May 2024 News and Views.

Jupiter Changes Signs;

Pluto Stations Retrograde;

Webinar: The Next Six Months:

What's New for July-December 2024.

Hi all

Welcome to those who are subscribers as well as those who are reading my newsletter for the first time. If you missed the April News and Views. Part 3 about Mercury stationing direct and other things, you can read it here In this newsletter scroll down to read about Jupiter changing signs, Pluto stationing retrograde, Webinar: The Next Six Months: What's New for July-December 2024, Horoscope Consultations, Upcoming and Past Presentations, Celestial Events, Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy books for sale. Please excuse any typos or mistakes below. Feel free to notify me if you find any.

After the busy month of April, which saw the total solar eclipse, Mercury retrograde, and Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, we move into May, which continues the intensity of last month. This month, Pluto, which retrogrades every year for about 5 1/2 months, begins its retrograde journey on May 2. Jupiter enters sidereal Taurus on April 30, and enters tropical Gemini on May 25. As we discussed in my 2024 Sensitive Degrees Webinar, this month Mars makes its presence felt with aspects that continue into mid-June. Mars conjoins the North Node-Rahu on May 20 2024 at Tropical 14°Aries 56’. Sidereal 20° Pisces 50' followed by it conjoining the April 8 solar eclipse degree of Tropical 19° Aries 24'. Sidereal. 25° Pisces 18’ on May 23, so there may be a turbulent time from about May 14 through May 26. This may be connected in part to the current turbulence of campus protests now occurring worldwide, but there may be additional events that cause strife. I will write more about this in Part 2 of May News and Views sometime in mid-May.

This year Akṣaya Tṛtīya, the most auspicious day in the Indian calendar, is celebrated on May 9th and 10th (depending on time zone), the one day that the Sun is exalted in sidereal Aries and the Moon is exalted in sidereal Taurus on the 3rd lunar day in the waxing cycle in the month of Vaisakha month. It is said that on this day any activity that you begin will grow and prosper including getting married, starting a business and any other auspicious event. Any new endeavors and investments are said to bring good fortune. People often buy gold on this day. Watch for celebrations at your local Hindu temple. This year Akṣaya Tṛtīya occurs on May 10, 2024 at approximately 4:17 AM IST and ends on May 11, 2024 at approximately 2:50 am Indian Standard Time. That means in the Eastern time zone it begins May 9, 2024 at 6:47 pm and ends May 10, 2024 at 5:20 pm.  

This month's lunations occur with the New Moon on May 8, 2024. 3:21 AM. Tropical. 18° Taurus 02'. Sidereal 23° Aries 56' bharaṇī; and the Full Moon on May 23, 2024, 1:52 PM. Tropical 2° Sagittarius 55'. Sidereal. 8° Scorpio 49’. anurādhā (times are GMT). If you have any planets, points, or angles around those degrees (I would take a one-two degree orb) then whatever is represented by that planet, point or angle, will be prominent and important until the next lunation, meaning that if something in your chart is conjunct this month's New Moon on May 8, 2024, it will be prominent until the next New Moon on June 6, 2024, and if something in your chart is conjunct this month's Full Moon on Sidereal. 8° Scorpio 49’. anurādhā, it will be prominent until the next Full Moon on June 22, 2024. The New Moon represents beginnings and can help you to institute a change you have been thinking about while the Full Moon is an accomplishment or culmination and gives the push to continue on that path.

If your birthday is between May 7-9, 2024, then the New Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala) or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning a change is bound to happen, so work on that change. It could be a physical move, job change, relationship change, or simply working on yourself to integrate new patterns and habits into your life. Expect a great deal of transformative experiences that will make you want to change or take a step in a different direction. Take your time but do head in that direction, since otherwise it will happen to you whether you initiate it or not.

If your birthday is between May 22-24, then the Full Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala) or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning that it may be year when things you have been working on will manifest, or feel like they are moving in the right direction, so continue with whatever is fulfilling you. (Scroll down for more Celestial Events.)

You can get notices from me through social media. Sign up through Facebook kkkkk(, Instagram ( and Twitter ( though I am on Twitter less and less. And if you know someone who wants to subscribe to this newsletter they can go to my Website and sign up.

Please remember that by staying subscribed to this newsletter, in addition to monthly newsletters about planetary weather, you will also get separate newsletters about horoscope sales, classes, webinars, etc. like this one, so if you are not interested in learning astrology, but do want to read the news each month, please do not unsubscribe, just delete the advertisements when they arrive.

