May 2024


Women's Club

of Worcester County 


About Us
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A Message From DWC President Debra-Fisher Reynolds

Hillary Clinton was interviewed on MSNBC's Morning Joe recently, providing Mika and all our feminist friends with some much-needed therapy and encouragement in these frantic and dangerous times -- while sharing some history and encouraging lyrics from the new Broadway musical "Suffs". Clinton is one of the producers of the musical that's about real-life women at the heart of the suffragist movement.

Hillary said:

"Propaganda is NOT education.

TikTok can be false -- learn your history.

Watch out for propaganda on social media. Instead, filter and interpret.

Protect our democracy, our Constitution, our values, our institutions against false narratives

and demagogic wannabe false leaders.

Progress is possible; not guaranteed."

From the Broadway show "Suffs":

"I want my sisters to know I was here!

Where we come from, where we are now, where we want to go -- Keep Marching!"

Vote to Preserve our Freedoms! All Our Freedoms!


The Maryland Primary is Over! Here are some high notes...

U.S. Senate Primary

The retirement of long-time Senator Ben Cardin resulted in a hard-fought primary on the Democratic side between Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and businessman David Trone. When the votes were counted Tuesday, it was a resounding victory for Alsobrooks. She will no doubt get a lot of national attention in this race, as former Gov. Larry Hogan beat out perennial candidate Robin Ficker for the Republican nomination. It is disturbing to note that after Hogan's victory, he was endorsed by Arizona's leading MAGA Republican, Kari Lake, who congratulated him on social media and said she looked forward to serving with him in the Senate. Hogan announced Wednesday the formation of a group called Democrats for Hogan, which will be co-chaired by former Baltimore County state Sen. Bobby Zirkin. According to Maryland Matters, over the next 5-1/2 months, we can look forward to Hogan "trying to remind voters how much he loves Democrats and independents -- and vice versa." Let's make sure we get behind Angela Alsobrooks in a big way to help her become the first woman U.S. Senator Maryland has had since Madame Mikulski!

By the Numbers: Some interesting facts on the Republican side in primaries this time: In Maryland, which is a closed primary (across party lines only - no unaffiliated voters can participate) President Biden received 87% of the Democratic vote (10.4% of the Dems voted uncommitted). On the other side, Trump received 80% and Nikki Haley, who is no longer running, received a solid 20 percent. Haley's numbers also came up big in several other "closed" primaries, including West Virginia and Indiana. So there are blocks of Republican voters out there NOT voting for him. HMMM.....

District 1 Democratic Primary - Yes, there was a primary going on to choose a Democratic candidate to run against Dr. No (aka Rep. Andy Harris) in the November election. The winner was Blane H. Miller, a U.S. Navy veteran from Havre de Grace. The DWC Board hopes to have him as a guest speaker sometime this summer or early fall. Miller says he wants to "bring true Maryland spirit to Washington."

Worcester County School Board - District 5 - In this District, which includes part of Ocean Pines, three people were vying for for two spots on the general election ballot this fall. In the end, incumbent Elena McCombas and Dorothy Shelton-Leslie were the two to advance. We are hoping to engage these and other school board candidates between now and the election, in a forum or other event. Stay tuned!

Upcoming Events


These Events are Coming up in the next week!

DWC Volunteer Fair

Monday, May 20, 10 a.m. to noon (doors open 9:30 a.m.)

Ocean Pines Community Center

Assateague Room

In lieu of our regular meeting, we will have local community organizations represented in the Second Annual Volunteer Fair. Come and learn about volunteer opportunities in your own back yard! Bring a friend!

Tuesday, May 21 , 12:30 p.m.

Worcester County School Board Meeting

Newark, Maryland

To carpool, meet at the Food Lion on 113 South

at 11:45 a.m. Contact Joan Roache at for details.



Thursday, June 6, 5 to 7 p.m.

REMINDER: SUMMER LOCATION: Throughout the summer on the first Thursday of the month we will meet at the outside bar at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club! (in case of inclement weather, we will gather at the (back) inside bar.


MONDAY, JUNE 10 , noon to 2 p.m.

This year we'll be at Micky Fins in West Ocean City, noon to 2 p.m.

Cost will be $40, part of which is a donation to our club to fund various projects throughout the year. We will have raffles and other fun activities.



Saturday, June 22, noon to 2 p.m.

Rally for Reproductive Rights!

