Sunday Services Zoom link

Service Recordings

Giving Link

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Peace Center

Our Fellowship meets every Sunday (September - May) at 10:00 am at the

Headwaters Peace Center 

1826 Mikrantip Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601 

For more information contact: 

Join us by zoom using the link above or following this sign-in information:

Meeting ID: 960 3461 6935 Call in number: 1 (312) 626 6799

Click here for Google directions

May 5, 2024


speaker - Leah Corcoran

guest musician - Natalie Corcoran

coordinator - Amy Hartwell

Join Life Coach Leah Corcoran for a thought-provoking talk on Transformation, based on her own life experiences as well as insights she's gleaned from her rewarding work as a coach, helping others to uncover their most vibrant, authentic selves. 🦋

Natalie Corcoran is in Rock Band Camp and plays guitar, bass, drums and vocals. Their band is called: "Huzzah! Barely Controlled Chaos"

***Social Justice meeting following today's service, see agenda below

***Planting of the Children's Forest following today's service, see RGL notes

May 12, 2024

On Being Human

speaker - Rev. Leslie Mills

coordinator - Maggie Carlson and Sarah Baker

It can be argued that religious community is where we come together to figure out what it means to be human. What does it mean to be in relationship with the world around us? How do we know who we are as individuals? Drawing on both Eastern and Western philosophy, we will explore a few options to bring depth and meaning to our understanding of our essential nature, perhaps even elevating our experience of our daily life from mundane to mythic.

Our guest speaker this morning is Rev. Leslie Mills, joining us virtually from St. Paul, Minnesota. Raised a third generation Unitarian Universalist, she grew up playing outdoors, reading lots of novels, singing, and making art, before becoming a science educator at a children’s hands-on museum. Her years in seminary sparked her passion for social justice and for travel, while also encouraging her exploration of indigenous shamanism and Japanese martial arts. She has trained in Ki-Aikido, the Japanese martial art of peace, for over a decade, and has traveled around the country and to Japan to attend seminars. She has served congregations in Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin

May 19, 2024

(final service of this Service Year)

speaker - Jason Aeric

coordinator - Tricia Andrews

More info to come.....

May 26. 2024

No Service This Week

Look for the June newsletter to update you on HUUF plans for the summer.

May - The Gift of Pluralism

This month we turn toward the exploration of the gifts of Pluralism.

Pluralism is also one of the values in our UUA’s Article II proposal. Here is the wording

that is used:

“Pluralism: We celebrate that we are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience,

and theology. We covenant to learn from one another in our free and responsible

search for truth and meaning. We embrace our differences and commonalities with

Love, curiosity and respect.”

The first session looks at what the word pluralism means for children. Additionally, this

session, along with sessions two and three, help kids explore what it means to be a

people of a pluralistic faith. Or to put it another way, these three sessions dig into the

distinctive messages our faith has for us about pluralism.

Sunday, May 5: Many Views: “We Need Each Other to Perceive The Whole!”

Optical illusion is a great way to highlight that we all perceive and understand things

from different perspectives or viewpoints.

Sunday, May 12: Many Sources: “We Are Made of Many Roots!”

A special nod to Mother's Day and the idea that we are all “mothered” and nurtured

by many things, people, and experiences. We also answer the question of what it

means to be a pluralistic faith by exploring how our UU faith, like us, is one that is fed

by many roots, some sacred, some secular, and some scientific.

Sunday, May 19: Many People: “No One Get Left Out!”

We will explore how our pluralistic faith calls us to be inclusive and make sure no

one is left out or finds themselves outside the circle.

Sunday, May 26 - No RGL and no services today.

Beginnings of a Children’s Forest

The youth of HUUF will be planting a tree in their name on Sunday, May 5th after the

service. Bob Warren has kindly been donating trees to help in the afforestation of the

land around the Headwaters Peace Center. This year his donation is in honor of the

future of HUUF, our children. We will be putting a stake with the child’s name next to

the sapling they plant. Everyone is welcome to join in this activity.

HUUF Youth Group

Anyone interested in helping to plan for a youth group at HUUF in our next fellowship

year 2024-2025, please contact Susanne Rabel. We are hoping to meet and begin the

planning stages this summer.

