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Tender perennials are attractive additions to the home landscape. Since they are not reliably winter hardy in Iowa, tender perennials must be planted outdoors each spring. Tender perennials include gladioli, dahlias, cannas, tuberous begonias, caladiums, and calla lilies, among other plants. 
Garden Trivia

True or False: It's okay to cut back foliage on daffodils, tulips, and other spring-blooming bulbs as soon as the foliage starts to yellow.

Read on to see the answer!
The ‘Lights’ series of deciduous azaleas are introductions from the University of Minnesota. They are known for their flower bud hardiness and incredible floral displays in May in Iowa. Like most deciduous azaleas, they bloom before the leaves fully emerge. Flower buds withstand at least -30°F temperatures during the winter. This makes them reliable spring bloomers across the Upper Midwest.
Cole crops is the general term used to describe broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, and kohlrabi. Learn more about growing cole crops in the Iowa vegetable garden including information on recommended cultivars, planting, yields, care during the growing season, potential problems, and harvest and storage.
Clematis are vining members of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). Over 250 species and hundreds of varieties are available which bloom from May until frost. No matter how you say it (kla-MAT-us; KLEM-a-tis), they are some of the most beautiful and diverse climbing vines for the landscape. They have earned the moniker of "Queen of Vines." Learn how to grow clematis in your own landscape.
All-America Selections trial sites and display gardens are spread across the US and Canada, including nine gardens in Iowa. Reiman Gardens is proud to be both a trial site for multiple categories and a display garden highlighting recent winners. Be sure to visit Reiman Gardens this summer to see what’s in trials this year! Read about a few notable winners.
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Garden Trivia Answer

False. Yes, it's ugly, but for better blooms next year, it is important to leave the foliage until it completely dies back. Learn more here and here.
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