Volume 84 May 2024

Trojan Alumni Newsletter

Alumni Association

Forever True

May, 2024

Dates to Remember

Teutonia Mannerchor Alumni Luncheon

The next alumni luncheon will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. NOTE: the cost of the luncheon is now $17 which is payable at the door. Beer and soft drinks cost extra. You can call Jim Eberz (412) 445-4446 or Don Gruber (412) 874-2906 for more information.

There were 65 alums in attendance last month. Jim Ebez and his wife ran the show as usual . Hear some photos from the April luncheon. Thanks to Medio Monti ('75) who filled in as photographer for Carmen DiGiacomo ('59) who was out of town.

The class of 1949 is all smiles.

The class of 1964 made an appearance.

As always, the class of 1959 was well represented.

Trojan Triumph Auction

Thank you to everyone who supported the North Catholic Trojan Triumph Auction on Friday, April 19, 2024. Nearly 300 people packed the Pittsburgh Marriott North to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of North Catholic High School. The event was a huge success thanks to the support of our alumni, school families, and local businesses.

Cindy Cresta and Lisa Sieckowski

Bishop David Zubik gives a blessing before dinner.

Sela and Tim Aguglia ('93)

Mark Schmitt ('75) far right, poses with his friends.

Gina Johnston, Rich Lane ('77), Joe ('78) and Cindy Smetanka.

NCHS Board President Nick ('88) and Sharon Navari.

NCHS President Fr. Charles Bober.

NCHS Board Member Len ('78) and Denise Komoroski.

Thank you to all who participated in the Trojan Triumph Cash Raffle.    

Congratulations to all the winners, and in a special way, the grand prize $5000 winner: Donald Donatelli (’58).  Congratulations to Donald and his wife, Jean.

Other winners included: 

2nd prize: Coach Frank Sands  ($1000)

3rd prize: George Pavlic ('91) & current parent ($600)

4th prize: Ann Ferentino ($500)

And a big thank you to our Trojan Triumph Sponsors, including Brian Klaas ’92, our GOLD SPONSOR.

SCARLET SPONSORS: Mark Schmitt '75 and John & Lisa Sieckowski

TROJAN SPONSORS: Dena Koenig '87 and Patrick & Allison Murray.



Chris Sabo

Class of 1991

Chris, the Director of Financial Planning and Analysis at Conco Services, and his wife have been back in Pittsburgh for eight years. They have two children: Ella (NC class of 21) and Will (NC class of '26)

Bring us up to date on your life since graduation

"After graduation, I attended the University of Dayton and since graduating I have lived in Tampa, FL, NYC, and upstate New York before moving back to Pittsburgh in 2016."

Who were your favorite teachers/coaches and classes?

"Mr. DiLallo, Mr. Palonis, Mr. Oesterling, Mr. Quinn were my favorite teachers." Chris listed History, Biology, Chemistry, and English as his favorite classes at North.

Favorite Memories of NC

Here are Chris' favorite memories: Mr. Oesterling’s Sam Sebastian Day, Political Science Club trips to Model UN in Erie, and Dodgeball in the gym in the mornings before school.

What did North mean to you?

"It provided a great education but just as important lifelong friendships that continue today."

Where did you and your friends hang out?

"Usually at someone’s house, playing street hockey, or all-night bowling – Mike Sell, Dan Kenaan, Jon Deeds, Matt Babash, George Pavlic, Rich Dietrich, Jay Attanucci, Dave Filipowski, Wally Scheide, John McGlothlin, Dave Morris."

Part Time Job?

"Worked at McTighe’s Produce Market in Millvale and Sbarro in Ross Park Mall."

Memories of Graduation Day?

It was at St. Sebastian’s Church and it felt more like a beginning of the next phase of our lives than the end of the last one.

Transcript Information

Alums who need a high school transcript should note that the process has changed.

Alumni from 1939-2013 should contact Diocesan Archives at (412) 456-3158 for a copy of your transcript.

Alumni from 2014-present should go to northcatholic.org under the Alumni tab and download the request form.

Memories Available

The alumni office has some past editions of the yearbooks. If you can't find yours from senior year, we may be able to help. Not all years are available and supply is limited. Contact us here for information. NOTE: while there is no charge for the yearbook, we do ask that you make a donation to the school.

Some people who have requested yearbooks in the past year have never followed up when informed that a book was available. Those books have gone back into the archives. If you were one of those people, you will have to ask us to pull it back out of the archives.


Scroll down to learn more about the program and see the businesses taking part in this great opportunity!


