May Highlights

May 2—National Day of Prayer

May 4—”May the Course” 5K Race

May 9—Deacons and Wives Meeting

May 16—Prime Time Luncheon

May 19—Graduate Recognition Sunday

May 19—New Member Class

May 26-31—GAP Kentucky College & YA Mission Trip

May 27—Memorial Day (office closed)

A Message from our Senior Pastor, Dr. Rodney Navey

“The Church and Family”


One of the Core Values of Lawndale is Family Equipping. God created the church, and He also created the family. It makes sense they would work together. The church is a family; it includes all ages and stages, married and unmarried. But we have a certain responsibility to each family.


We can divide our responsibility into categories for the church and categories for the family. For the church, we partner with families to disciple all ages and stages, but we also equip family members to fulfill their God-given responsibilities within the family. The family categories would be husbands/wives, parents, and grandparents. Each group should be equipped to do the work of the ministry at home and in their families.


You have no excuse for not knowing what God wants you to do in your role of the family if your church family is doing its job. Lawndale has a variety of opportunities one on one and in small groups to study, be accountable, and be equipped for your family assignments. If you have trouble finding the opportunities, please see one of the Pastors or Directors on staff. They will give you good direction.


Another way we equip families is through an annual series of worship services from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day. For 2024, our theme is “Wisdom for the Family.” Proverbs is oftentimes called a book of wisdom. It gives godly counsel in how to live life like God intended. The series will draw from this godly counsel to address key areas of life:


  • May 12 Wisdom for Moms
  • May 19 Wisdom for Marriage
  • May 26 Wisdom for Family Attitudes
  • June 2 Wisdom for Finances
  • June 9 Wisdom for Parents
  • June 16 Wisdom for Dads
  • June 23 Wisdom for Grandparents


The Scripture memory verse for the series is Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Your life and family life begins with a right view of God and a right relationship with God. If you are not right with Him, it will be impossible to have a happy and healthy family life. On the other hand, if you are not right with your family, it will be impossible to have a happy and healthy relationship with God.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Start with the right foundation. Acknowledge God for who He is. Turn from your way of life to His. Place your faith in the death and resurrection of Christ for access to Him. He created you, and one day you will answer to Him.


Wouldn’t it be great if there was a book in the Bible that taught us how to live a wise life and even spoke to how to live a wise life in the family? Proverbs . . . that’s the book! Pray for God to use our study for His glory and our good.


Pastor On Call: 336-580-3214

April 29-May 5, Dr. Rodney Navey

May 6-12, Dr. Curt Dean

May 13-19, Dr. Jon Boling

May 20-26, Barry Owen

May 27-June 2, Zach McCraw


  If no one answers immediately, please leave a message with a contact number

and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Next Generations
Abby Miller, Preschool Director (
Abby LaMachio, Special Needs Intern (
Cassie Taylor, Elementary Director (
Hannah Blackmore, Sports Director (
Kelly Larrimore, Children’s Admin (
Kyle Earwood, Family Pastor (
Lori Eanes, Students, Sports, College, and Young Adults Admin (
Zach McCraw, Next Gen & Student Pastor (
“Making disciples who make disciples all for the glory of God.”
The Disciple’s Path: Reach the Lost. Connect with the Church. Learn the Bible. Grow in Discipleship. Serve in Ministry.

Next Gen Newsletters:

We have converted to an email newsletter format. If you have not been receiving these emails, please contact the appropriate admin to be added. (Student Ministry – Lori Eanes. Children’s Ministry – Kelly Larrimore)


Monthly Emphasis: VBS Invites

We encourage church members and families to be thinking and praying about who you can invite to VBS this year. We have postcards at the Link Station you can pick up to hand out. Invite other family members, neighbors, friends, etc.


Next Gen & Family Equipping Events:

  • May 19: Grad Sunday. Click HERE to register. On Grad Sunday, we will have a breakfast for graduates and their immediate families at 8:30am followed by recognition during service at 9:45am. 
  • June 24-28: Vacation Bible School. Click HERE to register.  Breaker Rock Beach - God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands. PreK through completed 5th grade. Interested in volunteering? Contact Abby Miller or Cassie. Join us in praying now!
  • July 15-19: Students Summer Camp. Click HERE to register. We will be going to Fort Caswell. Cost is $375 per student.
  • July 26: Family Greensboro Grasshoppers Baseball Game. Online registration opening soon!

