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May 2024

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New Guideline: Prevention and Treatment of Mpox

Lead authors Drs. Jacob R. McLean and Jason E. Zucker, with the NYSDOH AI Medical Care Criteria Committee, developed this guideline to inform primary care providers and other clinicians in New York State about mpox prevention, presentation, diagnosis, and treatment in adults with and without HIV.

The goals of this guideline are to:

  • Increase clinicians’ awareness of and ability to recognize the common clinical manifestations of mpox and diagnose the disease in their patients.
  • Provide clinicians with evidence-based recommendations on primary prevention, diagnostic testing, and supportive care and treatment of mpox.
  • Increase clinicians’ awareness of recommended precautions to reduce occupational exposure to and community transmission of mpox.

Read the full guideline now


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New: Substance Use Care Guidelines Website

The NYSDOH AI substance use guidelines now have a dedicated website. Visit the new site to see all substance use guidelines:

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