You can stay on top of what's going on at your alma mater by following North Catholic on Facebook - www.facebook.com/NCForeverTrue.


Congratulations to Katie McGuire ('12) and Manny Grana on their recent engagement.

Congratulations to Ben Bouvy ('05) and Brittany Wetzel ('05) on their engagement.


Congratulations to Dave Nist ('12) and Julia Briley on their recent nuptials.



Congratulations to Cody Hoffman ('09) and his wife on the birth of their son, Declan Matthew.

Congratulations to Zach Feith ('09) and his wife on the birth of their daughter, Zoey Marie.

Congratulations to Marina Rutherford Trotta ('11) and her husband on the birth of their son, Jonah.

Congratulations to Cassie Hollihan ('12) and her husband on the birth of their son, Gunner Mack.

Rest in Peace

isa Babinecz Budz - class of 1986

Stanley Kozlowski - class of 1961

William Flagg Pavlik- class of 1965

Robert Meinert - class of 1957





Request for Prayers

Continued prayers for the following alumni:

Jay Attanucci ('91)

Denise Enzerra ('82)

Bob Rathke ('59)

Bill Niederst ('59)

Gary Tevis ('68)

Don Lewis ('57)

Fr. Bill Seifert ('57)

Harmer Weichel ('48)

Brooke Sturgis ('20)

William McDonough ('47) and his wife

Bruce Miller ('54)

Chuck Meharry ('88)

Kim Altman Girty ('88)

Santo Pino (59)

Alfred Camus ('57)

Edward Sommers ('64)

Jim ('61) & Rita Finn

Jim Hamm ('59)

Joe Chalovich ('70)

Jim Profozich ('59)

Vince Ranalli ('56)

Dick Turici ('59)

Ed Smith ('47)

James McMahon ('58)

Frank Mandl ('49)

Art Heiles ('64)

Stanley Lozowski ('53)

Dave McNally ('81)

General Michael Hayden ('63)

James Brennan ('46)

Merl Bell ('52)

Dave Bauer ('57)

Francis "Fran" Janaszek ('56)

Dan Haefele ('76)

Richard Gross ('57)

Rich Bowers ('57)

Tom Neusch ('62)

Antonela Kasic ('15)

Art Costa ('60) & wife, Sandy

William Ward ('55)

Santo Laquatra ('66)

Kathy Byerly, wife of Wayne Byerly ('65)

Joe Fucci ('62)

Jennifer Mireles - daughter of James Peiffer ('61)

Bill Yoest ('69)

Bill Kraft ('56)

Don Donatelli ('58)

Peggy Bauer ('82)

Tom Loebig ('44)

Let us know of any alumni who should be included in our prayers by clicking here.

The Marianist Women's Ministry would like to offer alumni and the entire North Catholic community a chance to pray for you and your intentions. The MWM gathers weekly to pray the rosary every Wednesday at 2pm. During seasonal weather, they gather outside in the grotto. When the weather turns, they pray in the Chapel. All are welcome.

Please click this link if you have a prayer request. While they would love to have a first name for each prayer request to make the prayers more personal, it's completely understood if you wish to keep them anonymous.

Flashback Photo

Last Month's Flashback

This is a picture from the 1994 yearbook. It was taken during the Boat Dance. The photographer was teacher Mrs.. Donna Reich who was in charge of the dance. Mrs. Reich was the moderator of the sophomore class and took hundreds and hundreds of photos of students and student activities during her time at North. The girls in the photo were sophomores at the time. They are (l-r) Nicole Murphy ('95), Maura O'Toole ('96), Holly Tate ('96), and Julia Zanieski ('96). Mrs. Reich sent along this information, "The Sophomore Annual Boat Dance began in 1980 on the Liberty Belle and expanded to include the entire student body on the Party Liner."

In the 70's, there were spring dances for each division - a senior prom, a junior prom, a sophomore semi formal, and a freshman semi-formal. As Mrs. Reich pointed out, the Boat Dance was the replacement for the sophomore semi-formal, but as sophomores became juniors and then seniors they wanted to go on the boat dance because it had been so much fun.

We got some good responses to our flashback. Amanda Georgi Batchelet ('97) said, "I wouldn't forget those faces. Nicole Murphy, Maura O'Toole (my roommate post college!), Holly Tate, and Julia (blanking on her last name but I think its Zaleski or something close to that?)."

This Month's Flashback

So what's going on in this flashback photo? Can you name the location for the photo? How about the name of anyone in the photo? What do you remember about this place? Send us what you know/guess about this photo.

Send your guesses to us here.