Susanne Rabel



We're making plans for summer...

HUUF likes to have a variety of things going on over the summer. Circle Conversations? Movie Nights? Potluck Suppers? Garden Tours? Cooking Classes? Etc. etc. This list is wide open.

What we need is someone or a group of someones who would be willing to coordinate everyone's creative ideas to help make sure that events don't conflict and that they are well planned and communicated to the fellowship. If you would be willing to help out with summer plans or have an idea of something you'd like to plan for a summer event please get in touch with Jennifer Dunham

Second Sunday Suppers

Summer will be here before we know it. Have you thought about being a host for one of our Second Sunday Suppers during the summer? The dates that still need to be filled are: June 9th and July 14th. If you'd be willing to host a potluck at your home on one of those dates send a message to Candy

At our Annual Meeting each committee chair presented a report outlining the accomplishments of their committee in the last year. Linked below are all of the written reports if you'd like to read them over for yourself. Thanks to all who attended and participated this year!

2024 HUUF Annual Meeting

Board of Directors Election 

At each annual meeting, we nominate and elect our Board of Directors for the next fiscal year. This year the open positions included President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Trustees #1 #3 & #4. Thank you to all those willing to continue serving on the board and those serving their first term.

The 2024-25 Full Board will be:

President - Jennifer Dunham     

Secretary - Nancy Mason

Treasurer - Laura Dropps

Trustee - #1- Allison Cease

Trustee - #2- Amy Hartwell

Trustee - #3- Chris Muller

Trustee - #4 - Mike Bjerk

Trustee - #5 - Deedee Buetner

Sunday Service Report

Treasurer's Report

Tech Report

President's Report

Stewardship Report

Facilities Report

Social Justice Report

Religious Growth and Learning Report

A Friendly Reminder

The current fiscal year ends June 30th. Any pledges to the Operating and/or Building Funds, that were made last year, are coming due before the end of the fiscal year. Please contact Laura regarding your balance(s). And Thank You for your financial giving!

Resisting Tyranny"

UU the Vote 2024

Wednesday, May 8th


We will have a "Pot Luck". Hot Roast Beef sandwiches will be provided. Please bring something to share that goes with the roast beef sandwiches. We will be gathering at the Peace Center.

Karen Wills from MUUSJA will join us, in person, to lead us in a guided conversation promoting a multi-cultural inclusive democracy for Minnesota.

Highway Clean Up

Saturday, May 18th 10:00 am

Join the Roadside Clean Up team while we clean our designated section of the Highway 2 roadside. Meet at the Solway Cenex gas station at 10 am with your sunscreen and gloves. Bags and vests will be provided.

Can you pitch in this spring? We need two or three more people.

Give Fred or Paul a call.

Fred (218) 751-8733

Paul 218-760-9756

social justice

 Social Justice Meeting

– Sunday, May 5th  

               (after the service 11:15)


  • Members sign in and brief check in
  • Review Annual Report 
  • Update-Katie Kline “Jumpstart your social justice work”
  • HUUF @ Bemidji PRIDE August 24th Suggest coordinator(s) and volunteers (bring sign up sheet)
  • Prep for Wednesday 5-7:30 Gathering at the Peace Center with Karen Wells  
  • Potluck- Hot Roast Beef sandwiches and folks bring pot luck
  • Karen will lead discussion/strategize plan/working with others to keep democracy safe

HUUF Committee Links

HUUF Board

Social Justice



Peace Center

Board Members

Candy Roberts-Salter - President

Laura Dropps - Treasurer

Nancy Mason - Secretary

Deedee Buetner- Trustee

Allison Cease- Trustee

Mike Bjerk - Trustee

Amy Hartwell- Trustee

Jennifer Dunham - Trustee

Committee Chairs

Sunday Sacred Service- Maggie Carlson and Tricia Andrews

Newsletter- Nancy Mason


Membership- Paula Peters

    Caring Team- Nancy Benson, Deedee Buettner, Chris Muller

Stewardship- Brent McWithey

Facilities - Sean Dunham

Facilities Rental - Candy Roberts-Salter

Religious Growth and Learning- Susanne Rabel

Social Justice- Sarah Baker and Mike Bjerk

Finance- Brent McWithey

Technology - Fred Foresman

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