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May 2024

4-H Update

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Currently active 4-H Adult Volunteers and 4-H Members are subscribed to the California 4-H State newsletter. If you unsubscribe you will stop receiving ALL emails from the California 4-H state office. Please click UPDATE PROFILE below if you want to remove yourself from this list but still remain on other California 4-H mailing lists. View as Webpage

California 4-H State Field Day

Saturday, May 25, 2024, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

UC Davis campus

State Field Day is one of the largest and longest-running events put on by California 4-H. This event is for the whole family! This state level event offers 4-H’ers the opportunity to exhibit skills and projects they have worked on during the 4-H year and compete with 4-H’ers from across the state. 

Split your time watching the different contests and relax in the May sunshine. Pop-up tents, folding chairs and coolers are allowed. Bring your own food or go to one of the three food trucks.

Educational Booths

Between contests, stop by the educational booths. If you’d like to host a booth, please fill out the Booth Request form by May 10th. As always, we’ll have Primary activities hosted by our 4-H State Ambassadors.

One Registration Form for all

We kindly ask that everyone attending State Field Day to sign up. Collecting this information is critical so we know how many people attend the event and can plan for the right amount of food and logistical supplies to accommodate everyone.

Registration is open until Friday, May 10th at 11:59pm PST.

Sign up to compete

Contest Participants: For a flat $10 fee you can sign up for as many contests as you want to enter. Please note the contests you are entering in the form. Fee waivers are available upon request.

Sign up as an Evaluator or Room Host

This event could not go on without the support of volunteers. Sign up on the same registration form. Volunteers will receive a meal ticket for lunch.

Sign up to Attend

If you are attending just to watch the day, you can register for free as a “Spectator”. Last year we had 301 spectators sign up. This year we think we’ll have more!

Questions? Please email

We look forward to seeing you there!


State Field Day Contests

Forestry Contest

Questions for this event will from the National Forestry Bowl practice questions or the 2019 Quiz Bowl and Exam Study Guide. Topics include Tree Identification, Topographic Maps and Forest Health – Insects and Diseases.

Insect ID Contest

Do you love bugs? We’ll have insects on display from the UC Davis Bohart Museum of Entomology. The contest has been adjusted since last year – download the Insect Identification Sheet (XLXS) to study!

Photography Contest

The Photography Contest is totally virtual this year. Submit up to 2 photos when you register for the contest. We’ll showcase the best photos in a slideshow at State Field Day from 10am-3pm.

Plant Science Contest

Our Plant Science Contest is always popular. PREQUALIFIER The four highest scoring seniors will be eligible to represent California 4-H at the National Junior Horticultural Association contest.

Robotics Contest

This year’s competition will be using the 2023-24 VEX IQ Competition: Full Volume. The three competition areas are the Full Volume Competition, Design & Build, and Engineering Notebook.

State Interview Contest

Practice real-life skills needed to apply for a job. Prepare a resume and cover letter for one of the job descriptions in your age category. During your mock interview, you will get constructive feedback based on a standard rubric.

State Fashion Revue

You can enter up to 2 categories in State Fashion Revue. See the full category descriptions

Open to all

Doesn’t require Prequalification or enrollment in 4-H Clothing & Textiles or Sewing Project

·       Costume Challenge

·       Softie Challenge

·       Leather Creations

~Make it with Wool


No prequalification, but requires enrollment in 4-H Clothing & Textiles or Sewing Project


~Consumer Science Purchased ($50 limit)

Requires prequalification at County Fashion Revue and enrollment in 4-H Clothing & Textiles or Sewing Project

Virtual State Presentation Contest, May 8-15

You must prequalify in your presentation category by receiving a gold or blue seal at a Regional Presentation Event.

Virtual Presentation Event Sign Up by May 10, 5pm PDT. Events held May 8-15. Placement is on a first come basis. Slots will be open depending on the number of evaluators available.

In-person Presentation Contest

You must prequalify in your presentation category by receiving a gold or blue seal at a Regional Presentation Event.

Volunteer at State Field Day

Sign up to be an Evaluator for one of the following contests:

  • Presentation Contest
  • State Fashion Revue
  • Interview Contest

We can also use Room Hosts! Learn more and sign up at

Volunteers Needed

State Field Day Awards Ceremony

Sunday, May 26

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

California 4-H YouTube channel

Join the State Ambassadors online to cheer for all the competitors at State Field Day.

State Field Day Awards

40th Annual Range Camp

The 40th Annual Range and Natural Resources Camp is June 16-21, 2024. Come learn about our natural resources at UC Elkus Ranch (Half Moon Bay, CA) with tours in the local area. Activities are mainly field based, hands-on led by professors and professionals from throughout California. Range Camp is organized and run by University of California Cooperative Extension. All Staff are background checked, with a Camp Health Supervisor on duty to ensure everyone’s safety. Registration and more information can be found on our website. Ask about sponsorships!

Register and learn more at

2024 Horse Classic

California 4-H Horse Classic & Educational Contests

July 6-10, 2024

Brookside Show Park, Elk Grove, CA

Registration is open now until June 9th. Before you register, please review our Horse Event site for all the information you'll need to plan for this event! Brookside has been a great partner for us. You can rent stalls and campsite, eat at the onsite cafe, and cool off in their swimming pool.

Go to Horse Event site.