The display case just inside the entrance to the school houses memorabilia from the school's history. There is also North Catholic apparel available.

You can check out the NC gear in the spirit shop by clicking here.

Alumni Class Notes

A North Catholic Gala Photo

This is a photo of the the alumni newsletter editor in the middle of former students who attended the school Gala. They are Mary Jean Komoroski ('82), John Matschner ('80), Denise Garcia Matschner ('80), Len Komoroski ('78), Greg Komoroski ('79), Ellen Matschner ('79), and Linda Ziccarelli Hines ('79).

Class of 1944

Tom Loebig from the second graduating class visits with his niece Beth Flaherty ('85). At 97, Mr Loebig is one of the oldest living NC alumni.

Class of 1952

Father Ed Bryce visits with former parishioner Katie Kutschbach Sweeney ('99)

Class of 1954

Jack Docherty enjoys a visit from his good friend, Kevin Colbert (’75)

Class of 1964

Chuck Struhar and his wife celebrate 43 years of wedded bliss.

Class of 1974

There's more information in the reunion section of this newsletter.

Class of 1975

It's Medio Monti and his wife not looking at the sun during the solar eclipse.

Class of 1977

Dave Marx holds his latest grand children - numbers 10 and 11.

Jim Krenn is at the Pittsburgh premiere of "Unsinkable." in which he had a small part.

Class of 1981

Andy Pulkowski gets a visit from an old friend.

Mike Sukitch (center) enjoys a beer with a former college who also has a post-corporate passion for beer on Mike's visit to Switzerland.

Class of 1982

Bill Gaus sent us these two photos. The first is taken at Boulder Dam. From left to right: Tom Otterbein, Bern Kelly, Dave Eichenlaub, and Bill Gaus. The second is at the Mirage Sports-book in Las Vegas (l-r) Bill Gaus, Bern Kelly, Dave Eichelaub, Tom McConnell, and Mike Gaertner.

Bill added that he Bern Kelly, and Tom McConnell were in Las Vegas for their 34th consecutive March Madness weekend.

Class of 1985

The Popek sisters get ready for a night at the theater. That's Cathy ('85) Marcie ('91) and Sue ('84).

Class of 1987

That's Becky Broskey Dittman and her family as they pose for this selfie.

Class of 1990

Gloria Ogden Wainwright and her husband are ready for the NFL draft.

Class of 1992

Jackie Francis can think of no better way to celebrate an anniversary than to go on a skating date.

Class of 1993

Sandy Kozlowski always looks forward to spending time with her sons.

Class of 1994

Ryan Scarola is all about walking the runway

It's a daddy-daughter day for Shawn Pennington.

Chris Wagner and his wife pose for this photo with their daughter at her confirmation.

Craig Anderson and his wife get ready for a fun evening at the North Catholic Gala.

Carolee Shearer is on vacation in central Europe. You'll have to guess where this picture was taken.

Class of 1995

Anne Sweeney McGrath and her husband show off their style.

Nicole Murphy Mazur and her family visit Vienna, Austria.

Class of 1997

Heather Zahurak, her husband, and her son Tyler ('16) take in the Titanic exhibit.

Nikki Hildebrand Smith and her daughter are enjoying a day at Disney.

Class of 1998

Jeon McLean poses at Kentuck Knob before he begins his tour.

Juliane Kania Hedgepeth sits with her father as he celebrates a birthday.

Class of 2000

Nate Beatty is off to the land of the midnight sun - Alaska

Congratulations to Ian Heisel on getting his 200th victory as a baseball coach. Ian coaches at Walsingham Academy in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Class of 2001

Lauren Breskovich Lagana poses for this birthday photo.

Class of 2002

Fran Lamb Urmann and her daughter are all dressed for Easter.

Who has the biggest smile Ron Dunn or his little one?

Class of 2004

Scott Hopkinson and his family are with the priest at the baptism of his twins.

Class of 2005

Alan Harper and his sister Sarah ('08) at their final Penguin game as season ticket holders after 19 years.

Jess Platek Clark is all smiles as she awaits the arrival of her first child.

She said yes. That's Brittany Wetzel and Ben Bouvy.

Class of 2006

Bryan Stillwagon is introducing his little one to some Premier League Football.

Class of 2009

He's one proud father - Zach Feith and his little one.

It's a glamour shot for Caitlin Reichle.

Class of 2011

Laura Sterzinger Rhodes and her husband take in a Pirate game.

Class of 2012

Katie McGuire and her fiance are all smiles after she said yes.

Mark Dovi proves what a good son he is as he takes his mom to a Bucco game.