All good wishes


Jupiter Changes Signs

 Jupiter changes signs in both tropical and sidereal zodiacs this month and this marks changes in how you will be affected depending on where sidereal Taurus and tropical Gemini lie in your chart. Jupiter enters sidereal Taurus April 30, 2024 through May 14, 2025, when it enters sidereal Gemini. Jupiter enters tropical Gemini May 25, 2024 through June 9, 2025, when it enters tropical Cancer. As usual every year Jupiter will retrograde for four months, this time from October 9, 2024 through February 4, 2025.

Rather than focus on what it may mean for the world, since the signs are very different depending on the zodiac that you use, I will focus on what it means for your chart, in terms of Jupiter's meaning and the area of your chart it will travel through. Jupiter travels through a sign for about 13 months and sometimes it runs right through one sign, and sometimes it retrogrades back into the previous sign. This year, however, Jupiter will stay in sidereal Taurus and tropical Gemini for the entire year so the area that it affects in the chart will be focused and consistent just as it did with Jupiter's previous transit.

Wherever Jupiter is positioned in your natal chart is an area where you can expand your horizons, create opportunities, and experience lucky circumstances. Of course this may also be modified by its aspects and whether or not the house where it sits is a strong or weaker house. On the negative side, it could lead to indulgence and waste in the area where it is positioned, mostly because Jupiter sees the big picture, and wants everything to be big and exaggerated. In order for Jupiter to do its best work it should also be accompanied by a strong Saturn, so that you can take the larger vision that you have and transform it into something structured and productive.

This general view of Jupiter also stands true when it is in transit and affects an area of your chart. Whichever house Jupiter transits is an area where you will expand, and one that will make you happy and feel positive about. This will also be the case when Jupiter conjoins or trines a planet, point, or angle in the chart, since whatever that represents will be a part of your life that might work in your favor and fill you with optimism. When it retrogrades from October 9, 2024 through February 4, 2025, you may have to review and revise some of those plans that have been moving along, but that is the case every year with the retrograde Jupiter. Once it goes direct Jupiter will work positively to finish up whatever it starts during this month as Jupiter first enters a new sign, and therefore, a new area of your chart which it enters when it moves into the next sign in 2025. (Of course more will be said about this closer to the retrograde and during my Next Six Months Webinar. Scroll down for that.)

Read if you use Indian sidereal astrology. Jupiter enters sidereal Taurus April 30, 2024 through May 14, 2025, when it enters sidereal Gemini. The house in your chart where sidereal Taurus is placed is the area where you may experience abundance, optimism, opportunity, expansion, and prosperity but also should watch out for indulgence, overdoing, and being unrealistic about what you need to do to accomplish your goals. If you do not know which house Taurus occupies, look at your lagna (ascendant), or Moon, or even your Sun (if you do not know your ascendant or Moon), and just count from there. Other houses that will feel the effects of Jupiter include where Jupiter in Taurus aspects, which include Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. General descriptions for bhavas (houses) are as follows:  

 1. appearance, destiny, temperament, personality, constitution; 2. Money, family life, food, speech, early childhood; 3. Siblings, Fine arts, courage, desires; 4. Mother, happiness, real estate, vehicles; 5. Children, romance, investments, speculation; 6. Open enemies, work, competition, obstacles, illness; 7. Marriage, partners, contracts, passion; 8. Life and death cycle, research, accidents, other's money, inheritance; 9. Father, teacher (guru), religion, higher learning, opportunity; 10. Career, status, public recognition, reputation; 11. Profits, rewards, gains from work, awards, older siblings; 12. spiritual practice, secret enemies, foreign travel, debt, confinement.


Read if you use tropical Western astrology. Jupiter enters tropical Gemini May 25, 2024 through June 9, 2025, when it enters tropical Cancer. The house or houses in your chart where tropical Gemini is placed is the area where you may experience abundance, optimism, opportunity, expansion, and prosperity but also should watch out for indulgence, overdoing, and being unrealistic about what you need to do to accomplish your goals. If you do not know which house or houses tropical Gemini occupies, look at your ascendant or Sun (if you do not know your ascendant), and just count from there. If you use an unequal house system, Gemini may span two houses. General descriptions for houses are as follows:  

1. personality, body, appearance; 2. finances, possessions, values. 3. communication, siblings, short journeys, learning; 4. family, mother, home; 5. children, recreation, entertainment; 6. health, service, pets; 7. marriage, contracts, partnership; 8. business transactions, sexuality, life and death matters; 9. higher education, travel abroad, publishing, law; 10. profession, status, father; 11. gains, friendships, hopes, dreams; 12. compassion, spirituality, limitations, solitude.

