Upcoming Liturgies


May 19, 2024

4:30 PM

on Zoom

Presider: Mike Corso

Corpus Christi

June 2, 2024

4:30 PM

on Zoom

Presider: Mark DeStephano

Zoom details will be provided in the invitations to the liturgies and presentations that are emailed on the Thursday before the event.

We invite everyone not only to join our liturgies but to actively participate! Please let us know if you would like to be a reader or present the Eucharistic prayer.

Upcoming Presentations

Sept. 22, 2024

4:30 PM

on Zoom

Sadness and Service at the Border

Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ, Exec. Dir. of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley

Bishop Seitz expresses 'grave concern' over scapegoating of migrants in 2024 election

Both Republicans and Democrats spread anti-immigrant views, says Bishop Seitz

Survivors speak about immigrant communities' plight with church abuse

Recording of Rev. Dan Groody's Presentation on the Theology of Migration

Donate to VOTFNJ!

Our Donation Basket Enables Our Free Programs

Your contributions allow VOTFNJ to provide free online presentations for all to join and still give honorariums to our presenters. We can now accept donations online.

Thank you for your generosity!

Other Virtual Liturgies
You can join Sophia Inclusive Catholic Community, the "sister" community of VOTFNJ, via Zoom for liturgies. Contact Mike Corso for more information.
Call to Action's Alternative Liturgies Directory provides a space to share information about spiritual communities that meet outside a traditional parish setting. These gatherings include online prayer services, Intentional Eucharistic Communities, churches presided over by women priests, Call To Action chapter liturgies, and more.
VOTFNJ Family on the Web

"Beyond Boundaries," Dick Rento's Blog

"Mike Corso's Religious Views," Mike Corso's Blog

"Faith Seeking Understanding," Ken Lasch's Website

"Considerable Thoughts," Sal Umana's Blog

VOTFNJ Family News
Journeying together as family through sadness and joy...

Praying Together...

We rejoice in the birth of Peg and Bob Pipchick's grandchild.

We pray for Leo Rogers' complete recovery from a stroke as he begins physical therapy.

We continue to pray for Mary Murphy as she recovers from a concussion from a serious fall. We continue to pray for Tish's son, Paul, as he proceeds with his cancer treatments. We hold Theresa and Anthony Padovano in our hearts as Theresa regains her strength and Anthony remains in hospice and journeys to his transition to eternal life.

We continue to pray for members of the Sophia Inclusive Community and the Christian Community in Convent Station and their family members with medical concerns.

Sharing Together...

Carole Rogers recommends reading Elizabeth Johnson' s Come, Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and the Earth.

Saving the Earth requires new images of God, says feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson

Please email if you have news or thoughts to share or need prayers and community support.

Thank you for renewing your membership and giving us your feedback about VOTFNJ's new Mission Statement.

If you are not yet a VOTFNJ member you can join by filling out this form and mailing it in.

VOTFNJ is FAMILY! If you need anything at all: groceries, a ride somewhere, or simply someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here for each other!

The Synod

Call To Action: 2024 Synod Survey

Synod YouTube Channel

Vatican Synthesis Report

FutureChurch Synod Resources

How to begin your own synodal gathering


Multi-generational global synodal gatherings

Staying Involved in the Synodal Process

Calendar of events.

VOTFNJ member and liaison to VOTF National, Mary Murphy, recommends we visit "Listening to the Faithful: Synod 2021-2024"

Diocesan listening session reports address church's 'successes and distresses' ahead of October synod session

A Synodal Church in Mission, A Synthesis Report
For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission
Download the VOTF National Synod Report.
Confronting Systemic Racism

Jesuits to host antiracism retreat in Illinois this summer

'We are Clavers': How I saw the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver's Central States District conference

Sr. Teresita Weind, tireless advocate for Black sisters, dies at 81

Lawsuit alleges bullying of Afro-Latino pupil at N.J. Catholic school


The VOTFNJ Coordinating Team has compiled a resource list on the subject of systemic racism, offering theological readings as well as historical and political perspectives. Download it here.

VOTFNJ is a founding member and supporter of Refugee Assistance Morris Partners. RAMP is proud of its work sponsoring refugee families from the Middle East since its founding in 2016 thanks to the ongoing support of its deeply dedicated volunteers, faith-based organizations, and generous donors. RAMP partners with the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

RAMP earned status as an independent New Jersey 501 (c)(3) non-profit in 2022. The organization operated initially as a special project of the Community Foundation of New Jersey. Since its founding, RAMP has welcomed and supported 11 families from Syria, Afghanistan and El Salvador.

Contribute to the "Home Fund."
Supporting Survivors

Why Do Bishops Cover Up Sexual Abuse?

Why Faith-Based Groups Are Prone To Sexual Abuse and How They Can Get Ahead of It

Keep up with coverage in VOTF National, America, NCR, Commonweal, and Crux. We recommend reading Fr. Ken Lasch's posts on his website; keeping up with all the news and events at Road to Recovery and Catholic Whistleblowers; and visiting Catholics4Change, Bishop Accountability; Awake, and Catholic Church Reform International.

Road to Recovery conducts support groups for survivors of clergy abuse. Contact Bob Hoatson for information.

