May 2024 Update

And suddenly, it’s May. 

We’re enjoying a busy Spring…basketball championships, sink holes, spelling bees, 5 amazing work teams, prayer gatherings, major advances, and some setbacks.   We also have a new adventure in the works,  which we will tell you about next month.   Never a dull moment.  

I apologize that it has been so long since you’ve heard from us.    

This week we had a special guest stop by, former Navajo Nation Chairman, and one of the few remaining “Navajo Code Talkers,” Peter McDonald.   We had a very nice visit and were encouraged as he said that Across Nations is doing a good job,  and that his two children received a good education at Hilltop School.  He recalled fond memories of participating in a live Nativity Scene at the mission campus years ago with many friendships with our staff.  


We truly are blessed with special ways our team and mission are being used to share the Gospel and make disciples in Native America.   

I can’t thank YOU enough.  

Together we make a difference.  

New Radio/ Media Center   

This beautiful building is only a few weeks away from our final inspection.    We’re looking forward to moving into the new building – and having level floors,  windows that open,  and no gaps between the walls and ceiling! Not to mention some equipment upgrades and so much added potential for expanding the Gospel in 3 Native American languages. And because you have made our building possible, we will be able to do so much more!  We have a special construction video in the works,  to share with you soon. 

We are planning on the “grand opening”  October 12 to coincide with our 87th mission anniversary Oct 10-12.   We hope you might plan to join us!   More info coming soon.     


We love hearing from people who listen from all across northern Arizona, southern Utah and New Mexico.   Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear from someone who has been blessed, or shares a prayer request,  or lets us know they hear something they like, that helps them grow in their walk with Jesus.   Radio truly is a way to share the good news with thousands of people who we could spend the time with, on a daily basis.     We are truly blessed that YOU have helped us broadcast 24/7 with 4 radio stations and 3 translators- and more to come. 

Hilltop Christian School

We only have 6 days left of school for the year!   We’ve seen God work through our dedicated teachers, His Word, family losses, foster care changes… and now we’re praying for summer survival…for students and teachers! 

Our Easter Program in March went well.  Parents commented about the impact it made on them and how they appreciated the message from Scripture. The children sang, recited Scripture, poetry and did skits. It was a very special evening.

Hilltop plans to have 7th grade next year, following with 8th the next. We’ve been blessed to have our Board’s approval to offer those grades again.

We are grateful for Rosemary Spring joining our staff to teach Art, tutor and help wherever needed. Another couple, Jim and Shelle English, will join us in July. Shelle will teach 4th grade in the Fall! What an answer to prayer!

We ask that you pray with us for the Fall preparation and a seasoned principal!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray with us for God’s wisdom as we make some aggressive plans for a new gym and meeting space.   We hope to have space for school events,  conferences, and special outreach events.  
  •  Please pray that we could overcome challenges as we seek to share the Gospel. 
  • Pray for 75 students to attend Hilltop this coming year.
  • Pray for open doors to share the Gospel!
  • Pray for discipleship for new believers.



  • Team members who are eager to share God’s love with a heart to serve others
  • School Principal – experience preferred 
  • Radio Staff-  no experience necessary but preferred
  •  IT – a mission minded person with some technical know how
  • Grounds keeper and maintenance  
  • Youth disciple makers  



If there is any chance you know a small group – individual or helper,  we could use the help for a day, a week or a month. Here are some of the things we hope to get done.  

Visit our Website
  • Move a trailer
  • Level and upgrade a portable classroom
  • Replace a roof on our shop
  • Complete some siding on our multi purpose building
  • Finish a basement 
  • Install kitchen cabinets, range, and dishwashers
  • Paint our library and classroom
  • Plant some flowers and trees
  • Much more!

Equipping Native Americans to exalt Jesus, encounter His goodness and extend His Kingdom, Across Nations.


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