The Most Holy Trinity

May 26, 2024

The Most Holy Trinity


The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of Faith in Christianity, understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. It teaches us that there are three distinct Persons in one God, sharing the same Divine Nature, co-equal and co-eternal. Our mind cannot grasp this doctrine which teaches that 1+1+1 = 1 and not 3. But we believe in this Mystery because Jesus, Who is God, taught it clearly, the Evangelists recorded it, the Fathers of the Church tried to explain it, and the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople defined it as a dogma of Christian Faith.


All prayers in the Church begin in the Name of the Holy Trinity and end glorifying the Trinity. All Sacraments are administered (we are baptized, confirmed, anointed, our sins are forgiven, our marriages are blessed, and our Bishops, Priests, and Deacons are ordained) in the name of the Holy Trinity. When Church bells ring thrice daily, they remind us to give glory to the Holy Trinity for the Incarnation of Jesus and His Redemption of all of us. We bless ourselves, and the priest blesses us, in the Name of the Holy Trinity. At the Annunciation, God the Father sent His angel to Mary, God the Holy Spirit came upon her, the Power of the Most High overshadowed her, and God the Son became Incarnate in her womb. At the baptism of Jesus, when the Son received the baptism of repentance from John the Baptist, the Father’s Voice was heard, and the Holy Spirit appeared as a Dove and descended upon Jesus. At the Ascension, Jesus commissioned his disciples to baptize those who believed, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


In John’s Gospel, chapters 15–18, we have a detailed account of Jesus’ teaching of the role of each Person of the Holy Trinity: a) God the Father creates and provides for His creatures. b) God the Son redeems us and reconciles us with God. c) God the Holy Spirit sanctifies us, strengthens us, teaches us, and guides us to God.


Fr. Anthony Kadavil 

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Donate to St. Martin of Tours

May 25 - 31, 2024

To schedule a Mass intention, please stop by the parish office.

Saturday (Sunday Vigil) 5:00 PM

Catalino Ibarra †


Sunday 8:30 AM

Sarah Crites-Snapp † & Joseph Snapp’s Family


Sunday 10:00 AM

Lori, Leilani, Mikayla & Greyson


Sunday 11:30 AM

Spike Standifer †

Monday 8:30 AM

Enrique Latoza †

Tuesday 8:00 AM

Robert Lawrence †


Wednesday 8:10 AM

Louise Zarka †

Thursday 8:00 AM

Joann Brisko †

Friday 8:00 AM

Naoma Brown †


Sharon Lydon, Louise Zarka, Josephine Baroni, Naoma Brown,

Catalino Ibarra, Sarah Crites-Snapp



Sr. Janet Barret DC, Maria Hortensia Perez, Carolyn Mauro, Colleen Williams, Mary Contini, Cassie Stagi, Linda Furtado, Ronald Murphy,

Annamary Keethaponkalan, Joey Segui, Esther Wald, Egualberto Abaya, Katie Hernandez, Amy Gastelum, Greg Rhodes, Paul Krill, Megan Favoli,

Bekah Dominguez, Kathleen Lupo, Connor Vierra, Frances Pizzo, Tom Rodenfils,

Rodger “OB” O’Brien, Sr.

Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.


ADA 2024

Supporting Our Mission Together

Our Parish Goal: $150,560


Please prayerfully consider pledging your support to our Diocese. Once our Parish reaches its goal, the additional funds will be returned to the Parish.  Donations can be made by completing the pledge card mailed to your home, using the QR code provided here, or online at Additional pledge cards are located in the back of the Church and in the Parish Office. Thank you, St. Martin of Tours Parishioners, for your great generosity. 


# Pledges

$ Pledge

Parish Goal





$4,954 to go!

To make your pledge, please scan the QR code or click on the ADA link to help us reach our Parish goal as we all participate in 

Supporting Our Mission Together.

ADA Link


Sunday Offering 5/12/2024 Fiscal Year to Date


Fiscal Year to Date










If you would like to donate online, please use the

QR Code provided.

Thank you for your generosity!





Dear Parishioners and Friends,

You have been part of my journey to priesthood and supported me all along. So, with gratitude I invite you to my ordination and First Mass.

Bishop Oscar Cantú will ordain me to the priesthood on Saturday, May 25, 2024, 9:30 AM at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph. The ordination mass is open to the public and you are invited and encouraged to come celebrate this joyful occasion. There will be blessings and a reception to follow.

I will celebrate my first mass on Saturday, May 25, 2024, 5:00 PM, here, at Saint Martin of Tours, my home parish. A dinner reception will follow in the school gym hosted by the parish and my friends and family. The event is open to the community, and you are invited! Please come and share in some food and drink as we give thanks to God for His blessings. Also, feel free to bring a dessert to share!

As I near my ordination, please pray for me and please know of my prayers for you. Continued prayers as we continue on. Godspeed.

Through Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,


Deacon Robert



Password: dsj2024


God of power and mercy,

you destroy war and put down earthly pride.

Banish violence from our midst and wipe away our tears,

that we may all deserve to be called your sons

     and daughters.

Keep in your mercy those men and women

who have died in the cause of freedom

and bring them safely

into your kingdom of justice and peace.

We ask this though Jesus Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen  


Second Collection—May 25/26


This is a lay ministry that reaches out to those in need both spiritually and financially. We need volunteers and financial support. We are seeking tech savvy phone monitor and phone visitors, sidewalk food drop visitors, data entry people, and web site developer and managers. For more information call 408-439-0342.