Hannah Blackmore, Sports Director,

Summer Sport Camps- Registration for camps is open! These coed camps will run from 9am-noon each day. Cost is $35.


  • Rising 1-3 Grade Soccer: June 10-13
  • Rising 4-6 Grade Soccer: June 17-20
  • Rising 1-2 Grade Basketball: July 8-11
  • Rising 3-4 Grade Basketball: August 5-8
  • Rising 5-6 Grade Basketball: August 12-15 


Summer League: This 7-week adult basketball league is for ages 16+ and runs Mondays from 6-9pm June 10 through August 5 (excluding 7/1 and 7/15). Registration closes May 29. There are only 60 spots available, and the cost is $45. 


Pickleball: We have organized pick-up games for any age and all ability levels. Come join us for a time of fun and fellowship starting in June! Stay tuned for more details. 


Luke Earwood, College & Connections Pastor,

As we are coming to the end of the semester, I want to ask you, Lawndale Church Family, to pray for the students that will soon be graduating, for the students that will be heading back to their homes and families, and for the students coming back home to Greensboro for the summer. Pray for wisdom and for their hearts to be willing to share the Good News of Jesus wherever they are this summer! 


Weekly Sunday Meetings: 9:45am—Worship Service, 11am—Life Journey Group (House C), 5pm—Home Group (House C).


Upcoming Events:

  • Final Home Group of the semester—May 5 
  • No Home Group—May 12, 19, 26 
  • Graduation Sunday—May 19. If you are a college graduate, sign up on our website under Lawndale Link. 
  • GAP Mission Trip to Kentucky (May 26- 31). Sign Up under Lawndale Link.
  • Summer Home Group—Starts June 2 
  • Carowinds Trip—June 15. More details to come.


If you are not signed up for Remind, text @lc27408 to 81010 to receive information via text from Lawndale College about upcoming events, reminders, and last minute changes.


Young Adults
Dr. Curt Dean, Lawndale Campus Pastor,

Check out our Instagram and Facebook posts on social media for upcoming events for Lawndale Young Adults!


Upcoming Events:

  • May 3 - LYA Greensboro Grasshoppers Baseball Game, 6:30pm (Registration is closed.)
  • May 4 - Join LYA and volunteer to serve or run/walk in the May the Course 5k!
  • May 5 - Come to the Fellowship Hall at 9:15am before the Sunday service and meet with other young adults to pray for the ministry and each other.
  • June 15 - Movie night! Mark your calendars! More details to come on this Saturday night event.
  • Aug 30 to Sept 2 - Fall Retreat at Ridgecrest Conference Center. A discount is available if you register by June 1. 



  • Ladies' Bible Studies: Thursdays at 6:30pm. Two groups meet at the church; one group meets offsite. Contact Caroline for more details at
  • Guys' Bible Studies: Tuesdays at 6:30pm in room 310 and Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Contact David for more information at


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Single Adults

You are invited to fellowship with other LBC Single Adults! Stay connected to get updates on all our activities by emailing  


Singles in Focus: Discipleship 101 (6:15 pm in House A on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays) - Join us for a Single Adults Bible Study and fellowship as we learn together what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the World. We will meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 6:15pm in House A. Our meetings this month are on May 1 & 15.  


Study the Book of Genesis on Sunday Mornings - Our Sunday morning Life Journey Group meets at 11am in House A (right after the 9:45 am Worship Service). This month we are walking through the Book of Genesis. We hope you will join us! 


Barry Owen, Discipleship Pastor,

Deacons & Wives Monthly Meeting - May 9 at 6pm in the CLC. Join us for a great meal; hear a new Deacon’s testimony and upcoming events. Don’t forget to bring your shepherding report to turn in.


Widow’s & Widower’s Banquet - Our Widow’s & Widower’s Banquet was a huge success! I can’t thank you all enough for your help in blessing and honoring our widows and widowers. A special thanks to all of our volunteers, kitchen staff, Deacons and wives, LBC Staff, Maintenance staff and my wife, Diane, and her team for putting it all together. We honored our Lord and our widows and widowers with excellence. Thank you all!