Class of 2013

Kennadee Williams visits the Titanic exhibit at the Science Center.

Alexis MacGregor and her little one take a walk on nice spring day

Class of 2014

Annette Faith and her husband are out and about on a brisk spring day.

Class of 2015

Isabella Dohanics and her fiance show off the marriage license as they are ready for the big day.

Class of 2016

Congratulations Dr Tyler Zahurak who received his PharmD at Pitt this month.

Class of 2020

After her four year basketball career at Duquesne, Tess Myer will enter the transfer portal to use her final year of eligibility at another school.

Class of 2023

Brooke Standish poses with Duquesne President Kenneth Gormley and his wife at Pancakes with the President. Brooke made the dean's list during her first semester.


If you know an alum who doesn't get the newsletter and would like to receive it, send us their email address and we will add them to the distribution list.

Thanks to Sandy Kozlowski ('93), Katie Kutschbach Sweeney ('99), Lori Swethoa Ortiz ('86), Bill Gaus (82), Dan Riggio ('65), Ellen Matschner Kline ('79), Heather Zahurak Malloy ('97), Bob Gaertner ('57), Ed Ober ('74), Bob Gierl ('66), Carmen DiGiacomo ('59), and Jim Eberz ('64) for sending information and pictures to us.

If you have news/photos you want to share with classmates, send them to alumni news.


ALL reunion updates will ALSO be available on the school's website, northcatholic.org or by clicking here!

Want to make sure you get the details for your class reunion?  

Update your contact information HERE!

NC Class of 1957

The Class of 1957 is having a Reunion/luncheon on June 12th. For details contact Larry Mull at lrmull@verizon.net

NC Class of 1959

The 65th reunion for the class of 1959 will take place on the weekend of June 7, 8, 9 2024. The main event will be a picnic at North Park. Additional details will follow. For information, contact Carmen D at 412-563-1859 (h) or 412-606-8539 (c).

NC Class of 1966

If you want a comprehensive resource organizing any reunion especially a 50th:  

           Go to YouTube on any browser

           Put “North Catholic Reunion Book” on Search bar.

Slides are shown on a 7 second interval automatically or you can scan forward using the scanning bar on the lower left, Bob Gierl can help and is available at robertgierl@gmail.com.

Bob Gierl says the 60th class reunion will be October 15, 2025!

NC Class of 1969

We hope you have marked your calendar and plan to attend our 65th reunion. We have already received regrets but we anticipate several classmates coming from out of town


Friday, June 7th: Golf Outing-First Tee Time is Noon. The outing will be held at a course on Route 8 North towards Butler (this may change). As at the last reunion wives and significant others are welcome. In order to proceed with the planning please contact Paul O’Boyle if you plan to participate and how many golfers will tee off. Paul can be reached via e-mail at poboyle@comcast.net or telephone at 412-496-7384 (Mobile).


Saturday, June 8th: Catered Picnic at the ”Cabin” shelter at North Park. The Cabin is located on Ingomar Road across from North Park Lake. A sketch map will be provided with the reservation form when it is sent. Plan to arrive around 10:30-11 AM. The picnic will last until dark. In addition to the catered meal soft drinks, beer and some wine will be available. The cost per person will be listed in the reservation form. 


There is no event scheduled for Sunday. Most members of our class have toured the Cranberry Campus. However, if anyone would like to tour the school please let me know. Tours can be arranged for Friday or Sunday,


If you have some memorabilia you want to share with the group please bring it to the picnic. We will have a table set up to share your favorite Troy Hill memory. 


A final schedule of events and a reservation form with the cost per person will be sent via e-mail and postal mail in late April or early May.


For questions or concerns please contact me at my e-mail address above or call me at 412-606-8539 (Mobile).

NC Class of 1974

The 50th class reunion is set for October 26, 2024. The location will North Catholic High School.        

Class of ‘74 Golf Outing    

Saturday, July 27, 2024, at North Park Golf Course


Dear North Catholic Alum,

Hope you are doing well, and plan on attending this year’s 50th Year Reunion on October 26th

The reunion team has gone above and beyond to make sure this celebration will be a memorable one for all attendees.   

In the meantime, a Class of ‘74 Golf Event is planned for Saturday, July 27th, starting at 9am.  

Golfers and non-golfers are welcome to participate. If you can’t join us on the course, stop by the golf course pavilion around 2pm for a beer and an opportunity to catch up with NC Classmates

Please spread the word, we’re looking forward to a fun-filled day. 