Pluto Stations Retrograde. May 2-October 12, 2024.

Tropical zodiac. Pluto stations retrograde. May 2, 2024. 2° Aquarius 6’.

Pluto R re-enters Capricorn Sept 2, 2024.

Pluto stations direct. Oct. 12, 2024. 29° Capricorn 38’

Pluto D re-enters Aquarius November 19, 2024  

Sidereal zodiac. Pluto stations retrograde. May 2, 2024. 8° Capricorn. 0. uttarāṣāḍhā

Pluto stations direct. Oct. 12, 2024. 05° Capricorn 32'. uttarāṣāḍhā   

Retrograde stations apply to both zodiacs since the days that planets station retrograde and direct transcend zodiac. The difference of course lies in the zodiacal signs that planets occupy. Planets that station retrograde are still slowed up in their orbit as experienced from earth, and the planets that are inferior (Mercury and Venus) form a conjunction with the Sun midway through their retrograde cycle, while planets that are superior (Mars through Pluto) form an opposition with the Sun midway through the retrograde cycle. That means that often during the week or two before or after Pluto stations retrograde, we have "Plutonian" events occurring, which can mean meteorological changes that shake the worlds, or government shifts, which can be elections installing another party in power, or leaders stepping down, or even passing away either naturally or through violence. There may be things happening that simply shake things up and we can of course think of the continuing wars in the Middle East, and in Ukraine, but also relatively new intense activities like protests throughout the world now occurring on college campuses and at least in the United States, we are experiencing major tornadoes throughout the Midwest and floods in Houston, ironically the same area where we had floods after the last total solar eclipse that was visible throughout the country on August 21, 2017. Watch for more new, intense events occurring through at least May 10th, which could coincide with the New Moon on May 7-8, depending on the time zone.

Since Pluto retrogrades for about 5 1/2 months each year we are in some sense used to it going retrograde. But Pluto is important around the retrograde and direct station because it means that if you have something in your chart between these degrees Pluto may have caused in the last year for you to go through a transition, ups and downs, and things that may have taken jobs, money or relationships away from you, but that does not mean that you cannot get it back. In fact that is the challenge. since it may or may not be something you need to get back in the same way, but in another, even better way. Sometimes it is difficult to look that far ahead and a Pluto transit is not always easy because it means that you make the transition and may go up and down and up and down, and finally up. The Pluto transit does not have to be disastrous but something that has forced you to make major changes in your life, perhaps changes that you should have made a while ago. That does not mean it is easy and the Pluto transit can take 18 months since it moves so slowly, but whether it is very difficult, or even enthralling, "change" and "transition" are really the operative words.


Read if you use Indian sidereal astrology. 

Pluto stations retrograde. May 2, 2024. 8° Capricorn 0'. uttarāṣāḍhā.

Pluto stations direct. Oct. 12, 2024. 05° Capricorn 32'. uttarāṣāḍhā   

If you have a planet, point, or angle in your chart between 5° Capricorn 32’-8° Capricorn 0', it will hit those degrees three times in between the time when Pluto direct first reaches 5 Capricorn 32 on January 12, 2024, retrogrades at 8 Capricorn on May 2, 2024, and direct again at 5 Capricorn 32 on October 12, 2024 and when it reaches 8 Capricorn in direct motion on February 6, 2025. This means that this transition, which might have been touched upon in 2023, will continue throughout next year but will especially make you aware of which aspect of your life will be affected between the retrograde and direct station. This aspect or area of your life is what may need to change, either because you want it to and will work towards transformation or because something you have no control over occurs and forces you to look at change. But in that case you can then work with that change and try to make something happen, though it could take a while since Pluto moves so slowly hitting a planet, point, or angle in your chart often three times, and sometimes even more times depending on where it retrogrades and goes direct. Welcome the excitement that change can bring, and do not fear the unknown. If you have something on one of the stationary degrees, it will be there twice with the station being very potent and will be within orb for a few weeks on either side of the stationary degree. Whatever the planet, point, or angle represents, or whichever house the planet rules, below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets.

