Amanda Skenandore's novel The Second Life of Mirielle West, tells the story of a silent film star's wife who abruptly crumbles when she’s forcibly quarantined at the Carville Lepers Home.
From Amanda Skenadore: "Pecan trees were scattered about the grounds of Carville. Patients would gather them to eat in the fall when the nuts dropped. So any dish with pecans—pecan pie, pecan chicken salad, banana nut bread—would tie in with the book. Foods Mirielle and the other characters would have found at the canteen could also make a fun book club addition. Coca-Cola (in glass bottles), Charleston Chews, Hershey’s Chocolate Bars, Cracker Jacks, and Oh Henry! bars are a few mentioned in the novel. Other candies that were around in the 1920s include Tootsie Rolls, Bit-O-Honeys, Gummy Bears, Baby Ruths, Abba-Zabas, and Double Bubble chewing gum.”