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Upcoming Events

At Dorje Ling

  • Friday, May 3rd from 4:00-6:30pm: Dakini Day Puja, in person at Dorje Ling and Online
  • Sunday, May 5, from 1:00-2:30: Riwo Sang Chod (Smoke Offering), in Person at Dorje Ling
  • Tuesday, May 7th from 4:00-6:30pm: Troma Nagmo Puja, in person at Dorje Ling and Online
  • Saturday, May 18th: 10:00 am-2:00pm: Sangha Work Party at Dorje Ling

Ongoing at Dorje Ling

  • Sunday mornings at 11:00-12:30: Ngondro practice
  • Tuesday evenings at 7:00-8:30: Book study online
  • Wednesday evenings at 7:00-8:30: Meditation class

At Tashi Choling

  • May 14th-23rd: Vajrasattva Retreat, In Person at Tashi Choling and Online

In Our Community

  • Saturday, May 11th from 6:30-8pm: Tara Dancing, In Person at KCC Portland Center
  • Saturday, May 25 from 10:00-12:00 pm: TLC Presents: The Impermanence of Self and the Guru, Online 
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Auspicious Month, Saga Dawa

The 4th month of the Tibetan lunar calendar, May 9th-June 6th, 2024, is considered to be the most important month of the year for practice since Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and pairinirvana all fall within this period according to Tibetan tradition. It is known as the month of merits where the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied 100,000 times. 

On the 15th day (full moon) of the Tibetan lunar calendar, May 23rd, 2024, Buddhist practitioners from all over the world will celebrate Saga Dawa, one of the four major Buddhist holidays. It commemorates the enlightenment of the Buddha Shakyamuni at Bodhgaya and the anniversary of his parinirvana in a forest grove in Kusinagara. Saga Dawa is the most important single day for practice of the entire year. (According to RIgpa Tibetan Calendar: "On this day, the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied ten million times!") 

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Saga Dawa, an auspicious day for Buddhists

On May 23rd, setting aside some time for practice, acting with generosity, or offering a single flower to an image of the Buddha has incredible effects for ourselves and others.

If you are able, the Vajrasattva retreat concludes on this day and anyone can join for a session or the entire day.

Vajrasattva Retreat

May 14th - 23rd, 2024

All are welcome and participants may join for any combination of sessions or days.

Venerable Lingtrul Rinpoche will join the retreat. Visit the Event Page to read his bio.

Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro will also attend and will teach on some days.

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Registration is open!

Please visit the event page for information about:

Texts, schedules, and recorded sessions of the study groups to give you context about the practice and instructions

Event Page

News and Events

May 18th, Sangha Work Party

10:00-2:00, lunch 12:00-1:00

If you can't come to the work party, and want to help at another time, or in another way, please do get in touch.

We appreciate everyone's support!

Come join us for our mid-spring work party! Please bring something to share for a potluck lunch. Come for morning or afternoon or both.

Spring is a great time to tackle weeds, prune, and plant for summer. Inside, we have the usual important tasks, cleaning and dusting and polishing. We look forward to connecting with you on this sacred ground!

Buddhist Festival
June 29 in Portland Oregon
The Buddhist Festival in the Park is being revived this year after not happening through the years of the pandemic. Dharma Rain Zen Center initiated the efforts, reaching out to all the Buddhist centers in our area, and a diverse group of Buddhist centers are signing up. The festival will be an opportunity for Buddhist communities from across the region to gather together in fellowship and to share aspects of Buddhism with the larger Portland community.  

Sangha member Dennis Skipper helped Jampal at a Buddhist Festival in the Park, 2016 or 2017.

Dorje Ling will participate this year, so we need three or four volunteers to help prepare and to be at the event. Please email if interested, and thanks already! dorjelingpdx@gmail.com

Sunday, May 5, from 1:00-2:30:

Riwo Sang Chod (Smoke Offering) at Dorje Ling

To pray for the pacification of negativities plaguing our world, we make this offering once every month.

All are welcome, texts provided.

Regular Events at Dorje Ling

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Meditation Classes

Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm

(in person only)

We explore a variety of meditation techniques. Open to everyone and drop-ins are encouraged.

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Ngondro Practices

Sundays 11:00-12:30pm

(in person and online)

A preliminary practice that is the foundation for students of Vajrayana Buddhism. Open to everyone (especially appropriate for new students).

Ngondro Zoom link
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Lunar Day Practices (Tsog)

See Upcoming Events for dates

(in person, some offered online)

These practices are intended for the sangha (our Buddhist community) to come together and make offerings. Open to everyone.

Tsog Zoom link
Online Event Page

"'May all beings be freed from their suffering of feeling so separate from their buddhanature.' With that as your compassionate intention, then if you offer one butter lamp or one flower or one cookie at tsog, then how extraordinary is that offering."

Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche, 2012

Visit our Website for More Information

In Our Community

May 11th, 2024


Tara Dancing

Phyllis Moses leads the Mandala Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara based on a practice by Chogyur Lingpa.

KCC Portland Center

4936 NE Skidmore St, Portland, Oregon 97218

Meditation inspired from "Tara’s Enlightened Qualities" by Khenchen Palden Sherab & Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal

Starting with refuge, and bodhicitta motivation, visualize Tara (gold) seated upon a lotus and moon disc, holding a lotus flower. While reciting the ten syllable mantra,

Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha, visualize Light emanating love, compassion, and wisdom radiating as blessing, cooling energy.

Event Page

Event Page