Senior Adults
Dr. Jon Boling, Senior Adults Pastor,

May 5 - PBA Senior Adult Worship Gathering, 5:30pm at Southside Baptist. Theme: The King is Coming: Celebrating Our Hope in the Lord. Special music, good preaching and warm fellowship await us. So please come and enjoy a day with other Baptist Senior Adults who await that great day! 


May 16 - Prime Time Luncheon at noon in the CLC. Special guest speaker from the North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministries on the searing topic of Elder Abuse. We will balance that with a fun meal of delicious hot dogs (those good kind the young people serve every year), beans, chips, beverage and a BUILD YOUR OWN ice cream Sundae bar. 


May 19 - The Voices of Experience present: “O Glorious Day: Songs of Heaven and Home.” Come hear and support the Senior Adult choir. You will enjoy this compilation of beautiful songs about our eternal home.  

Outreach & Local Missions
Nathan Morrison, Outreach & Local Missions Director,

Lilies of the Field clothing ministry: Interested in serving with a flexible schedule? Contact Brenna Payne at about ministry opportunities. Needed items: women’s plus size clothing, athletic leggings of all sizes, and diapers of all sizes.


Shepherd’s Shelf food pantry: Our March numbers are in. We served 40 clients! Help us reach those God sends us by volunteering. Prayer partners are especially needed. THANK YOU for donating the monthly food items. This month, we continue collecting vanilla wafers, graham crackers, and cake mixes & frosting.


Pray on the Way: This month, keep our nation in your prayers. Grab a National Day of Prayer Guide in the lobby and lift up our national and local government, entertainment, education, businesses, churches, families, and more.


Baby Bottle Drive (The Pregnancy Network) – Help the mission of TPN this Mother’s Day through Father’s Day in our annual Baby Bottle Drive. We’ll have baby bottles available in the lobby starting on May 12 (Mother’s Day) that you can take home, fill with spare change, and return to the lobby. Please return filled bottles by June 16 (Father’s Day.) Thanks for your support of this great mission partner!


National Day of Prayer: On Thursday, May 2 from 12-1pm in the Chapel. Please join us in prayer.


“May the Course” Race - You are invited to join us for the  Sixth Annual May the Course Be with You, a “Star Wars” themed 5K/10K and Mental Health Mile, on May 4. All proceeds support Restoration Place Counseling (visit


Piedmont International Fellowship – “Fashion With a Purpose”- What a Great Weekend! Our fashion show and fundraiser was a great success! We had about 100 attendees and raised about $3,000. Jesus continues to reach lost souls through Piedmont International Fellowship! Thank you to Lawndale Baptist Church and all of the volunteers who helped to make this mission a success! If you would like to find out more about contributing financially, please contact Monica at; or to find out more about volunteering needs, please contact Audrey at


Weekday School
Martha Stone, Weekday Director,, 336-282-4177

It is really hard to believe another school year is coming so close to the end. The warm weather is finally here, and the children are excited about the opportunity to be outside. They are all busy learning about spring as well as celebrating mothers this month. Our last day of school is Friday, May 24.


We still have a few spaces left for the fall. If you know of anyone looking for a Christian preschool for their child ages 10 months through kindergarten, please have them come by or call 336-282-4177. Registration forms are available online as well as outside my office in the Children’s Wing.

Several preschool families were blessed through the Weekday Scholarship Fund this school year. I am so very thankful for all of the donations that allowed us to help parents provide a safe, Christian school for their children. Please prayerfully consider donating to the Marion and Doris Ellis Weekday Scholarship Fund so that we can continue blessing families through this ministry.


Dr. Donna Navey, Women’s Director,

Dear Lawndale Ladies,

I’ve been teaching on the symbol of light throughout Scripture in our ladies’ WWW class. I never cease to be amazed at how God continues to use that illustration in my own life to show me more about Himself. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). 


With the spring showers, I am reminded of how it is the sun's light that helps to make the showers purposeful. It draws the rain into stems and leaves, creating the opportunity for the beautiful spring flowers to be nourished. It evaporates the excess and energizes the water cycle. 