-      Saturday, July 27, 2024, starting at 9am

-      18-hole scramble format

-      $30 per golfer (payment due at course)

-      Non-golfers are welcome, but must have golf clubs and pay the $30 rate

-       Food and beverages can be purchased at the course concession (air-conditioned seating available)

-      Response is needed by July 6th to confirm the number of tee times


-      Closest to Pin on holes 2, 4, 13 and 15 (Green)

-      Longest Drive on holes 8 and 17 (Fairway)


Email or text the # of participants to Tom by July 6th

o  Tom_radz@yahoo.com

o  412-680-1954

If you have any questions, feel free to call or text Tom at 412-680-1954


NC Class of 1984

Plans are underway for the 40th reunion. Save the date for Saturday November 23, 2024, 7pm-10 pm in the North Catholic Cafeteria. For more information, contact John “Jack” Adlesic at (412) 290-3316 or by emailing umpirejack@yahoo.com

NC Class of 1994

Plans are in the works for a 30th reunion this fall. Stay tuned for more details.


NC Class of 1999

There may be plans in the works for a 25 year reunion. We will share details when we hear more.

As we move to 2024, the classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 1999, and 2014 are ready for reunions. Don't forget to let us know if you have details that we can post.

Scholarship News

Military Legacy Scholarship

North Catholic has a Military Legacy Scholarship in honor of all alumni who have served in our nation’s military forces. The goal is to provide a $1,000.00 scholarship annually. To date, over $30,000 has been raised to fund this annual scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to the student provided certain benchmarks are met. Every 4 years (or sooner) it is awarded to an incoming 9th grade student. Molly Burke ('24) is the recipient of the scholarship.

If you wish, you may make a contribution in someone's honor/memory. Donations can be made by sending checks payable to North Catholic, write "North Catholic Military Scholarship" in the memo, and mail to: 

North Catholic High School

1617 Route 228

Cranberry Township, PA 16066

ATTN: Development Office

A kiosk with the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school. Thank you for your service.

The John Latulippe Memorial Scholarship

The John Latuilippe Memorial Scholarship has been awarded to Gabriel Grindstaff NC class of 2024. Thank you to all who have donated. 

Class of 1959 Scholarship

The NCHS Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund has awarded $5,200 Scholarships for the 2023-24 School Year to Mary Narvett and Mary Taggart-Snyder.

The Fund has awarded scholarships totaling $103,600 to twelve recipients since the inception of the Fund. Contributions to the Fund can be made at any time and should be sent to the North Catholic Foundation, North Catholic High School, ATTN: Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

If you would like more information about the Fund, please contact Joe Blitzko(joeyblitz@aol.com), Dick Halleran (rhalleran@verizon.net), or Mike Conroy (conroy1603@gmail.com).

Class of 1965 Legacy Scholarship

The Legacy Scholarship was set up as part of our 50th class reunion by Dan Wolovich and Wayne Young and has been under the direction of Bob Colbert and Walt Quinn for the past few years. The fund now stands at about $60,000 and growing.

The scholarship has helped students with the ever increasing cost of Catholic education. When we were at North, almost all of the tuition was paid by our parishes (remember having to face your pastor as he reviewed your report card?) Now the cost of tuition has fallen completely on the parents.

In order to help parents provide the great education that we received all those years ago, we need more of our classmates to step up and help keep our legacy scholarship fund growing. No contribution is too small. Thanks to classmates, JOE MCKELVEY for his recent contribution. Joe and many others continue to make contributions periodically through out the year. Other classmates have continued to make small monthly contributions by setting up a monthly credit card donation (read $10 to $25). The great thing about that is it's painless and adds to the scholarship fund which continues to grow. As of the beginning of September there is $48,000 in our endowment.

We are happy to announce that this year's Legacy Scholarships for this school year have been awarded to sophomore MADISON SERETTI. The first semester honor roll was recently posted. Madison is an honors roll student with a GPA of 3.9 and is the daughter of NC alum, Leslie Filip ('89). Junior DONNIE SCHUBERT is a basketball player and made the high honor roll with a 3.9 GPA.  

Walt Quinn and Bob Colbert meet with NC Class of '65 scholarship recipient Donnie Schubert ('25).

Walt Quinn and Bob Colbert meet with NC Class of '65 scholarship recipient Madison Seretti ('26).

Consider making a donation to the fund today!

You can send your check to the school with a notation that it's for the '65 scholarship fund; or If you would like to contribute a small monthly amount via your credit card, contact Amber Nicotra Morrison to set it up.

