Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Those of you who attended a District 4 Regional in 2022 may have found yourselves playing at some tables that were either wobbly or had ripped covers. Frankly, it was embarrassing. To avoid a repeat of that experience, a group of volunteers came together with an offer to review each and every table in the District inventory… that’s nearly 300 tables! They spent the better part of a day opening every table to check stability and condition, then sorted them into 3 groups – unusable (aka trash), stable with surface defects, and stable with no blemishes.
I truly appreciate their efforts and want to publically acknowledge and thank this all-volunteer crew for unselfishly doing this work for the good of the District Regionals. The volunteer crew included: Kurt Engleman, Caroline Hughes, Marc Labovitz, and John Strange. I also want to recognize Marc’s additional efforts in organizing the day with our storage vendor, who even agreed to donate their time to move pallets around, facilitating the review process. If you appreciate their efforts as much as I do, please let them know next time you see them. High fives all around!
Bridge at the Beach is underway. Tournament Chairs Kim Holm and Caroline Hughes and their energetic team of volunteers have planned another fantastic week of bridge. Here’s wishing cheerful opponents and successful finesses to all who attend!
The 2023 Philadelphia Regional will be held at the Alloy (a Doubletree Hotel by Hilton), King of Prussia.
CLICK HERE for additional details. Below are some reminders and additional details about the week:
- Best Practices teacher program: The week kicks off early with this course offering on Sunday, and continuing Monday (6/25-26). District 4 is subsidizing a portion of the course and assessment fees for District 4 members, so it’s just $50! Interested? See the schedule and how to enroll HERE.
- Tuesday & Wednesday evening – 6/27-28; 7pm: This is a Regionally-rated Stratified Pairs game across two evenings. So whether you work during the day, or are just extra hungry for gold points, come and play in these “3rd Session” games.
- Online Regional Game – If you’re unable to attend in-person, look at this…. A Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge event played on BBO Saturday and Sunday afternoons (2:15, 7/1-2) – that’s crazy!! This pairs event is open EXCLUSIVELY to District 4 members. Three sections are planned – Gold Rush, Mid-Flight, and Open Pairs. More details will be posted in the coming weeks.
- Hey, maybe by Thursday evening you’ll be ready for a new challenge. How about Mahjong? Arrive in time for the quick lesson/refresher at 6:30 and stay for the games. Your hosts, Vinnie and Mark, hope to see you there!
- Need a Room? Room reservations at the bridge rate close on June 6. Don’t wait… book your room today!
The tournament chairs are looking forward to welcoming you to the Finger Lakes Regional in Rochester NY. CLICK HERE for the schedule and hotel information.
Until next month,
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
By now you have probably all heard the news. Bronia Jenkins will be the new ACBL Executive Director of the ACBL. Bronia is an MIT graduate who has played bridge for 35 years, won three national championships and a silver medal in world competition.
Bronia has strong business management experience from her early career on Wall Street. She took a 16-year hiatus from her career to raise her two children and her latest career was as a high school math teacher where she created a website for her students to prepare them for SATs.
Bronia not only brings a strong professional background to the job, but she is bursting with energy, enthusiasm and confidence – I am very excited about our choice for this role.
Board Meetings – New Orleans
- The ACBL board met for four days in New Orleans prior to the NABC.
- Highlights of the New Orleans board meeting:
- 2023 Budget was passed, projecting a gain from operations of $109,000.
- Bylaw changes were passed that will protect the ACBL under the Federal Arbitration Act for disciplinary cases heard by the Institute for Bridge Arbitration.
- Additional and continued support was given to multiple membership initiatives currently in the works.
- The Goodwill Reception at NABCs will be an annual event beginning in 2024.
- Comprehensive scheduling for online and face-to-face tournaments was planned.
Here is the link to the complete board meeting report.
May 1-5
June 26-July 2
August 7-11
October 30-November 5
December 14-16
May 17-18
June 2-4
June 7-8
July 8-9
September 8-10
September 22-23
October 6-8
October 20-22
November 11-12
December 14-16
May 8-14
July 31-August 6
November 13-19
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
For Novices Only
by Marti Ronemus
Finally, face-to-face bridge is getting back on track, and we’re coming into the height of the tournament season. Thank goodness! Many newcomers haven’t yet entered the tournament world, and I want to talk with you.
You see, I’m going to tell you something a little different: I’m not just welcoming you, I’m warning you. You don’t know what you’re in for, and I need to alert you. You are about to become utterly addicted to a strange new world. Life as you know it is over. You won’t notice the little changes at first. It’s probably already too late.
