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May 2024 Newsletter

Newsletter Update

With General Convention just over a month away, our regularly scheduled newsletter will be changing. We will be sending the June newsletter out on Wednesday, June 12th, with specific emails for Bishops and Deputies as needed. As a reminder, you can always use the GC81 Resources section of our website for resources relating to General Convention.

81st General Convention

June 23 - 28, 2024

Louisville, Kentucky

Kentucky International

Convention Center

Children's Program
Legislative Resources
GC 81 Resources


President of the House of Deputies Nominee Forum Scheduled

In accordance with the rules of order, Secretary Barlowe will be hosting a Presidential Nominee Forum on Friday, June 21 at 2pm ET at the Marriott. The forum will be for the official presidential nominees only, as there will be a separate forum for vice presidential candidates later. The forum will be livestreamed for deputies unable to attend in person. More details will be available soon. Stay tuned.

There will be time in the program for candidate questions. If you would like to propose a question or a topic, please send your ideas to Secretary Barlowe will compile the pool of potential questions from submitted recommendations.

See you in Louisville!

Attendee Resources

We are just over a month away from the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church and the excitement is mounting! In this newsletter we are including information to help you plan your stay, including our affiliated events calendar, restaurants in and around the convention center, spotlighting some activities to do during your stay and many other unique and exciting facts about Louisville. 

Things to Do

Did you know there are many affiliated organizations which host events in conjunction with the General Convention? To view all events and more information, please visit our calendar of events

Experience Louisville by taking part in events, arts & culture, shopping, sports & outdoor activities, tours and much more. With more than 120 attractions Louisville has something for everyone. To learn more about the city’s attractions, visit

Louisville would not be the creative, innovative, passionate city that it is without its Black community. For so many things that make Louisville unique- from food traditions and even the Greatest himself, Muhammad Ali- countless people of color have contributed their gifts to build the city’s vibrant culture. The past can be complex and sometimes hard to imagine through a modern lens. We all benefit from learning a destination’s complete history. We welcome you to discover Bourbon City's Black Heritage.

The Thomas Merton Center is located in the library on the campus of Bellarmine University. Close to the convention center downtown is a historical marker detailing a famous revelatory experience of which Merton wrote at what was the corner of 4th and Walnut (currently 4th and Muhamad Ali, now known as Merton Square).

Places to Eat

We will have concessions available in the exhibit hall, so grab a bite, visit with exhibitors and friends, or take a moment to catch your breath in between sessions. If you prefer to step outdoors, there is an abundance of restaurants within a walkable distance of the Kentucky International Convention Center. You can see these suggestions here:


All are welcome to join us in the Ballroom at the Kentucky International Convention Center to worship each day of Convention. Anyone with a convention credential will have access. If you aren't registered to attend Convention and would like to participate in worship services, you can pre-register by completing this form. Upon arrival at the Convention Center, please show your confirmation email with a government issued photo ID to be admitted. Seating is limited and subject to availability on the day of the service, so please share with your friends and sign up!

Bishops and Deputy Handbook Now Available

The Handbook is a useful reference tool that helps attendees navigate and understand General Convention. This comprehensive document includes information on the legislative process, events, calendars, staff contacts, and other programs. The Handbook will be uploaded onto the deputy iPads and can be downloaded ahead of time here.

Event App Heads Up

Step into seamless event navigation with our cutting-edge mobile app! At the 81st General Convention, let the app be your personal guide, allowing you to discover interactive maps, exhibitor information, the full conference schedule, and the latest updates—all from the palm of your hand. Round out your General Convention experience by downloading the app in early June. Please look for more detailed instructions in next month’s newsletter.


Legislative Committee Meeting

Legislative Committee meetings and hearings are now underway. Anyone is able to register to observe a meeting or hearing, or testify at a hearing. You can view the schedule on under the Legislative Committee Meetings section. Participants may register to observe a meeting at any time. However, if you are planning on testifying, we encourage you to register at least 2 business days prior to the meeting, as the list of testifiers is submitted to the committee 1 business day prior to the hearing.

Because our office needs 3 weeks ahead of hearings to publicize them and accommodate language needs, the last day for online hearings is June 8th. Any hearings taking place after that will be hosted onsite in Louisville.

Executive Council

Joint Budget Committee Hearing May 16th

Two public hearing sessions will be convened prior to presentation of the 2025-2027 Triennial Budget at the General Convention. You are invited to these open hearing sessions that will be held:

Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 4:00 PM ET by Zoom

Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 11:00 AM ET at the General Convention (hearing room to be announced at a later time).

To register for the online session on May 16th, please fill out this form. For more information on the Joint Budget Committee, visit their page on the General Convention Website.

Data, Learning, and Technology

Trends in Small Church Vitality Webinar

The Rev. Molly James recently shared data from the "Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations" in a webinar titled "Trends in Small Church Vitality." The wider project looks at congregations' response to the COVID-19 pandemic and explores life in parishes post-pandemic using qualitative and quantitative research. The webinar is part of an ongoing series highlighting different aspects of the project data.

You can view the webinar here and explore the other insights from this project by visiting the project's website:

Upcoming Dates

Regular Registration for Children's Program

May 1 - May 24

Budget open hearing scheduled (online)

May 16, 4:00 PM ET

1st Legislative Day

June 23

Legislative Committee Meetings

(view schedule and register to attend)

Interim Bodies Schedule

Executive Council Schedule

Useful Links

News for Bishops and Deputies

Episcopal News Service

House of Deputies News

Public Affairs of The Episcopal Church

Canonical Publications

All current canonical publications, as well as some other publications, can be found 0n the publications menu of the General Convention Website. Here are some shortcuts:

Blue Book Reports - Constitution and Canons - Journal of Convention - Summary of Actions - 2022 Parochial Report Data

For historical canonical publications, please visit the Archives of the Episcopal Church 

The Executive Office of the General Convention

The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, D.D., Secretary of the General Convention and Executive Officer

Ms. Betsey Bell, Executive Assistant to the Executive Officer

The Rev. Carrie Combs, Legislative Data Specialist

Ms. Iris DiLeonardo, Data Specialist and Meetings Assistant

Mr. Patrick Haizel, Deputy for Administration and Operations

The Rev. Molly F. James, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Officer of General Convention

Ms. Brittney Laws, Meeting Coordinator

Ms. Jennifer Mendez, Administrative and Language Specialist

Mr. Brian Murray, Governance Technology Specialist

Ms. Fiona Nieman, CMP, Deputy for Convention and Meeting Planning

Ms. Twila Rios, Manager of Digital Information Systems

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