 Active Investigations and Information Hotlines

NJ Clergy Abuse Hotline 855-363-6548

NY Victims and Anyone with Information are Encouraged to Call the Hotline at 

1-800-771-7755 or File Complaint Online at ag.ny.gov/ClergyAbuse

National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and their Loved Ones

Keep up with the activities and outreach of Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA) and Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP).

Road to Recovery, Catholic Whistleblowers, and US News

Saint John's urged to address sexual abuse allegations made by former students

New York Appeals Court Says Insurer’s Lawsuit Over Abuse Payouts Can Proceed Against Archdiocese

State police arrive at Archdiocese headquarters with warrant for all clergy sex abuse records

Survivors’ Lawyer Accused of Shocking Misconduct

Exclusive: US archdiocese must submit clergy-abuse documents to police

Survivors of childhood sexual abuse ask Missouri Attorney General, lawmakers for change

Catholic priest accused of sex abuse served in 9 church jurisdictions, including Chicago. So why is he on just one abuser list?

Survivors speak about immigrant communities' plight with church abuse

Clergy sex abuse victims seek rehearing from state Supreme Court

Accused priest faces Sisters of Life allegations

Cleveland priest at center of Vatican II altar damage previously accused of abuse

Archdiocese of New Orleans suspected of child sex trafficking, warrant shows

Expanding clergy sexual abuse probe targets New Orleans Catholic church leaders

Vatican and International News

Not sure how this has happened, but there doesn't seem to be any Vatican or International abuse news this month. 🤔

VOTFNJ has developed an Action Packet of useful steps you can take to confront the abuse crisis in our Church.
Financial Accountability

Reports say star witness in ‘trial of the century’ confirmed in Vatican post

Santa Fe Archdiocese back in court as abuse survivor claims violation of settlement

Suppporting Priests of Integrity

Ken Lasch responds to an article in the Daily Record.

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton: When failing to succeed is success

Sisters bid farewell to a beloved bishop and friend, Tom Gumbleton

Structural Change in the Church

Top Vatican cardinal says Pope Francis' reforms will continue

Pope asks lay Catholics to prepare for synod's 'prophetic' stage

Growth and decline in the US Catholic Church

'A step back in time': America's Catholic Church sees an immense shift toward the old ways Scary!

Catholicism must reject 'heresy of triumphalism,' says noted Czech priest

Pope's US ambassador calls American Catholic Church a 'paradox,' self-referential

Priests prepare to bring synodality from the Vatican to parishes around the world

Bishop Barron's Word on Fire is too thin-skinned for its own good

Pope's study groups reflect evolving nature of synod process, theologians say

Women in the Church

Why Not Women? The all-male priesthood is no small matter

Women have a right to inclusive liturgy

Amid synod process, Catholics continue to call for expanded church roles for women

For women, the synodal process is a road map to an inclusive church

Bishop Ordains Orthodox Christian Woman as Deaconess in Response to Local Needs in Africa

The rise and fall of 'Father Justin' highlights Catholic sexism

'It's a different time': Relations between US sisters, Vatican have changed radically

Synod adviser: Pope Francis more interested in big discussions than specific issues

Pope, Council of Cardinals continue discussion of women in the church Thanklfullly, women were invited!

Rebel Nun, Spotlight Documentary about Sister Helen Prejean

In a church that has yet to deal justly with women, I stay a keeper of the vision Heartbreaking!

Early Christianity, fragment by fragment including a dialogue with a disciple named Mary.

As servant leaders, women continue to move the unmovable

LGBTQ+ Rights

After Vatican text, pope tells Jeannine Gramick: Trans people 'must be accepted'

Pope responds with 'open heart' to Vatican document criticism from parents of LGBTQ children

Catholic priest resigns from Michigan church following protests over his criticism of a gay author

Is the Vatican's condemnation of trans surgery new? Theologians discuss.

Vatican's own gender ideology makes 'Dignitas Infinita' incoherent

Bishop Apologizes for Church’s Mistreatment of LGBTQ+ People

Vatican's move on same-sex blessings won't affect October synod, cardinal says

Love Means More…Or Less

The Strawman of “Gender Theory” in the Vatican’s New Document

Young People

Catholic students, theologians, ministers write an open letter to Pope Francis

The Synod as Starting Point

Conversations with young adults are cause for hope

The Questions, Hopes, Ideals, and Concerns of Today’s Young Adults

Living Laudato Si'

Lexington Diocese, in heart of coal country, commits to net-zero emissions features Bishop John Stowe

Editorial: Finally, (some) US dioceses are taking the pope's climate message seriously

New York Catholic Workers bring new growth with rooftop garden 

Mother's Day

To the Moms Who Are

To the Moms who are struggling, to those filled with incandescent joy.

To the Moms who are remembering children who have died, and pregnancies that miscarried.

To the Moms who decided other parents were the best choice for their babies, to the Moms who adopted those kids and loved them fierce.

To those experiencing frustration or desperation in infertility.

To those who knew they never wanted kids, and the ways they have contributed to our shared world.

To those who mothered colleagues, mentees, neighborhood kids, and anyone who needed it.

To those remembering Moms no longer with us.

To those moving forward from Moms who did not show love, or hurt those they should have cared for.

Today is a day to honor the unyielding love and care for others we call 'Motherhood,' wherever we have found it and in whatever ways we have found to cultivate it within ourselves.

~ Hannah Kardon, Pastor at Elston Avenue United Methodist Church

Pray more!
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Morristown, NJ 07960-4528
Call +1 862-377-9914
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