When you get to your first tournament, you’re going to see some very strange things.
See those people who seem to be passed out on the sofas and chairs everywhere in the lobby? Do they look normal to you? They’re not homeless; they haven’t wandered in from the street looking for a place to nap. Nope. They’re just players resting between games. Is that the way normal people look?
Wait till you eavesdrop on conversations in restaurants. Normal people talk about movies, friends’ affairs, their children. Most of these bridge-playing diners used to be great conversationalists, charming and witty as well. But look at them now, clutching their hand records and private score sheets. All they can talk about is whether or not Reverse Drury could have saved their bottom on board fifteen. (Spoiler Alert: It couldn’t have.)
True story: I was lecturing and directing at an NABC, traveling with a girlfriend, Tenna, who didn’t play bridge. I invited her to dinner with a group of directors. “Finally,” I thought, “Tenna will see how interesting and wonderful my world is.” The evening was fabulous, funny. We shared stories about strange rulings and even stranger players; we laughed about great hands misplayed. We debated and pondered director calls. It was downright scintillating.
When we were back in our room I asked my friend if she had a good time.
“Good time? Are you kidding? That was the single most boring night of my life...and I was married to a hydraulics engineer!”
My personal journey down the rabbit hole is pretty typical. It started very innocently. My husband and I went to Nationals. We had taken a couple bridge lessons and someone told us there was a tournament about 20 miles away. Gosh, we said, why not? Just like you, right?
Wow. We were knocked over! Hundreds of tables of bridge going all at the same time. Games just for players as clueless as we were. Wonderful speakers, right before the game. So we played... and at the end of the game, they announced that Gary and I had won the 0-5 game! We got great glasses saying WINNERS to prove it! (And didn’t we thrust those on people...till the ink wore off.) Our first Nationals hooked us. We were done for. Our lives as we knew them were over.
And now? I only have two friends left who don’t play bridge. I think Reverse Drury is the neatest thing since beer in cans, and I suffer separation anxiety when I can’t find my convention card.
Recognize any of those feelings? See, it’s already too late. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Let me hear from you about your experiences. I actually want to know what happened, unlike many of your friends!
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Nick should watch his ego. Where does he get off calling his own bid "ridiculous, misdescriptive, fatuous"? Read how the gang weighs in on this puzzler here.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Thank you to Liz Meacham, tournament chair, and all who participated in the Rochester Sectional. The event was very well received and enjoyed by all!
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Club Master
Katie Sullivan, Clinton
Sally Turner, Webster
NABC Master
Lori Vanderlinde, Fairport
Ruby Life Master
Gene Marks, Ithaca
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
May 21, 2023:
The Honesdale Hawley DBC will be hosting a “Welcome Back” party at the Central House, 81 Milanville Road in Beach Lake, PA 18405. Phone # is 570-729-7411.
The cost is $35.00. Players will be subsidized according to the number of times they have played with the club. Make reservations by emailing and pay at the door. Please come with a partner, but
if you let Jim Mazeika know, he may be able to find one for you.
The game starts at 11 AM. There will be two sessions of bridge if enough players stay.
The menu is:
- 12:30 PM hors d'oeuvres
- 3:00 PM salad
- 4:00 Prime rib or maple glazed salmon
- Roasted red potatoes
- Broccoli and cauliflower mix
- An array of desserts to choose from
Anyone who has played at the club or party after September 2021 would have shown their covid vaccination card and will be in on record. If you haven't shown your card before, please bring your card with you as it must be shown before being admitted to the game.
Masks are not required, however if someone at a table requests you wear a mask, you must comply.
June 11, 2023:
Unit 120 Membership Appreciation game party and Annual Meeting of Unit 120 will be held at Glenmaura National Golf Club, Moosic, PA. Details are being finalized and will be sent soon regarding time and reservation information.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Carl Ziegler
Check back next month for Unit 121 news.
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
New Rank Advancements
New Club Master
Dorothy Cockrell
Unit 141: Philadelphia
John Dickenson
Well, Unit 141 held its second sectional tournament of 2023 at the King of Prussia Bridge Club and was it a doozy! We had 203 tables which made it by far the largest sectional held in District 4 so far this year. Many thanks to the terrific volunteers who made the tournament such a success.
Don’t miss our next Intermediate/Novice sectional, also to be held at KOPBC on May 17 and 18. This tournament will offer players with fewer than 500 masterpoints an opportunity to get their silver points while playing against their peers. Visit our U141 website for details. Preregistration is required.
A warm welcome to our newest PCBA members!