Sun.  power, vigor; Moon. maternal, mind; Mars. strength, courage; Mercury. speech, learning; Jupiter.  knowledge, wealth; Venus. love, happiness; Saturn. sorrow, fear; Rāhu (North Node). intensity, compulsion; Ketu (South Node). extremes, spirituality; Lagna (Ascendant). destiny, vitality. If you use Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the angles you can look below at tropical Western astrology for their keywords.


Read if you use Western tropical astrology. 

Pluto stations retrograde. May 2, 2024. 2° Aquarius 6’.

Pluto stations direct. Oct. 12, 2024. 29° Capricorn 38’

If you have a planet, point, or angle in your chart between 29° Capricorn 38’-2° Aquarius 6', it will hit those degrees three times in between the time when Pluto is direct on January 12, 2024 and first passes 2° Aquarius 6’, retrogrades at 29 Capricorn 38 on May 2, 2024, and direct again at 29 Capricorn on October 12, 2024 and when it reaches 2 Aquarius 6 in direct motion on February 6, 2025. This means that this transition, which might have been touched upon in 2023, will continue throughout next year but will especially make you aware of which aspect of your life will be affected between the retrograde and direct station. This aspect or area of your life is what may need to change, either because you want it to and will work towards transformation or because something you have no control over occurs and forces you to look at change. But in that case you can then work with that change and try to make something happen, though it could take a while since Pluto moves so slowly hitting a planet, point, or angle in your chart often three times, and sometimes even more times depending on where it retrogrades and goes direct. Welcome the excitement that change can bring, and do not fear the unknown. If you have something on one of the stationary degrees, it will be there twice with the station being very potent and will be within orb for a few weeks on either side of the stationary degree. Whatever the planet, point, or angle represents, or whichever house the planet rules, below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets.

Sun. vitality, individuality, ego; Moon. emotions, habits, conditioning; Mercury. communication, ;intelligence; Venus. love, beauty, creativity; Mars. physical energy, aggression, courage; Jupiter. expansion, abundance; Saturn. limitation, disciplined, fear; Uranus. originality, independent, rebellious; Neptune. spiritual, immaterial, imagination; Pluto. intensity, power; North Node. power, place where you must strive; South Node. place where it is easy, habits; Ascendant. personality, destiny; IC. home, family, mother; Descendant. partnerships, contracts; Midheaven. career, father

Webinar: The Next Six Months: What's New for July-December 2024

Date: Sunday. July 21. 11:00 AM-1:00 PM EDT. Attend live or get recording after.

Fee: Early Early Bird Pricing: $45 until midnight June 1st. $55 until midnight July 2nd. After that, $65. Registration closes midnight July 20th. (If you register after midnight July 20, you will get the recording.) 

We will begin with a quick review of January-June 2024 and will take an in-depth look at

the sensitive degrees and astrological events of the next six months as follows: Next Retrograde

and Direct stations: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; New and Full

Moons from July through December; Eclipses of September 18 and October 2 (including Saros and Metonic cycles); Pluto re-enters tropical Aquarius definitively; Uranus in sidereal Taurus and retrogrades into sidereal Aries; Important aspects: Mars cnj. Uranus, Mars cnj. Jupiter, Mars square Saturn, Jupiter square Saturn, Mars opposite Pluto and more;

Overview of world events based on the above. I will NOT make US Presidential Election predictions, but will talk about the planetary indications for that time. Additionally we will look at current conflicts and elections, plus new activities that could take place. And much more... 

Register for early early bird rates by midnight June 1st at

Horoscope Consultations

I am available for consultations and tutoring sessions via phone or video chat (I will send a link for gotomeeting, which is like zoom). I am no longer doing in-person consultations in New York City for the immediate future. I record the consultation with a digital recorder, and email you the mp3 and/or mp4 file, which you can easily download onto your computer or device. If you wish to gift a horoscope reading to someone, please make sure the person you are gifting would like to have one done before purchasing. If you would like to purchase a reading for yourself or someone else, please make payment at I do not have a scheduler at the moment, so I will reach out to you within 24-48 hours with available dates and times. I accept paypal, credit cards, venmo, or checking account on my website. There are installment payments available through paypal. If you prefer zelle, send payment to I am mostly booked between two and three weeks in advance. My next availability is Thursday May 23. Appointments do go quickly, so if you would like to book please keep that in mind. Please email me if you need clarification.

. Phone or Video Initial Consultation. $320 (up to 90 minutes with opportunity for email questions after).

. Urgent Initial Reading. Phone or Video Initial Consultation. Appointment will be made within 5 business days. $550. (Up to 90 minutes with opportunity for email questions after.)

