Okay, animal lovers: Here are some signs from the local vet.
  • Dinosaurs never went to the vet and look what happened
  • Unattended children will be given an expresso and a free puppy
  • Energizer bunny arrested, charged with battery
  • What happened to the lion that ate the clown ... he felt funny

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:
Monica Kurtz
Mark Kurtz
Richard Jackson
Frances Dimeler
Barbara Roth
Linda Pugh
Angela Thompson
Kurt Meyer

2023 is a special year for Harrisburg Bridge Club. The club was formed as the first in the U.S. member-owned non-profit bridge club in March of 1948 by Dick Dixon, Cappy Hoy, E.D. Rottner, C. Edward Stauter, C. William Stauter and 16 of their friends. The first tournament was held in the William Penn Hotel in Harrisburg. The following year, Charles Goren, the famous and influential player and author, participated in a Harrisburg Bridge Club Charity event. 

The club has grown from just twenty people to nearly four hundred members today. In 1954, a club house on North 21st Street in Camp Hill was purchased from the VFW. Over the years, renovations were made, adjoining lots of land were purchased, and in 2012 a new clubhouse was built with a large game room and separate education room.

The club will be celebrating its 75th anniversary with a series of special events in May. All of the following games will be free for Harrisburg Bridge Club members, so mark your calendar now for the games you plan to attend. Contact the club to register, harrisburgbc@gmail.com
  • Thursday, May 18, Swiss Mixer with Potluck Supper
  • Saturday, May 20, Brunch and Bridge
  • Sunday, May 21, Catered Luncheon and Bridge

Central PA continues to host virtual games. See the website bridgeboardroom.com for a complete virtual schedule. Games are held on a daily basis. Grass Roots week is May 8-14 with double black points during that timeframe.

A quick reminder: District 4 STAC week is May 8-14.  F2F Clubs throughout Unit 168 will be participating in this silver point event.

HBC will be hosting its monthly Swiss Team game on Wednesday, May 10. Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 pm with food available at 5:45. This is STAC week; silver points will be awarded. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food. See the HBC website, www.bridgewebs.com/harrisburg/ for full details and COVID protocols. 

Points to ponder: 
  • If you play a double of a 1NT opener shows a similar hand, that only leaves about 6-9 HCP for the other 2 players assuming a 15-17 pt NT.  If the partner of the doubler has 6+ HCP's they can leave the double in, but what if they have 3 HCP's or less. Are systems on? If the partner of the doubler has 5 or 6 clubs or diamonds with little high card strength, they would certainly like to get out of this auction at the two level instead of the three level. This can't be done if 2C is Stayman. Make sure you and your partner are in agreement.
  • Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning there are two hearts and a diamond. By the end many wish they had a club and a spade