Stephanie A Abbonnizio
Patty Bartolomeo
Richard J Battista
Scott Case
Jim R Frick
Robert W Kachelries
Shira Kramer
Milton Ludwigson
Suzanne McAnena
Anne Oglevee
Deborah A Robinson
Randy J Schwartz
Ellen Sova
Michael Sova
Samba A Sowe
Mark Stout
Jeanne Vollmer
Dan Walters
Nan Ward
Linda A Weinstein
Congratulations to our members who achieved a new rank!
Junior Masters
Stacey L Ackerman
Louise Brandon
Michael J Denner
Leah Depaul
Karen Kulp
Lee Manonian
Denise J Silvers
Beth W Waks
Club Masters
Ed London
Andrea Malinowski
Thomas Pajak
Sectional Masters
Jane E Austin
Karen Batchelder
Jane M Bonenberger
Mary M Carmichael
David C Harrison
Jacqueline Zelle
Regional Masters
Alan M Kaplan
Margaret L Stabert
NABC Master
Ann Lawson
Bronze Life Master
Cynthia Martin
Silver Life Masters
Maureen R McLaughlin
John A Tampanello
Diamond Life Master
Nancy C Kaercher
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Russell Poppleton
Okay, animal lovers: Here are some signs from the local vet.
- Dinosaurs never went to the vet and look what happened
- Unattended children will be given an expresso and a free puppy
- Energizer bunny arrested, charged with battery
- What happened to the lion that ate the clown ... he felt funny
Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:
Monica Kurtz
Mark Kurtz
Richard Jackson
Frances Dimeler
Barbara Roth
Linda Pugh
Angela Thompson
Kurt Meyer
2023 is a special year for Harrisburg Bridge Club. The club was formed as the first in the U.S. member-owned non-profit bridge club in March of 1948 by Dick Dixon, Cappy Hoy, E.D. Rottner, C. Edward Stauter, C. William Stauter and 16 of their friends. The first tournament was held in the William Penn Hotel in Harrisburg. The following year, Charles Goren, the famous and influential player and author, participated in a Harrisburg Bridge Club Charity event.
The club has grown from just twenty people to nearly four hundred members today. In 1954, a club house on North 21st Street in Camp Hill was purchased from the VFW. Over the years, renovations were made, adjoining lots of land were purchased, and in 2012 a new clubhouse was built with a large game room and separate education room.
The club will be celebrating its 75th anniversary with a series of special events in May. All of the following games will be free for Harrisburg Bridge Club members, so mark your calendar now for the games you plan to attend. Contact the club to register,
- Thursday, May 18, Swiss Mixer with Potluck Supper
- Saturday, May 20, Brunch and Bridge
- Sunday, May 21, Catered Luncheon and Bridge
Central PA continues to host virtual games. See the website for a complete virtual schedule. Games are held on a daily basis. Grass Roots week is May 8-14 with double black points during that timeframe.
A quick reminder: District 4 STAC week is May 8-14. F2F Clubs throughout Unit 168 will be participating in this silver point event.
HBC will be hosting its monthly Swiss Team game on Wednesday, May 10. Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 pm with food available at 5:45. This is STAC week; silver points will be awarded. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food. See the HBC website, for full details and COVID protocols.
Points to ponder:
- If you play a double of a 1NT opener shows a similar hand, that only leaves about 6-9 HCP for the other 2 players assuming a 15-17 pt NT. If the partner of the doubler has 6+ HCP's they can leave the double in, but what if they have 3 HCP's or less. Are systems on? If the partner of the doubler has 5 or 6 clubs or diamonds with little high card strength, they would certainly like to get out of this auction at the two level instead of the three level. This can't be done if 2C is Stayman. Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.
Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning there are two hearts and a diamond. By the end many wish they had a club and a spade.
Unit 190: Delaware
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi
Delaware Clubs
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordon
MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields
Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien
Shore Bridge
Monday @ 12:30
Wednesday @ 9:30
Anna DeLapo
Bridge at the Beach Regional
Rehoboth Beach
May 1-5, 2023
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Please join us for our next Sectional on June 2-4 2023 at the Boalsburg Fire Co 113 Pine Street in Boalsburg, PA. We will require EITHER proof of vaccination OR proof of negative PCR Covid test within 72 hours before the beginning of the tournament.
We will conduct our annual membership meeting on Sunday June 4 between sessions. We need to consider bylaw changes and elect new officers. The nominating committee for the new officers (Mike Anesko, Ed Bissell, Mary Ann Churba, Craig Netzley, Carol Reitz, and Judy Stein) would like to hear from any Unit 217 member interested in serving as an officer or director.
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