. Phone or Video Update for the year ahead. $225 (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This reading is for those who have already consulted with me.

. Additional people you want to look at in the context of your reading. $40 for each additional chart.

. Compatibility reading for an hour. $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT an individual reading but a look at the relationship and timing for the relationship.

. Choosing an Auspicious Date for an event. $225 for research and consultation.

. Astro*Carto*Graphy or locality readings or "Where in the World?" $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after)Finding the right location and best timing for work, love, finances, health, etc. You must provide places that you are interested in.

. Combination of initial reading and Astro*Carto*Graphy reading. $375. (120 minutes with opportunity for questions after).

. Answering one specific question or examining one topic or area. $185. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT a horary chart but an examination of only one specific area or question. Only for people who have had an initial reading. 

. One hour Tutoring sessions in Indian Astrology or Astro*Carto*Graphy. $100 for one session. $275 for 3 sessions.

Upcoming Classes and Presentations

All at

Thursday June 6-Sunday June 16, 2024. Jyotish Kumbha. Annual Jyotisa conference that takes place at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam ashram in Saylorsburg PA. You can attend all or part of the conference, and can attend in-person or remotely. Information and registration at I will be there between Wednesday June 12-Sunday June 16.

Sunday. July 14, 2024, 3:00-4:30 PM EDT. ISAR Star Club Online Presentation.

Retrograde Tales: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Registration forthcoming.

Sunday. July 21, 2024. 11:00 AM-1:00 PM EDT.

Webinar: The Next Six Months: What's New for July-December 2024

Thursday November 21-Monday November 25, 2024.

Maharishi Parashara Virtual Conference. Top Jyotishis presenting.

My lecture: Thursday November 21. 12:30 PM. Women’s Astrology: Do the Classical Texts still Work in our Modern World?

Information and Registration:


Past Lectures and Classes for Purchase

Purchase Those Magnificent Fixed Stars. Two hour Zoom presentation for New Jersey NCGR Chapter on April 26, 2024. Special sale through May 15. $20.

Let’s explore the astronomy and astrology of the fixed stars, whose remarkable appearance in the night sky determine their natal and mundane interpretation. We will see numerous examples of stars conjoining a planet or angle, and how transits to those degrees have a life-changing effect. Stars we will discuss include: Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, Fomalhaut (the four Persian royal stars), Spica, Scheat, Algol, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Zosma, Vega, and others. These techniques work with Eastern and Western charts and is for all levels of expertise. 

_________________________________________________________________________________________IIndian astrology classes are available for purchase at all levels. Each consists of 10 two-hour classes with supplemental recordings and an 11th wrap-up class. For more complete information and purchase information, go to A new series of classes at all levels will probably begin in October 2024 and will be announced here.

Classes will prepare you for ACVA Level I Certification testing.

Celestial Events. May 2024


May 8, 2024. New Moon. 3:21. Tropical. 18° Taurus 02'. Sidereal. 23° Aries 56’. bharaṇī.

May 23, 2024. Full Moon. 13:52. Tropical.  2° Sagittarius 55'. Sidereal. 8° Scorpio 49’.


Retrograde and Direct Stations

May 2, 2024. Pluto stations retrograde. Tropical. 2° Aquarius 6’. Sidereal. 8° Capricorn. 0


Tropical Ingresses

May 15 2024. Mercury enters Taurus.

May 20, 2024. Sun enters Gemini.

May 23, 2024. Venus enters Gemini.

May 25, 2024. Jupiter enters Gemini.    


Sidereal Ingresses

May 10, 2024. Mercury direct re-enters Aries.

May 14, 2024. Sun enters Taurus.

May 19, 2024. Venus enters Taurus.

May 31, 2024. Mercury enters Taurus.

The times above are all noted in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and the Krishnamurti Ayanāṃśa is used for sidereal calculations.

Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy book for sale

Purchase a copy of The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy, by Jim Lewis with Kenneth Irving, priced at $24.95 including postage. The book, which was first released in 1997 was re-released in 2012 with added notes, and revisions and additions, including a new foreword and epilogue and larger print. The book was taken from Jim's notes, and was compiled, edited, and added to by Kenneth Irving after Jim's death in 1995. It is now published by Words and Things, a publishing venture by Kenneth Irving and myself. Allow 7-10 days for delivery. If you order from outside the United States you will have to pay additional postage. You can order copies from Amazon or from Ebay. Our name on ebay is loretta1272. To get certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy please go to


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