May 1, 2024



We are a community organization that

stimulates and promotes

democratic values.

Upcoming Programs

Woke—How Did a Virtue

Become a Weapon?

Presented by

Dr. Daniel Wegener and Richard Leighton

Saturday, May 11, 2024, 3 pm

Room 203, Continental Shopping Plaza, Green Valley

Language is always evolving by giving old words new meanings and producing new words. This is not new. However, the weaponization of words has recently become an important aspect of language, particularly in our political discourse. “Woke” is a useful example and can shed light on the weaponization process. In this election cycle it is extremely important for voters to identify and analyze these words critically to avoid being manipulated by them and those who use them.                                        

Richard Leighton (l) and Daniel Wegener (r)

Dr. Daniel Wegener is a retired educator and administrator. He lived and worked in Central America for ten years and in Arizona for thirty years. He also served as a non-governmental organization representative to the United Nations in New York.


Richard Leighton is a retired educator.  He has been writing and performing music for most of his life.  Mr. Leighton will open and close the presentation with two original songs related to the discussion topic.

***The collection wagon will be available for your contributions of items for No More Deaths.***

Sponsored by Green Valley Democrats


A Documentary and Discussion

Presented by

David Damian Figueroa

Saturday, May 25, 2024, 3 pm

Room 203, Continental Shopping Plaza, Green Valley

David Damian Figueroa, co-director of the short documentary Shura, discusses what happens when the spirit of kindness—in this case in the form of an 82-year-old woman from Illinois—meets the U.S.-Mexico border.

***The collection wagon will be available for your contributions of items for No More Deaths.***

Sponsored by Green Valley Democrats

Missed a past program? Videos of many of our programs are available HERE.

Upcoming Events

Women in Blue Luncheon 

Thursday, May 23th - 11:30 am

Madera Sunrise Restaurant

 175 South La Cañada Drive #151, Green Valley

Lunch Options are pending and will be sent to all on the WIB route list as soon as the information is available..

Cost: $30

Reservations limited to 35

Please RSVP to Lois Connell at: by May 19th.

Wear Blue!

***Join the Discussion Group each Wednesday, 10 - 11:30 am in Room 203 for open discussion on current events.***

Action Alerts!

URGENT ACTION | Mining Regulatory Clarity Act

From Save the Scenic Santa Ritas:

A disastrous bill will be voted on next week in the US House of Representatives and will likely pass. We need all our members to contact their representatives to tell them to vote “no” on the Mining Regulatory Clarity Act. Even if the bill passes in the House, we need as many “no” votes as possible to kill momentum going into the Senate.

If this bill were to be signed into law, it would give mining companies throughout the country the ability to use most public lands for any activities they deem necessary for their mining operations. This would, for example, reverse the 2022 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision that prohibited Hudbay from dumping tailings on most of the National Forest land and for now is making it more difficult for Hudbay to mine the east side of the Santa Ritas.

If you’re in Representative Grijalva’s district, no need to send him an email because he is staunchly against this bill. However, if you have a different representative like Representative Ciscomani, please email them to say “vote no.”

SSSR has already signed onto a joint organizational letter opposing this bill.

>>> For a simple way to send your email, click HERE to use a link provided by Earthjustice.

It will take you to a quick and easy form where, based on your address, the website will automatically find your own representative, e.g.,Ciscomani, and provide a standard message to send your representatives.


Clean Election Donations Needed

Candidates running under “Clean Elections” need $5 contributions in order to qualify for Clean Elections funding. You can contribute on-line HERE. These candidates are still in need of donations:

AZ Corporation Commission:

  • Ylenia Aguilar
  • Jonathan Hill

Arizona Abortion Access Initiative:

Help Needed to Reach Goal

Arizona Abortion Access in Southeast Arizona has collected over 8,200 signatures in April. Our target goal was 10,000, turning in nearly 800 pages. Our goal for the deadline of July 3rd is 80,500.

To meet this goal we need your help. Come by HQ to pick up a petition or sign up to be on a team. George McGaughey is there on Fridays 10 a.m. – noon (except for May 3rd) to notarize, train, and sign-out petitions.

We are setting up a hub at the Sahuarita library on Mondays and Tuesdays 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. in May. Sign up for a 2-hour shift. Call George McGaughey (720-371-5380) to schedule a date and time.

Arizona for Abortion Access announced they have collected more than 500,000 from Arizona voter signatures statewide. Keep up the good work, let's hit the goat of 800,000!


WE CARE Campaign in May:

No More Deaths

NO MORE DEATHS will be the May recipient of our donations through our We Care Program. Their goal is to end the fatalities of undocumented immigrants crossing the desert regions near the border. They provide food, water, medical aid, and supplies and offer humanitarian aid to people who have been deported to Mexico.

Their priority needs at this time are:


P-cord and rope for securing tarps

Emergency blankets


Warm clothing for adults and kids, hats, baseball caps, gloves, rain ponchos - Men’s clothing in higher demand

New socks and underwear

Tennis shoes, hiking shoes, flipflops

Lighters, waterproof matches

Disposable cups, bowls and utensils

Contractor bags

Toilet paper

Hand Sanitizer

Non Perishable Food - pop top cans, meals ready to eat, granola bars, sugar

Baby Formula

First aid supplies 


Travel-sized toiletries



ALSO NEEDED ARE LARGE TENTS AND FOUR WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES - please don’t bring these to HQ but contact me ( or No More Deaths directly (520-330-0741).

Bring your contributions to Headquarters or to any program meeting.

Thank you!

Judy Knape, VP Headquarters

Headquarters office is now open 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, from 9am to 3pm. These hours will continue until the election in November. With this very important election coming up we want to be more available to the voting public.


We are now collecting 2024 membership dues. Renew or become a new member by stopping by the office or by clicking the link below.

GVD 2024 Membership Dues are $30 per person. Your payment will cover your membership from now through December, 2024. 

Join or Renew Your Membership

GV Dems Headquarters (M-F, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) | 190 Continental Rd., Suite #208, Green Valley, AZ 85622 | 520-838-0590 | |


Paid for by the Green Valley Democrats Club. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.