May 3rd, 2023

Click here to view the May Newsletter

Click here to view the 2nd Quarter Centennial Newsletter

Upcoming 100th Events

Dance Through the Decades

Saturday, May 20th @ 5pm

Put on your dancing shoes and join your St. Mark's family for a night of fun as we dance our way through the past 100 years! You'll have the opportunity to learn dances that were popular in years gone by, and enjoy some delicious appetizers as you watch performances by trained dancers. No matter your ability, you'll be sure to have a blast as we twist, shout, shimmy, and shake our way into the next 100 years of life together at St. Mark's. Admission to the event: One non-perishable food item for ABCCM's Food Pantry.

100th Anniversary Anniversary Weekend - SAVE THE DATE

Celebration Banquet - Saturday, May 20th @ 5pm

We are happy to announce that we have found a wonderful venue for our 100th Anniversary Banquet! Be sure to join us on Saturday, July 15 at 5pm in the Centennial Room at Pack's Tavern! Dinner, dessert, guest speakers, and special presentations will fill this "roaring 20s" themed event with joy and celebration!  More information to come. Tickets will be available mid-May 

Worship Service - July 16th @ 10am 

Mark your calendars now! So that we are able to all worship together, we will have one worship service on July 16 at 10am. The service will include a brass quintet, choir, and guest preacher as we praise and give thanks to God for 100 years of ministry in Asheville. 

Church Announcements

Sanctuary Floors

Sunday, May 7th after 11am Worship

After the 11am service this Sunday the sanctuary and altar will need to be completely emptied in preparation for floor refinishing beginning Monday, May 8th. We need to remove hymnals and pew bibles, clear the altar of paraments, prepare the pews to be moved (volunteers won't actually be moving pews), as well as a few other items. If you are able to assist in this process for 20 or 30 minutes, please stay after the 11am service or join us around 12:05 pm to volunteer. More hands make for lighter work! 

Prayer List - Please Update

If you have requested that a friend or family member be placed on our weekly prayer list, please take the time to review the most current prayer list and provide Danielle with an update on their prayer needs as we would like to keep our prayers updated on a monthly basis. You can call or email Danielle in the church office if you need to make any changes


Sunday, May 7th @ 9:45

New to St. Mark's? Want to get to know the people here? Interested in getting involved with what God is doing in this place? LandMARKS is a monthly meeting with Pastor Matt and/or Deacon Katie that helps visitors and new members learn about the ministries of St. Mark's, get to know the staff and members, and ask questions about our community.

 Meet us at the bottom of the main staircase at 9:45am to join!

Faith Formation - Sermon on the Mount w/ Ken Lane

Sunday's during Faith Formation Hour

Starting this Sunday, Faith Development is offering a course on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. "In this inaugural sermon," remarks Ken Lane, the leader of the class, "Jesus presents a revolutionary understanding of God's all-inclusive love, a gift we often lose sight of in our world of meritocracy." The class meets in the Library at 9:45 AM. 

First Aid for Seizures

Want to know what you can do to help someone experiencing a seizure? This poster from the Epilepsy Foundation is a good place to start. They also offer a free, on-demand video course that you can access by clicking here.

View Full Poster

Racial Healing Information

Over the next months this page will provide opportunities to learn the true history and current realities of Indigenous people. It is these truths, truths that have been ignored by most for hundreds of years, that will bring healing for both Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people...

Ongoing 100th Celebration Information

2nd Quarter Newsletter

St. Mark's centennial celebration has been a huge success thus far and we continue to celebrate together! Read the 2nd Quarter Newsletter to see upcoming events, announcements, and to recap the first three months of our celebration together.

View the 2nd Quarter Newsletter here

Acts of Service

During our 100th Anniversary year, we are striving to accomplish 1923 Acts of Service. You can complete an online form and we will make sure your Act of Service gets displayed, or you can fill out both sides of a card found in the pews and place it in the offering plate sharing how you served in the name of the Lord.

Complete Online Acts of Service Card Here

Weekly Schedule Click here to see the full St. Mark's Calendar 

Evangelism Team - Thursday, May 4th @ 4pm Zoom Link, Password -stmarks

Faith & Fellowship - Monday, May 8th @ 10am Zoom Link, Password -stmarks

Council Mtg. - Monday, May 8th @ 6pm Zoom Link, Password -stmarks

Yarn Angels - Tuesday, May 9th @ 11:30am Zoom Link, Password -stmarks

Weekly Schedule

Thursday, May 4th

4pm - Evangelism Team (Zoom)

Friday, May 5th

9am - Library Mtg.

Saturday, May 6th

Habitat Work Day

Sunday, May 7th

8:30am - Worship

9:45am - Faith Formation

9:45am - LandMARKs

11am - Worship

Monday, May 8th

10am - Faith and Fellowship (Zoom)

6pm - Council Mtg. (Zoom)

Tuesday, May 9th

9am - Quilters

10am - Staff Meeting

11:30am - Yarn Angels (In Person & Zoom)

Wednesday, May 10th

9am - Property Day

Worship Assistant Schedule 5/7


8:30am-Dan & Mary Dudde; 11am-Alice Silver, Bob Mihara


8:30am -Carolyn and Mike Bradley; 11am-Anne Blackwell, Scott Baumann

Altar Guild:

8:30am-Ken Clark; 11am-Donna Turnbaugh


8:30am-Claire Niedenthal; 11am- Katie Rivers


11am-Eileen Cram & Erick Smith

Assisting Minister:

8:30am-Amy Zellers 11am-Bonnie Richards


8:30am-Dan Dudde; 11am- Cindy Lauster

Communion Assistant:

8:30am-Linda Kinsinger; 11am-Vickie Hauser

Live Stream:

8:30am-Chris Miller

Contact Information

Parish Administrator

Our Mission:

Making disciples by loving Christ,

growing in faith, serving all people

Our Vision:

Experiencing and sharing God's grace as an inclusive, intergenerational congregation through Worship, Outreach, Learning and Fellowship  
