservation and embracing the relationship between people and nature
The conventional approach to conservation has historically focused on protected areas, and the “setting aside” of land. An underlying principle has been the divide between humans and nature. As we’ve increasingly recognized that today’s challenges—the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis, environmental injustice—are too large (and too interconnected) to effectively address through protected area approaches to conservation, the need to work at the landscape scale is increasingly clear, and increasingly embraced. This shift to the landscape scale also focuses attention on a shift from an emphasis on a divide to an emphasis on the relationship between people and nature.

An article in Hakai Magazine highlights a new paper from Indigenous researchers and practitioners that offers up insights rooted in this relationship, and outlines seven principles around decolonizing conservation. An article in The Tyee further underscores this shift, as it powerfully explores how Indigenous knowledge systems might inform salmon restoration efforts in British Columbia. Elsewhere, a set of colleagues came together to explore how the framing of conservation has and continues to shift around the connection of people and nature, and offers insights on barriers that have been limiting efforts to increase aligned impact for nature and human well-being. And finally, the North America Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Wilderness and Protected Areas Conservation recently released a report on engaging with Indigenous Peoples in the management of protected areas in North America, outlining how a more holistic model that recognizes the interconnectedness of humans and nature will be essential to stewarding our landscapes and supporting our human communities. 

Featured News
Tracking landscape conservation as a climate response
In discussions on addressing the climate crisis, natural climate solutions are increasingly drawing attention—conservation and stewardship clearly needs to be part of the climate response moving forward. As a recent article in The Revelator highlights, climate change and biodiversity loss are interconnected crises, and our response can be interconnected as well: new research suggests that the majority of proposed responses to limit species’ extinction risk also bring climate benefits. Elsewhere, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy just released a new Policy Focus Report that documents successful examples of land trusts and conservancies that are advancing climate solutions—read an interview with Jim Levitt, one of the principle authors of the report. Elsewhere, the Open Space Institute and Thrive Regional Partnership have partnered in launching a “Resilient Communities” program to help communities in the Southeast plan for and respond to climate impacts. And recognizing that the systems-level scale of the climate crisis requires a systems-level approach, the Network itself is currently working to assess the capacity of landscape conservation collaboratives and partnerships to advance climate-focused conservation and stewardship—and what such collaboratives need to be more successful. We look forward to sharing more as the analysis progresses.

Rescuing the Planet: Protecting Half the Land to Heal the Earth

In March 2021, author Tony Hiss published his latest book, Rescuing the Planet: Protecting Half the Land to Heal the Earth. Just last month, it was released in paperback, featuring a new afterword. When the book first came out, we were very fortunate to be able to host Tony and Val Courtois of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative to explore the themes of the book—you can revisit their conversation here.

Tony too has set out to offer a free virtual presentation on the book, the underlying biodiversity emergency, and the solution that's within our reach to any group or organization or place interested in hearing more. Let us know and we can connect you to Tony.

Additional Landscape Conservation News
The Luc Hoffman Institute releases a new report that underscores the rapidly shifting context in which conservation NGOs are operating, and the increasingly urgent need for conservation actions—and explores where and how conservation NGOs can transform to meet the opportunity. 

The government of Canada launches a new National Program for Ecological Corridors, which will provide more than $60 million in funding over five years to develop better ecological connections between protected and conserved areas.

California releases its final report outlining the state’s strategy to achieve its 30x30 goal. 

The Center for Large Landscape Conservation releases an Ecological Connectivity Policy Compendium that details significant federal and state policies enacted from 2007 to 2021 in support of connectivity.
Maryland enacts the Conservation Finance Act, the nation’s first conservation law focused on private finance and intended to enable changes to state contracting law, environmental funds, and green infrastructure programs to help achieve Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, forest conservation, climate, and environmental justice goals without increasing the state budget.

Article from the Conservation Finance Network highlights the Department of Defense’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) program, and highlights examples of how conservation organizations have been able to leverage these resources to advance conservation outcomes. 

A Wildlands and Woodlands post highlights a new study that reveals striking disparities in the distribution of conserved land across multiple dimensions of social marginalization in New England – and creates a tool to help address these inequities in conservation.

The Forest Service announces its initial investments as part of its ten-year Wildfire Strategy, targeting ten landscapes in eight states across the West. 

President Biden announces an Executive Order to strengthen America’s forests, protect against wildfire threats, support local economies, and reduce climate pollution.

The White House Coastal Resilience Interagency Working Group releases a compendium of more than 100 information resources and 48 federal programs that can support nature-based solutions in coastal areas.

