LWVOPRF May 8 Week in Preview
Annual Meeting Packet
Our Annual Meeting date of Tuesday, May 23rd is fast approaching. As per our Bylaws, information on the meeting must be shared with members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.  The draft of the 2017-18 Bylaws were in last week's May newsletter.  If you missed them, here they are again - Bylaws. In addition, the Annual Meeting Packet has the agenda, year end committee reports, Hazel Hanson Award Nominee, and the proposed 2017-18 budget and Board and Committee Chair nominations.  Please take the time to review all of this information before the May 23rd meeting. Since we are providing a light supper between the Business Meeting that starts at 5:30pm and our speaker, Dr. Susan Kern, a RSVP is requested. Please contact Marge Massarello if you are going to attend.  We do need a quorum to get this work done, so please plan to join us at the Oak Park Township Senior Room.
This Week
Second Tuesday -  May 9, Lucia Whalen, Environmental Advocate and Climate Reality Leader will be presenting at the Nineteenth Century Club, 9;30-11:00 am.

Plant Sale Fundraiser for LWV OPRF - May 12, 13, and 14 at Good Earth Greenhouse. Please bring this coupon with you!

Before the Flood - Movie screening and panel discussion on Wednesday, May 17, Oak Park Library, 6:30 pm.  Flyer

Deputy Registrar Training  - You have another chance to get trained to become a Deputy Registrar on Monday, May 22 at 6:30 pm.  They need 25 people to make this happen at the Democratic Party of Oak Park North Ave. Office.  Please contact DPOP to register.

LWV Chicago - May Newsletter - check out what our sister League is doing.

You can now sign up for the LWV IL Biennial Convention in Des Plaines, June 10-11 and the workshops scheduled for June 9.  Registration information is on the  LWVIL website.  Interested in being a delegate for our League? Contact Marge Massarello.
Advocacy with our Legislators
Our Advocacy Committee had their last legislative visit on May 3.  They met with Rep. Ford and discussed the many issues facing our community and our state.  Read the  recap of the meeting . We thank the Advocacy Committee for all their hard work this year!
Sad News
Member Barbara McLachlan passed away on May 6.  She had been ill for some time.  Her daughter Maureen is planning a memorial/celebration of life ceremony for the future.  Once we know the date and location, we will share it with members.