In a similar way, it is Jesus who gives purpose to the rainstorms of our own lives. We can trust that the circumstances, beyond our control, are purposeful in His light. He is always helping us to grow into believers equipped for His service. He energizes, by His Spirit, the eternal purpose of our faith in Him (Isaiah 58:11). 


May God bless you with a renewed trust in His light in and through your life as you enjoy the beautiful flowers of spring! - Love, Donna 


NC Baptist Women’s Conference—Please mark October 25-26 on your calendars! We will be attending the NC Baptist Women’s Conference at Caraway—more to come. 


Weekly Women in the Word (WWW) meets 9-10am on Wednesdays in the Chapel. Series: “Radiant—Our Influence in the Darkness.”

Meaningful Motion Weekly women's stretch class with an emphasis on Scripture, Wednesdays, 8:15am in the Chapel.


Women on Mission groups meet in May and then take a few months off before preparing for the Joyner School activities in August.


  • Joyful Missions meets Tuesday, May 7 at 10am in room 234. Brenna Payne from Lilies of the Field will talk about the clothing closet mission and items needed to serve the clients. The ladies will bring items for a Snack Basket to treat the teachers at Joyner School.

  • Motivated by Grace meets Tuesday, May 14 at 12:30pm (note time change) in Room 216. The ladies will enjoy a covered dish lunch while planning for their Fall mission projects. They will also have updates from our missionaries on how to pray for their work.


The Healing Hearts of Lawndale Widows Ministry will meet Saturday, May 11 at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. We will be making an easy Spring craft to brighten up your home! ALL widows are warmly invited to attend! PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED TO RSVP this month so that we know how many supplies to order! Please call the church office @336-288-3824 and register. We look forward to seeing you!


Kyle Earwood, Family Pastor,

Men’s Ministry—We are happy to announce that we are kicking off our Men’s Ministry this year! We have another breakfast fellowship coming up on July 27 from 8-10am! The topic will be “How to Reach Your Unsaved Friend.” Online registration opens May 15.


Music & Worship
Noah Darnell, Music & Worship Director,

Hello Lawndale Family,


This month we will be studying in Proverbs, examining the wisdom that Scripture provides us all for our lives. As we sing together, it is my hope that we will continue to teach and admonish one another through songs and hymns and spiritual songs, as Paul writes to the church of Colossae in Colossians 3:16. As we let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly, our singing together will be an outpouring of joy resulting from that indwelling.


I am so thankful to be a part of a church family that sings together! May we fill the room with praise to God together as his people, and may we teach and admonish one another with the biblical truth that we sing!


General Announcements

Service Opportunities: Lawndale Baptist Church has two opportunities to serve on the mission field in our home state this year. If you are interested in either, please contact Jimmy Jackson at


1. July 21-26 – Red Spring Mission Camp, Red Spring, NC        

  • Cost: $100 per person which includes food, lodging, and supplemental insurance (required)
  • Work: We will help with construction and hold a VBS during the week
  • Who: This is for everyone. We encourage families to participate together as we serve on mission in NC!

2. October 13-18 - Hurricane Florence Rebuild, Rose Hill, NC

  • Cost: $100 per person which includes lodging, food, and supplemental insurance (required)
  • Work: We will continue the work of rebuilding after Hurricane Florence. Various jobs could include sheet rock, flooring, roofing, etc.
  • Who: If you have any construction experience, this trip is for you! You don’t have to be a contractor, just willing to serve!


Wednesday Evening Meals (Christian Life Center), 5pmRegister Online. Menus for this month (hot meal)

  • May 1 - Hamburger steak, mashed potatoes and green beans + dessert
  • May 8 - Chicken parmesan, noodles with marinara sauce and side salad + dessert
  • May 15 - Beef tips over rice and green beans + dessert
  • May 22 - Greek chicken, wild rice and broccoli + dessert
  • May 29 - Fried chicken, potato salad and baked beans + dessert


Attention Veterans: The Healing Hearts Widows Ministry will be hosting a luncheon in late June to honor the veterans in our Church family. Please complete the Veterans information form located at the Link Stations, in Life Journey classes, and in the church office. Completed forms may be placed in a tithing box in the lobby or taken to the office BEFORE May 19. NOTE: there is no need to complete one again if you filled one out last year. 


Our online giving program can be found on our website:

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Ephesians 4:30-31

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