If you have questions about our efforts, feel free to contact Bob Colbert (bobcolbert@comcast.net) or Walt Quinn (quinn.walter@comcast.net)

Special Shoutout

John Mikulan is also donating 20% of the royalties from his book, The Bark of the Day to the fund.

Class of 1966 Scholarship

The Class of ’66, is proud to announce the selection of their second scholarship recipient, Dom Dixon ('27). Dom and and Andrew Scears ('26) were selected by the committee, under the leadership of Tom Balestreire. The committee is well on its way to funding its goal of $150,000 for the Class of ’66 Scholarship Fund. The Fund will be administered by the Class in conjunction with the school. We, Tom Maier, Jim Beran, Hank Marziale, Paul Ladish, and Bob Gierl have contacted many, but if you or someone you know is wishing to be included, contact Tommy, 404.358.4864, text or call.

Hank Marziale (L) and Jim Beran (R) pose with Dom (C) earlier this year after presenting him with the scholarship.

Kathy Monti Memorial Scholarship

Special thanks to all who donated to the Kathy Hickey Monti (’75) Award. Each year the award is presented to a young woman who possesses the same leadership qualities that Kathy demonstrated in her life.   Congratulations to recipients Ava Walker (4.1 GPA), Sara Loughry (4.0 GPA) and Joleen Condle (4.7 GPA).  If you'd like to donate, please click here or checks can be sent payable to North Catholic

with "Kathy Monti Scholarship Fund" in the Memo and mailed to North

Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

NC Class of 1953 Scholarship

Thank you to all who have donated to the North Catholic Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund.  More than $31,000 has been raised. Freshman Gianna Fuller was awarded the scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year. 

The Fund was proposed by Reg Urschler in the Spring of 2021, and an ad hoc committee was established, comprised of Reg, Charley Goetz, Bob Muth, and Vince Brogan.

The ad hoc committee urges all classmates to make new or continuing contributions to the Fund. Checks should be made payable to the “NC Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund”and sent to the attention of: Amber MorrisonNorth Catholic High School, 1617 Route 228Cranberry Township, Pa 16066.

How fortunate we were to have had the benefit of the education afforded us. What a wonderful opportunity this provides to all of us and the remaining families to "invest" in a "guaranteed return on that investment" by providing a similar opportunity to current students' futures.

Military Alumni

Thanks to many of you, our list of alumni who have served in our nation's military services has grown to almost 1,500. We thank all of you who have taken the time to help us with this endeavor. If you know of someone who should be on the list, please let us know. We will always appreciate your efforts to help us update this honor roll of our alumni.

To view our Military page on the school’s website, please click here

Additionally, a kiosk listing the names of all alumni who have served in the military stands in the main hallway of the school.

Thank you to all of our alumni for their service to our country!

News From North

School News

North was honored to have a number of students participate in the Chrism Mass at St. Paul Cathedral, a celebration honoring the priesthood and the blessing of holy oils for sacramental use. Following the Mass, Bishop Zubik offered prayers and blessings for all attendees. In addition to seeing NC chaplains, Fr. David and Fr. DJ, they also had the privilege of meeting former NC chaplains Fr. Levi, Fr. Ken, and Fr. Jeff. Even Fr. Mike Ackerman, ('02), stopped by to say hello.


North students were inspired by a presentation from Mr. Jason Evert, co-founder of the Chastity Project. Alongside his wife, Crystalina, Mr. Evert guides teens and young adults in understanding how chastity empowers one to love freely. Thanks to Mr. Evert for sharing his valuable insights and time on this crucial topic.


Senior Liliana Koller was recently named the esteemed recipient of the Lynch Family Scholarship at Saint Vincent College. This scholarship, tailored for incoming freshmen, is provided by the generosity of a past NC family With this award, Liliana secures support for her entire four-year journey at St. Vincent College.


North Catholic students shone bright at the NCEA Conference. From Visual Arts to Digital Arts and Drawing & Painting, their talents were on full display. Special thanks to art teacher, Mrs. Morgan Bucci, for inspiring and guiding the students' creativity.


North Catholic 9th grader Mia Monaco was honored at a ceremony prior to a Pittsburgh Penguins game for winning the Pittsburgh Penguins Tech Academy Competition as part of “Team Iceburgh.” She and her teammate from Burrell High School designed an app that would enhance the fan experience at PPG Paints Arena, including a virtual tour with Iceburgh as your guide and directions using the location services on your smartphone to the nearest restroom and/or vendor of choice. As a result, Mia also received a $5,000 donation for North Catholic to use specifically for updating technology in the school.