Baptism Class

June 11

from 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

through Zoom

Please contact Merry at to find out about the Infant Baptism process in our parish. 


Dear Parishioners,

It’s a joy to witness how young children interpret their understanding of faith and to listen to them share their reflections. The conversation below is between Dina Craw and her daughter, Gemma. Dina is the mother of Gemma (6) and Giancarlo (9). Thank you, Dina and Gemma, for sharing the faith-filled dialogue with us!


Merry Kaelani 

Learnings from Viewing

“Growing Faith With Your Children”


Gemma and I watched a video called "Faith is Like Planting a Seed." Gemma learned that caring for Jesus' earth is like planting a seed. The first thing in the Bible to remember is to have faith in Jesus. And that you can never give up on faith in Jesus' earth. It would be best if you planted more seeds to grow your faith. Taking care of your faith is also important, like growing a seed by watering it and keeping the weeds away. The watering and keeping weeds out is like what we do by going to church and praying to Jesus and God. But sometimes, like growing seeds, faith can take a long time to grow without any sign that the seed will be out of the ground and be something we can see.  This emphasizes the need for persistence and commitment in nurturing our faith, even when we don't see immediate results.


Gemma and I discussed how it might be hard to continue caring for something like a seed. Weeding and watering every day for a long time, and not seeing any sign of the plant growing. When I asked Gemma if she would be able to weed and water for a long time without seeing any sign of the seed growing, she said she would not give up because it's faith in Jesus that motivates her to do the daily actions needed. Gemma also shared that she gets very excited when she would start to see a plant growing from a seed. We also talked about how she's like a seed growing her faith by attending class, going to church, learning about Jesus and God's stories, and then trying to share them with others, like her friends and family. I asked Gemma if she thinks she'll be done growing her faith when she gets first communion, but she said you are never done growing your faith, only maybe when you die.  




For the 59 confirmandi in our parish, who are getting confirmed on

 Sunday, May 26 - 11:30 AM Mass

Abigail Standifer

Alessandra Nunez

Anna Le Nguyen

Anthony Escobar

Brendan Fallis

Caleb Joseph Lopez

Carden Reckis

Clare Warner

Coltin Gutierrez

Derek Jon Dietrich

Dominic Pierce

Dominic Vitarelli

Eleanor Navarrette

Eleanor Rose Doyle

Emilia Lynn Lipari

Emily Anne Swendsen

Emily Kirkland

Emma Robles

Emma Sanches

Erin Le Nguyen

Esperanza Pardo

Eva Gaynor

Francesca Scarpelli

Giovanni Garcia

Harrison McMahon

Henry Scharrenberg

Isabella Poo

Jace Perez-Evans

Jaedyn Akkara

Jaelynn Rose Strausser

Jayden M.Villanueva Galimba

Katelyn Tran

Katherine Boscia

Kelsey O'Brien

Lillian Grace Kovac

Lillian Jones

Lucas Shoop

Luke Michael MacDonald

Monica Madej

Nathaniel Russell

Nicholas Johnson

Nicolas Carion

Nicolas Cozzitorto

Paloma Nava

Petula Lynessa Clarke

Phillip Mario Clarke

Ramon Pinero

Rory James Dardis

Rylan Vollmer

Sawyer Papier

Sevaughn Martin

Sophia Gastillo

Sophia Mendenhall

Tristan Muth

Victor Hoang Ma

William Buddy O'Brien

William Thomas Furlong

Xavier William Gomes

Registration for OCIA 2024-2025

will open in July


Interested in becoming Catholic?

Are you a non-Catholic who is attracted to the Catholic way of life and interested in becoming Catholic? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) helps prepare adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church. We meet in a supportive, small group setting to learn about Scripture, the Mass, Sacraments, Church, History, Catholic Prayer and Devotional Practices, and Catholic Teachings on Theology, Moral Issues, and Social Justice. If you would like more information about this process, please contact Merry Kaelani at:


Dear parents and children, kindly click on the link below to download and print out catechetical activity for children for this weekend. This link is updated every week with activities that corresponds to the readings and Sunday celebrations.



May is Advocacy Month
Easter Greetings, and Blessings of the New Month - which is also the Advocacy Month. Just a quick email to update us on the key advocacy issues reached by the California bishops as they continue working to bring the prophetic voice of the Church into the public square.
Advocacy Link
Buy Tickets

Diocese of San Jose Impact Report 2022-2023

Learn about the impact of the Diocese of San José ministries over the past year that serve more than 528,000 Catholics in Santa Clara County, including 54 parishes, missions and pastoral centers, and 34 Catholic schools. Click here to read the full report. 

Stay up to date with Diocesan wide news, events, and stories as well as news from the USCCB and the Vatican. Read the Bishop’s messages, see what our children are doing in school, and learn about upcoming community events. Follow the Diocese of San Jose on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Vimeo. Social Media Posts: Facebook Instagram
The Valley Catholic


Health & Safety
Behavioral Health Services, Santa Clara County - Flyer
Youth & Young Adult Wellness Online
Food & Rental Assistance
Free Meals for Kids - Second Harvest
Rental Assistance in the Community

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Food Distribution

Women, Infant & Children (WIC) Food & Nutrition Support

St. Vincent de Paul


Please email the Parish Office.

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