National Wildlife Federation releases new report that highlights habitat loss impacts on wildlife, hunting, and fishing. 

Secretary Haaland announces the first round of grants through the Improving Habitat Quality in Western Big Game Migration Corridors and Habitat Connectivity program. 

A Yellowstone-to-Yukon Conservation Initiative news post highlights new research showing the success of Indigenous-led conservation efforts in recovering caribou populations. 

High Country News article highlights a new analysis that underscores how rural communities struggle to access federal funding grant programs. 

The Pew Charitable Trusts features an interview with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment and Energy Resilience Richard Kidd, and highlights the South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative—an effort to protect shorelines, military installations, and wildlife by conserving a million acres of coastal habitat from North Carolina to northern Florida.

Blogpost from the Institute for Conservation Leadership reflects on the value of being comfortable with ambiguity in leading collaboratives and networks. 

Article from The Food & Environment Reporting Network highlights how prescribed fire is a solution to a range of problems in the forests and grasslands of the Eastern United States.

Anthropocene article highlights new research showing that protected areas alone are not enough for maintaining species populations.

Article in The Narwhal highlights how the Ontario government has scaled back efforts to expand the Ontario Greenbelt around Toronto, outlining what is and is no longer included in the expansion plan.

Blogpost from the Environmental Dispute Resolution Program at the University of Utah explores why and how co-creating a factual foundation can be a powerful tool to building effective collaboration. 

More than 360 state legislators sign onto a letter to the Biden Administration calling for a national biodiversity strategy. 
Upcoming Conferences & Events

* * *

June 1-3, 2022 — Healthy Public Lands Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah
Note: includes a livestream option

Saint Paul, Minnesota
Note: will include both an in-person and virtual option

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Paradise Valley, Montana

Gulf Coast, Alabama
Note: rescheduled to this September date from its originally scheduled March 29-31 dates

Denver, Colorado
Note: will include both an in-person and virtual option

October 17-20, 2022 — Inaugural Women’s Forest Congress 
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Landscape Conservation Job Board

* * *

Senior Communications and Special Projects Specialist, Salazar Center for North American Conservation

Communications & Development Coordinator, Center for Large Landscape Conservation

Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison, Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance

Partnership & Collaboration Director, West Region Wildfire Council

This section of the Landscape Conservation Bulletin is intended to be a space to share job postings that will be specifically relevant to landscape conservation practitioners. We welcome submissions: if your organization would like to widely distribute a posting please be in touch.

Webinars & Additional Resources

The Open Space Institute and the Land Trust Alliance are currently accepting proposals through the Land and Climate Catalyst Planning Grants program—intended to help land trusts, other not-for-profit organizations, and state and federally recognized Tribes integrate climate science into strategic land protection plans or forest stewardship plans. Application deadline is June 8. 
The Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation is currently accepting proposals to a newly launched "Accelerating Connections” grant program, intended to accelerate land conservation in the Florida Wildlife Corridor. Letters of inquiry due by July 1.

* * *

A Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition webinar
June 1, 2022

An NPS Connected Conservation webinar
June 2, 2022

A "Demystifying Wildlife Crossing Infrastructure Projects" webinar
June 9, 2022

A Living Landscape Observer webinar
June 15, 2022

A Y2Y 'Ethical Space' workshop series webinar
June 23, 2022

A Knoll Farm intensive workshop
July 5-8, 2022

Following cancellation of the 2020 Conservation Finance Boot Camp, the Conservation Finance Network compiled a 4-part video short course, which is available via the above link.

A weekly podcast that explores the challenges presented by adapting to climate change and the approaches the field's best minds believe are already working.

A podcast that explores the intersection of social and environmental advocacy, and seeks to uncover the actions people are taking around the world to showcase the symbiotic, yet sometimes tumultuous, relationship between people and nature.

Recordings of past webinars of the Connected Conservation webinar series are available on the National Park Service Connected Conservation website.

Recordings of past NLC Landscape Conservation in Action webinars are available on the Network's Landscape Conservation in Action Webinar Series page.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is the community of practice for practitioners advancing collaborative, cross-boundary conservation as an essential approach to protect nature, culture, and community in the 21st Century.

Contact Ernest Cook, Network Director, for more information. 

Contributions of news, upcoming events, resources, and job postings for future Bulletins are welcomed. We also welcome inquires for potential future "Perspectives: Landscapes Conservation in Action" stories; please be in touch if you are interested in sharing stories and insights from your work.

The Network for Landscape Conservation is a fiscally sponsored project of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, P.O. Box 1587, Bozeman, MT 59771