Congratulations to Keelin Schessler, Julia Schaarsmith, Teresa Kedzierski, Natalia Rushak, and Gavin Roig

Based on their performance of the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, they will be recognized as either semi-finalists or commended students in the fall.


On Wednesday, April 24, nine students were inducted into the French Honor Society. These students have maintained at least a 90% average in their French class and 83% in their other classes. They have participated in activities throughout the year to promote French language and fundraise for Francophone countries in need.


North Catholic High School students were spreading joy at the Passavant Community Senior Center. From organizing an ice cream social to a fun-filled afternoon of bingo, they truly warmed hearts and brought smiles.


Introducing the North Catholic Prom Court 2024 from left to right: Alex Brown, Ryan Berry, Danny Franco, Gabe Grindstaff, Emilio Laracuente, Nick Larson, Brooke Scuillo, Paige Ditson, Carli Rivetti, Sarah Haskins, Lily Karsman, and Caroline Adams

A great time was had by prom goers at this year's prom where Alex Brown and Sarah Haskins were crowned king and queen.


In preparation for Prom upperclassmen witnessed a Mock Car Crash outside of North. This demonstration served as a stark reminder to our students of what driving under the influence or distracted driving can do to a loved one.


Classroom News

Students were unlocking the secrets of balance on National Physics Day! From mastering one-legged stances to rising from seats with a challenge, our students dove into center of gravity and stability through everyday actions. By shifting their center of gravity, they experienced firsthand the science behind everyday movements.


Forensics News

Last month the North Catholic Forensic Team had its annual end of the year Awards Night. As part of that night, Mrs. Susan Profeta was inducted as an Honorary Member in the National Speech and Debate Association for the North Catholic chapter.

A school may elect one Honorary member for each 100 members and degrees earned by that school; not more than one a year. Honorary members must be adults who have contributed in some significant way to the speech program of the local school, but have not earned Association membership as a student or instructor.

For several years, Susan has contributed to the North Catholic program in more ways than could be listed here... she never waits for requests to judge, she just volunteers; she never simply "judges" - she joins us in prayer, she chaperons, she helps our other judges, she cheers on the team. She works at our invitational tournament - helping with setup and maintenance and cleanup. Susan, as you have seen and heard, advocates for the NC forensics program more than anyone I know.  We are all proud to have her be officially part of the North Catholic Forensics Team.  

Trojan Sports

Freshmen Girls Impact on NC Sports

As the spring sports season begins it has become very easy to notice the impact of the girlʼs freshmen class. Their contributions started in the Fall when Gracie Plastino and Alyssa Urling helped North Catholic win a WPIAL Cross Country title. A week later, Plastino was back on the medal stand with a second-place finish at the State Cross Country meet. Also on the State Medal stand was Brea Kelley. She was part of a Girls Tennis doubles team that finished second in the state. Classmate Samatha Falcon competed at second singles all year. The Girls Basketball team took home WPIAL Gold at the Petersen Events Center with Brady Wehner and Lauren Reitz in the starting lineup and Anna Lazzara as the first girl off the bench. Alexa Stoltz and Maggie Tater rounded out the five freshmen receiving medals at the “Pete.

The freshmen female athletes are continuing to produce in the Spring. Softball has six freshmen on their roster. In her first varsity game, Kennedy Brown had 18 strikeouts and Caroline Craska homered in her first varsity at bat to lead the team to their first win. Ella Eiler homered in softballʼs next game. The team is off to a 4-0 start. When Eiler isnʼt on the diamond she is on the track. Last Tuesday, she was part of the winning 4x100 team and finished second in the 200. Audra Lazzara won the 110M hurdles and placed second in the 300M hurdles. Urling placed in two events and Plastino won the 1600, 3200 & anchored the winning 4x400 relay. Girls Track & Field is off to a 2 - 0 start. Finally, Mia Gauthier and Elizabeth Long have helped Girls Lacrosse get off to a great start this season.

There are other freshmen contributing as well. The NC Class of '27 is full of accomplished athletes.

North Catholic's Athletes of the week

Here are the athletes of the week for April.


Spring Signing Day

North Catholic student athletes signed letters of intent to play at the college level next year. They are Alice Sommers, Crew – Robert Morris University,

Francisco Smith, Soccer – Seton Hill University, Gabriel Paredes, Football – Baldwin Wallace University, Aniela Balog, Track & Field – John Carroll University, Brady Koziara, Football – John Carroll University, Danny Franco, Football – Grove City College, Gillian Kennedy, Soccer – Roanoke College, Jason Siket, Football – Carnegie Mellon University, Micah Khembo, Soccer – Allegheny College.



