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Here are the Minutes of the

May 24, 2023 PWC100 Annual Membership Meeting

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Minutes of May 24, 2023

Annual Membership Meeting

After a robust discussion about small business outlook and resources in Prince William area, the 2023 Prince William Committee of 100 Annual Membership Meeting was convened by President Ray Mizener at 9:10 PM. It was established that a quorum of members were in attendance based on a current membership of approximately 60 members in good standing. (See list of attendees below).

The meeting took place in the Washington Ballroom of the Wyndham Garden Hotel, 10800 Vandor Lane, Manassas, VA 20109, and was preceded by a buffet dinner ($35 members/ $40 /guests) attended by 30+ people. As stated above, a panel discussion about small business, entitled “Prince William Small Business and Economic Opportunity Forum: A Post-Pandemic and Stagnation Entrepreneurial Review” moderated by PWC100 Program Director Rebekah Perkins followed the dinner. Panelists taking part in the discussion were: 

After convening the Annual Meeting, President Mizener introduced his wife Brooke and other family members of the Executive Committee who were in attendance, the Executive Committee who were there (Rebekah, Bel, Tony & Sherry), and the current PWC100 Board of Directors in attendance. He then gave special recognition to the following people who have worked tirelessly to plan and present quality program events during the 2022-23 program year, including: Mike Artson, Mike Beaty, Herbert Byrd, Jeff Fuller, Martha Hendley, Dr. Jack Kooyoomjian, Rebekah Perkins, Donald Shuemaker, and Harry Wiggins

Ray quickly reviewed the programs and events presented since September 2022 (as listed on the Annual Meeting Agenda) as follows:


  • October 5: Tenth Congressional Candidate Forum: Thanks to our Dual C100 and LWV Members Carol Noggle and Carol Proven! The 7th Congressional Candidate Forum was planned for October 21st –but was cancelled at the last minute.
  • December 1: Holiday Social at Brittany’s Restaurant & Sports Bar, Lake Ridge.


  • January 19: Transportation Forum at City Tavern, Manassas, with the PWC Transportation Department.
  • February 9: Gainesville District Supervisor Special Election Candidate Forum at Battlefield High School. (Ray’s note: out did the chamber!)
  • March 28: Water Resources Forum at Brittany’s, with dynamite speakers!
  • April 25: School Safety at Brittany’s. Jeff Fuller moderated a distinguished panel of school districts’ staff, school board members and parents.
  • May 24: Small Business Post Pandemic Forum at Wyndham Garden Hotel, Vandor Lane, Manassas.

NOTE: The C100 website ( has details about each event in “Past Programs” ( ) listed by the Calendar year in which they occurred, i.e. 2022, 2023, etc.


At this point, Ray turned over the meeting to Dr. Jack Kooyoomjian, Chair of the 2023 Nominating Committee. 

Dr. Jack thanked the Committee members Mike Beaty, Cynthia Chambliss, and Denny Daugherty for their hard work, noting that all slots are filled; possibly for the first time in a long time -- if ever! 

Jack then presented the following recommended Slate of PWC100 Officers and Directors for 2023-24 as listed on the ballot and as below. (View Ballot here)


PRESIDENT: Ray Mizener  

VICE-PRESIDENT: Bel Davis O'Neill 

TREASURER: Tony Guiffre 

SECRETARY: Sherry Zachry 


Brentsville:  (requires nomination from floor) [Mike Beaty]

Coles: Marie Hoerst

Gainesville: Martha Hendley

City of Manassas: Lynn Forkell Greene

City of Manassas Park: Donald Shuemaker 

Neabsco: Monique Raulston-Ratliff 

Occoquan: Harry Wiggins

Potomac: Jeffrey Riddel

Woodbridge: Mike Artson 


Greg Gorham

Dr. Phyllis Morris Griffith

Brad Marshall  

Carol Proven 

Respectfully Submitted by the 2023 Nominating Committee

Jack Kooyoomjian, Chair.

Members: Mike Beaty, Cynthia Chambliss, and Denny Daugherty

Dr. Jack asked for nominations from the floor. Sherry Zachry nominated Mike Beaty for the Brentsville District Director; nomination was seconded. With no further nominations, Dr. Jack invited someone to move approval of the slate by acclamation.  Donald Shuemaker moved the slate, as recommended and nominated from the floor, be approved by acclamation. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Those present were asked to stand and received applause.


Ray quickly reviewed potential topics for the upcoming program year and suggested that we may have a candidate forum (or two) in the current program year in August and/or September. Potential topics as listed on the Agenda include:

Potential Programs:

1.     Mental Health: homelessness, addiction, crime, education

2.     Commanders Stadium

3.     Data Centers near residential Development and in the Rural Crescent

4.     Transportation Philosophy: How did we get here?

5.     Development Density: How much is too much?


Potential Candidate Forum Events for seats in Prince William Area (Note: ALL local and General Assembly seats are on the November 7, 2023 Ballot):

1.   Sheriff and Commonwealth Attorney (Clerk of Court is unopposed at this time)

2.   PWC School board

a) Eastern End of the county

b) Western End of the county

c) School Board Chair

3. PWC Board of County Supervisors (BOCS)

a) Eastern end of the county

b) Western End of the county

c) Chair At Large

4.State Senate Districts in PW area - partial or whole: 29, 30, 33

5.State House Districts in PW area (partial or whole):  21 & 22 have two candidates.

Districts 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 – are unopposed at this time.

Note: Due to redistricting, there are new General Assembly districts and district numbers in 2023 for all of Virginia.

Skipping other agenda items due to the late hour, President Mizener thanked everyone for their participation and adjourned the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting at 9:40 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Sherry Zachry

PWC100 Secretary & Webmaster

Attachments include:

May 24, 2023 Agenda- RV (Click HERE to view or download the Agenda)

Member Attendees: (in alphabetical order)

Michael Artson*

Herbert Byrd, Jr.*

Brenda Carswell*

Greg Gorham

LaVan Griffith

Tony Guiffre*

Martha Hendley*

Marie Hoerst

Mike Janay

* Current board member or officer for 2022-23

Jamie Jordan

Jack Kooyoomjian

Ray Mizener*

Carol Noggle

Bel Davis O’Neill*

Eva Perkins

Rebekah Perkins*

Jeffrey Riddel

Donald Shuemaker*

Harry Wiggins

Sherry Zachry

SEE CURRENT NEWS & the MAY 24, 2023 PAGE on our

website for info about the Small Business Forum, pictures, and

panelists' biographies







If you have any questions or comments, please contact Secretary Sherry Zachry

C100 Membership is open to individuals who reside or work within Prince William County or its cities; and have actively demonstrated their interest in the affairs of these jurisdictions through participation and service in civic, business, educational, cultural, humanitarian,

or similar activities. Dues of $40 cover the program year from October 1 through

September 30. Voluntary donations may be made at any time and are tax-deductible.

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