West Ocean City Park and Ride (Route 50)

Bring a sign and your resolve to Keep Abortion Safe and Legal! (see above)

Download the DWC Luncheon registration form here

Political Action Committee (PAC) Report and

Strong Schools Worcester County Update

How to Get Involved - Download the Action Alert Here! 

Monthly PAC Meetings are held via Zoom. Join this active group and bring us your ideas and your help.

NOTE: Our next meeting will be June 3 at 2 p.m. Watch your email for action alerts and information on how to join the meeting.

Postcards: We are planning to keep postcards going on various issues with pop-up parties at members' homes or other locations through the summer. Right now we have plans to do postcards at the Ocean Pines Library on Wednesdays during August. Local efforts should ramp up now that the primary is over and we can better map our way forward.

At our May meeting, we continued our work on voter registration, outreach planning and other activities from now until the election. We have access to several groups with resources that we hope will help us better communicate and work with other like-minded groups. There is a document that anyone can access that outlines easy ways to get involved and make a difference in November. We welcome your input and your help in all our efforts! An Action Alert with some of these resources was sent out to members earlier this month, but if you missed it, you can check it out in the link above. And why not think about joining the PAC and participating in our outreach group!

Strong Schools Worcester

We know 2024 is a critical year for Worcester County Public Schools. We will need to help fight for full funding of the BOE budget. The schools cannot sustain cuts again this year. Worcester United, the DWC and concerned parents, teachers, students and residents joined together April 14 on the Ocean City boardwalk. The coalition was 400 strong in favor of a fully funded school budget!

The big County Commissioners hearing on the budget was held May 7. The Commissioners were a bit surprised with the turnout, we think. There were requests to speak by 45 people - 41 for the cause and only 4 with opposing views! More than 80 emails were also received. A group of about 100 gathered on the street prior to the meeting (see photo below). DWC Member and former educator Gwen Lehman gave an important statement that is reprinted below.

A group of us continue to regularly attend school board meetings and certain County Commissioners' meetings during the year. Join us! The next school board meeting is Tuesday, May 21 at 12:30 p.m. We will be there. If you want to carpool, meet at the Food Lion on Route 113 South at 11:45 a.m.

For more information on all these activities, and to get on the email list for PAC meetings and reminders, please contact PAC Chair Joan Roache at

Strong showing on the Boardwalk April 14 in Support of Full Funding for Our Schools! And a great turnout for the May 7 Commissioners Meeting on the Budget. Worcester County Schools are the Best!

400 Strong for the Ocean City Boardwalk rally April 14 in favor of a fully funded school budget, organized by a coalition from Worcester United. DWC's delegation was on the scene!

More than 100 gathered on the corner outside before attending the County Commissioners' meeting on the budget May 7 in Newark. 41 speakers stated facts and 81 positive email statements were received (only 4 other speakers had other points of view)

DWC's Gwen Lehman entered an important statement into the record at the May 7 County Commissioners Budget Meeting. See below for the full text.

Now that the primary election is over, we need to get behind candidates in November who support full funding, smaller class sizes, same programs offered at all schools, and important services for students in need.

As incumbent school board member Elena McComas said, "We have challenges, but We Are Worcester!"

A Letter from Gwen Lehman

While as a culture we often claim to be child-centric, our actions strongly indicate that we are not. Children have far too many reasons to believe that a commitment to their growth, well-being, education, and safety is wholly contingent upon the political, social, and economic whims of adults, who say they care about the future, about keeping kids safe, fed, and well-educated, but fail to follow through when personal ideologies, political expediencey, social pressures, or petty disputes gets in the way. Kids don't have a vote, after all, and taxpayers do, including those who do not believe in taxation at all.

Through the years that I have lived and taught in Worcester County, I have gratefully witnessed a drive toward improving education, enhancing social service resources, bringing in health care providers, and increasing the number of public-private partnerships designed to improve the lives of all Worcester residents. Not that there have not been bumps in the road, certainly in education; but it feels now as if the bumps have turned into boulders, at least for Worcester County's public schools.

At the heart of every educational system is students -- now at ages ranging from 3 to 18. When you limit education funding to appease pedagogical differences, appeal to a political ideology, settle personal scores, or address invented grievances, you are forgetting that at the heart of our schools is a child looking to you, depending on you not to let them down, hoping you will smash the current boulders into bits and bumps that will not derail the hard-won progress of a school system that our state refers to as its "hidden gem."

It has been said that "Every teacher effects eternity, and so do the people who decide how many teachers we're going to have."

The Democratic Central Committee Needs Your Help To Participate in the Berlin Memorial Day Parade!