The Trojanettes:

Congratulations to Alayna Rocco who was named player of the year by the Post Gazette. You can read the story here. Alayna was also named to the First team All State Team.

The Trojans:

Congratulations to Max Hurray who was named first team All State.


Track and Field

Congratulations to the girls relay team of Sydney Dunn, Grace Lazzara, Madeline Meeuf, and Gracie Plastinono won the 3200 meter relay race at the Tri-State Track Coaches Association meet. Congratulations also go to Daphne Flerl who won the long jump. In other at the TSTCA, Seava Cresta finished 3rd in the 100 and 6th in the 200, Grace Lazzara finished 5th in the 800. Madeline Meeuf took third place in the 3200 and the relay teams finished 4th in the 400 and 5th in the 1600.

On the boys side Jack Fennell had a 5th in the 100 while Kobe Dave finished 3rd in the 100 and the 200.

At the South Fayette Invitational, the girls team finished in second place with Madeline Meeuf winning the 3200 meter race. Aniela Balog won the long jump and Daphne Flerl won the triple jump after finishing second to Balog in the long jump.

In the WPIAL 3A team Championships, the girls team took on Franklin Regional and Butler, defeating both.



Congratulations to Tommy Schafale on being named Trib player of the week. Read the story here.

As the regular season winds down the Trojans (9-4) prepare for the WPIAL playoffs.



The Trojanettes are still in contention for a spot in the WPIAL playoffs as there are just a few games left. Their record stands at 8-6 after a 12-1 win over Beaver.



The boys volleyball team is atop their section after avenging a loss to Ambridge. The Trojans have locked up a spot in the WPIAL playoffs and are looking for a number one seed.



The North Catholic Crew Team had a fantastic day of racing at Moraine State Park for the Pittsburgh Scholastic Sprints. Here are the results:

Men’s Varsity Pair – 2nd place, Women’s Varsity Pair – 3rd place, Women’s Varsity Four – 2nd place,Women’s Second Varsity Four – 1st Place, Women’s Junior Four – 2nd place, Women’s Varsity Eight – 2nd place, and Women’s Varsity Four (-) – 3rd place.



The boys team is the second seed in the WPIAL section playoffs. In Preliminary round of the playoffs, they defeated Central Valley 5-0 and took on Montour in the quarterfinals.


Flag Football

The Trojanettes play in the North Division and currently have a 4-2 record which is good enough for second place.


You can follow the teams and enjoy the sports podcasts by visiting the website northcatholicathletics.org

Planned Giving

Planned giving is a wonderful way to prepare for the day we depart this life and enter into God's kingdom. By planning ahead, you can provide opportunities to young men and women by supporting North Catholic. Planned giving allows us to help continue the work of Christ and pass on our traditions and Catholic Marianist values. Gifts can be specified in one's will as either a dollar amount of a stated percentage of one's estate. A growing number of alumni have taken this step and discovered a great sense of joy and satisfaction that they are helping families. If you are interested in finding out more, please click here or contact Amber Nicotra Morrison in the Development Office at amorrison@northcatholic.org.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  

Luke 12:34

Donating Made Easy

Online giving to North Catholic is fast, secure and easy! 
Because tuition alone does not fully cover the cost of educating our students, we are grateful for every gift made to the Annual Fund, Capital Campaign, Scholarships and various fundraisers. Every gift benefits our students and stays at North Catholic. 
Please accept our deepest gratitude on behalf of the young men and women who will benefit most from your generosity. 

EVERY gift stays at North Catholic. 

To make a donation please click here
To make a donation from your DONOR ADVISED FUND please click here

EITC Contributions


Taxpayers can opt to have 90% of their tax liability given to North Catholic High School or the private school of their choice through the EITC (Educational Improvement Tax Credit) Program. Funds directed to North Catholic from this program directly support scholarships for students. 


The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are two programs that can make it possible for many students to receive a Catholic education.

Interested in more information?

Contact Amber Morrison at amorrison@northcatholic.org or

by calling (412) 321-4823.

Watch this short video to learn more how easy it really is!

Click here to watch the short video!

Many thanks to our generous EITC contributors:












Keep in Touch

With over 14,000 graduates world-wide, we strive to spread as much news as we can! If you have personal news, accomplishments, ideas about topics, articles, stories or alumni profiles for our newsletter, please reach out to Newsletter Editor Walter Quinn, NC '65 at wquinn@northcatholic.org or share them with us at alumni@northcatholic.org.
 North Catholic High School
1617 Route 228 
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
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