Grounded in the Gospel, guided by the Spirit,

we are a people and place of grace!

Weekly News & Updates

Thursday, May 9

170th anniversary (1920 x 500 px).jpg

Worship 9:00 am on Sundays

6:00 pm on Tuesdays.

Communion on first and third weeks.


Council Minutes



Prayer Requests



Celebrating 170 Years

On May 12, 1854, the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Chisago Lake was officially organized at a congregation meeting presided over by The Reverend Erland Carlsson of Chicago as he traveled through the area.

This congregation is now known to you as Chisago Lake Lutheran Church! We recall and honor how this congregation began with the dreams of those stepping out in faith to a new and different life and place. They brought with them their faith and love of Christ binding them together as a community. Please join us as we celebrate these 170 years of faith and ministry here in the Chisago Lake area!

Join us during the month of May as we acknowledge and

celebrate Chisago Lake Lutheran Church’s 170 Anniversary.

Sunday, May 5th Dala Horse painting activity for ALL! Explore the history of this iconic Swedish symbol and paint a Dala Horse ornament. 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

Friday, May 10thAmerican Swedish Institute Male Chorus Concert 7:00 PM - Refreshments will be served by the Historical Committee following the concert.

Sunday, May 12 – Honoring the women in the congregation on Mother’s Day.

Sunday, May 19Pentecost Sunday, Founder’s Day Celebration

  • Congregational Photo -  Immediately following the 9:00AM worship service we will gather on the front steps/lawn of the church for congregational photo. We hope to have as many of our members there as possible.

  • Breakfast Buffet during the Fellowship time.  Following the congregational photo, join us in the Fellowship Hall for an assortment of egg bakes, breakfast pizza, pastries, fruit and beverages.

Sunday, May 26thMemorial Day Weekend – Tree planting commemorating 170 years of ministry and HONORING the men and women who have sacrificed their lives in military service for our Country. 

The Heritage Room

Did you know we have an entire room dedicated to the history of Chisago Lake Lutheran Church? 

It will be open after worship every Sunday in May for you to explore! It is in the undercroft (fancy word for church basement).

There will also be a display by the coat racks on level 2. The first two Sundays will be about the first wood frame church (1856-1882). Mark and Barb Wikelius will be there to show it off and share with you about that church. Ask them anything about the history of the church, they are a wealth of knowledge on such things!

The second half of the month will focus on Christian Education over the years.



LET’S PACK THE CHURCH next Sunday for a special day of celebrating the church’s birthday along with the birthday celebration of CLLC! Directly following worship, we will step out the doors to the steps for congregational photo! Then make your way to the Fellowship Hall for some fellowship time, where a Breakfast Buffet will be served.


Special shirts celebrating 170 years have been printed and will be available for purchase!

 HAVE YOU HEARD??! Coming soon to Chisago Lake Lutheran members and friends!! RightNow Media is a streaming service Chisago Lake Lutheran will soon be making available to you! It has something for everyone. You will be able to access Biblically-based videos on topics like marriage, parenting, youth, recovery, leadership, finances and much more. Watch for more information, launch date for this service will be May 19.



In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”  ~Acts 2:17


On April 17, there was a cottage meeting held in the Fellowship Hall here at CLLC.  This visioning session was attended by 53 people following Sunday Worship. In a spirit of transparency and ongoing dialogue, our Church Council invites everyone to review the raw results of this initial brainstorming session. You may find the results in your E Newsletter that is emailed out weekly. There are also copies on the Welcome table as well as available through the office.

See Results Here

New Church Directory!

Our Photo Dates Are: Wednesday - Saturday, May 29 - June1

Weekday Photo Hours are 2:00-8:30 Saturday is 10:00-4:00

Onine Scheduling Available!

Here’s how to sign up...

To schedule your photography appointment, simply go to or follow the link below.

Enter mn449 in the Church Code field and enter photos in the Church Password field.

Note: Church Code & Password are case sensitive.

Follow the prompts to schedule your family’s appointment time.

Please help us make this a complete directory by having your portrait included!

You may also sign up Sundays at the Welcome table or through the office!

Appointments fill up quickly, so schedule as soon as possible to secure your preferred time.


VBS is coming to CLLC!!

Join us for this fun week of playing and learning about God’s love for us!!

VBS 2024

June 17 - June 20, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Games, songs, Bible stories, laughter, playing, snacks, friends

Bring a friend and join the fun this summer!

6th Grade and up, be a leader and join the fun!

Download Registration Form

Sign up Online:

Donations needed!! Sign up:

Chisago Lake Lutheran and Gladys L. Johnson Scholarships – Both scholarships are available to any student planning to attend a Christian college, seminary, public college, university, or vocational institute in the fall of 2024.

Ø The Chisago Lake Lutheran Scholarship is available to church members only.

Ø The Gladys Johnson Scholarship is available to anyone in MN or WI. 

You can pick up applications at the church office or have them mailed/emailed to you by contacting the office; or 651-257-6300.

Applications are due June 16 to the church office and will be awarded in July.

CLLC Scholarship
Gladys Johnson Scholarship
Acolyting Sign-Up



Join Pastor Brian For Our New Adult Forum Series

Following an immersive journey through the history, geography, and accounts of Jesus through the Gospels, join Pastor Brian and others as we now explore what happened next and investigate the lives of the very first Christians. Beginning in Jerusalem and using the Book of Acts as our roadmap, we will travel the Mediterranean region to share the people, places and events that launched the Christian faith, including the missionary journeys of Paul and the apocalyptic visions and writings of John of Patmos found in the Book of Revelation. Join us in the Green Room most Sundays following worship this Spring and Summer!

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 Tuesdays, 6:00 - 6:30 pm

Although we will still utilize our beautiful and historic sanctuary, the service itself will be less formal, featuring contemporary music (both live and pre-recorded) centered around the key lesson and sermon from the previous Sunday. Please help us spread the word and invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to join us!


Pastor Brian – 

Sue Office Coordinator

Stacy – Children, Youth and Family Coordinator

Stephanie- Accounting

Myrna - Music


OFFICE PHONE: 651-257-6300     

OFFICE HOURS; Mon - Thurs; 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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