The Central Committee has been invited to once again join the Berlin Beautification Committee's Annual Memorial Day Parade. Help is needed to decorate the float and ride/walk the parade route. RSVP to Vicky Wallace at if you can participate or call Vicky at 410-208-2969.


More on the Biden-Harris Record

The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic legislative achievement that lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and finally makes the largest corporations pay their fair share. For the first time, Medicare is able to negotiate the price of certain high-cost drugs, a month's supply of insulin for seniors is capped at $35, Medicare beneficiaries pay $0 out of pocket for recommended adult vaccines, and seniors' out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy will be capped at $2,000 a year. And thanks to the President's actions, including a historic release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, gas prices are down more than $1.60 a gallon from their summer 2022 peak.

For more on the Biden-Harris record, check out and watch this space!

Recap of Democratic Women's Club General Meeting April 15, 2024

Submitted by Dana Barney, Recording Secretary

DWC President Debra Fisher-Reynolds welcomed attendees. Vice President Susan Buyer noted it was a week before Earth Day and introduced our speaker, Dave Wilson, Maryland development manager of US Wind. He distributed fact sheets and presented a Power Point of the proposed offshore wind project off Ocean City. He said the project has undergone extensive permitting through numerous agencies including NOAA and DNR, resulting in the over 80,000 acre, 114 turbine configuration outside shipping lanes and migratory wildlife patterns. At completion, he said the closest rig would be 12.5 miles from shore and would be visible on dry winter days, he said. A simulation can be seen at The energy output from the project would cleanly power an equivalent of 26 percent of homes in Maryland. Boating and fishing safety issues have been addressed, Wilson said, with precautions to protect birds and sea life, including whales. He said that Worc-Wic Community College recently structured its trade curriculum around offshore wind to ensure proficient labor for the additional jobs this technology will require.

Business Meeting: Minutes from the March 2024 meeting have been posted and were included in the DWC Newsletter.

The Treasurer's Report was given by Maggie Miller, accepted as posted and reported.

Everyone was reminded about the upcoming June 10 luncheon at Micky Fins and that the deadline for payment ($40) is due by May 30.

Debbie Goucha asked people to sign up for the Democrats information table outside the early voting location at the Ocean City Convention Center.

Cherie McNett thanked everyone for promoting and attending a successful Kennedy-King Dinner.

Pat Tarr reminded members that the Geranium Sale/Fundraiser is still taking orders for pickup May 9.

Committee Reports: Susan Buyer reported that 12 organizations have confirmed attendance at the May 20 Volunteer Fair.

Debra Fisher-Reynolds announced that even though the DWC usually doesn't meeting in July and August, the Board has decided that it's important in this election year to keep our momentum going. We plan to meet at DWC member Carol Pauley's home in Snow Hill in July and are planning a potential meeting at the Ocean Pines Library in August with postcard writing and other activities,

Political Action Committee Report: Joan Roache talked about an Action Alert she is preparing called "Do More - Worry Less", with resources members can access to help them figure out how to get involved in this election year. PAC meetings will continue in June and July. Watch your email for Action Alerts. There will be a voter information/registration event at Wor-Wic College on April 17. The new Outreach Group is working on strategies to reach younger voters and to expand our reach to other Democratic organizations on the Eastern Shore. Postcard writing sessions are being arranged for August, Wednesdays at 2 p.m. at the Ocean Pines Library. Candidate support for Board of Education candidates needed after the primary. Joan reminded members that there will be an important County Commissioners meeting May 7 on the budget, including Buckingham School re-build.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m. The next meeting will by the Volunteer Fair, Monday, May 20, 10 a.m. to noon (doors open 9:30 a.m.) at the Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room.

By the Numbers:

23 - That's how many seats we need to defend to keep the Democrats' Senate majority and safeguard the progress we've made

5 - That's how many seats we need to flip the House Blue in November so that Democrats can pass legislation on critical issues like health care, climate change, and the economy

45,000 - That's the number of votes President Biden won by, across just three states in 2020. It's a TIGHT margin, and we have to be prepared for November's presidential election to be just as close

175 - that's how many days we have left to fundraise before election day in order to reach voters across the country, stop Trump and the GOP, and fight to elect Democrats up and down the ballot! Let's Go!

The DWC newsletter is published the week prior to the regular monthly DWC meeting. Please submit articles, photos and other items by the 10th of the month to

Thank you! Sue Challis, Editor

Democratic Women's Club of

Worcester County, MD

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