Educational Contests

July 6 & 7

Open to ALL 4-H youth - you don't have to be enrolled in a 4-H horse project to enter. Contests include Public Speaking, Horse Presentations, Horse Bowl, Horse Judging, and Hippology. All contests are state qualifiers for the National 4-H Horse Classic! Top placing individuals or teams in the Senior Division (aged 14-18 years old) can qualify to represent California 4-H at a national 4-H contest. Check out the CA 4-H Horse Classic Educational Contest Guide for more information.

Horse Classic Show

July 8-10

Open to all 4-H youth enrolled in a 4-H horse project. No pre-qualification required! Show divisions include English Flat, English Over Fences, Miniature Horse, Western, Ranch Horse, Modified Western/English Dressage, and Gymkhana. See the class list. The Horse Classic Show Premium includes all the rules and information for participating in this event.

State Leadership Conference 2024

"The Road To Resilience"

UC Davis Campus

July 25-28, 2024 Senior members 14-19 

July 26-28, 2024 Intermediate members 11-13

We're thrilled to share some exciting updates about the upcoming California 4-H State Leadership Conference, the ultimate gathering for young leaders across the state! Set against the vibrant backdrop of UC Davis's campus, this premier event promises an immersive experience filled with invaluable learning opportunities, inspiring connections, and unforgettable memories.

A Glance into Campus Life

Participants will get a firsthand look at life on the renowned UC Davis campus, soaking in its dynamic atmosphere and vibrant community spirit.

Educational Workshops and Tours

From engaging workshops to enriching tours, both on and off-campus, attendees will delve into a diverse range of educational experiences designed to ignite their passion for leadership and personal growth.

Networking and Mentorship

4-H youth will have the chance to connect with peers from across the state, fostering new friendships and collaborations. Additionally, they'll receive mentorship from recent 4-H alumni, gaining valuable insights and guidance as they navigate their leadership journey.

Program Assistants Needed

We're still on the lookout for Program Assistants, recent 4-H alumni aged 18 and above, to lead groups of senior participants. If you're interested in this exciting opportunity, we'd love to have you on board!

Calling All Chaperones

Experienced 4-H volunteers with at least one year's experience are invited to join us as chaperones. Your support and guidance are invaluable in ensuring a safe and enriching experience for all participants.

Call for Workshop Proposals

Do you have a workshop idea that embodies this year's theme of resilience? We want to hear from you! SLC still needs a few more workshops with topics in Civic Engagement, STEM and Healthy Living. Submit your proposal for a chance to contribute to the educational platform and inspire our youth to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in supporting this transformative event? Explore sponsorship opportunities and join us in empowering the next generation of leaders. Your contribution makes a meaningful difference in the lives of 4-H youth statewide.

For more information and to get involved, visit the following links:

Program Assistants Application

Workshop Proposal Submission

Sponsorship Information

Thank you for your continued support as we prepare for an unforgettable California 4-H State Leadership Conference. Together, let's empower our youth to embrace resilience and thrive!

Updates for Volunteers

Volunteer Courses in eXtension

We would like to inform you that access to the current 4-H year (2023-24) New & Returning Volunteer courses in the eXtension Learning Management System will end promptly at 10 a.m. on June 28, 2024.

If you have not completed your required training for the current program year, we kindly encourage you to finalize your coursework at your earliest convenience.

Volunteer Courses for new 4-H year

We're excited to announce that updated Volunteer courses for the 2024-25 program year will be available starting July 1, 2024, at 8 a.m.

We look forward to your continued dedication and involvement.

Project Leader Clinic

July 26-28, 2024

UC Davis Campus

Register today for the 2024 Project Leader Clinic at the UC Davis Campus from July 26 to 28, 2024. This clinic enhances your project leader skills by exchanging innovative and enriching activities and practices.

The Project Leader Clinic provides three registration options:

  • Full Conference ($99): This option grants access to all sessions and provided meals for the entire clinic duration.
  • Saturday Only ($80): This option grants access to all sessions and provided meals on Saturday only.
  • Sunday Only ($50): This option grants access to all sessions and provided meals on Sunday only.

Visit the event website to learn more about the conference, register for the event, or submit a workshop proposal. 

Plan ahead: Online Workshop Series for 4-H Project Leaders

Start preparing for the new 4-H year! This fall, we are hosting another series of workshops for 4-H Project Leaders. We encourage new volunteers serving as Project Leaders to participate.

Learn how to plan and facilitate 4-H learning experiences (projects) with young people in community 4-H club projects, after-school club programs, day camps, special interest (SPIN) clubs, teens-as-teachers programs, and other educational experiences. 

In this four-part series, learn about:

  • Your role and responsibilities as a project leader
  • Lesson planning
  • Making learning engaging
  • Working with youth
  • Effective hands-on learning

Virtual sessions cover content from The UC 4-H Volunteer Educators' Guide: For Volunteers Facilitating 4-H Educational Experiences (published in 2023).

Complete the full four-part series to earn a certificate and 4-H volunteer name badge. They will be mailed to your UC cooperative extension county 4-H office.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Session 1: Best practices in youth development: Focusing on youth sparks, sense of belonging, and positive relationships with adults. (The 4-H Thriving Model of Positive Youth Development)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Session 2: Learning in 4-H: Facilitating hands-on experiential education and planning your project. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Session 3: Working With All Ages (from 5 to 18) and Abilities (The Ages and Stages of Youth Development)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Session 4: Creating effective youth-adult partnerships & Working with youth leaders (Junior and Teen Leaders)

Register at:

Apply to State Advisory Committees

Play a role in improving our 4-H program

The State 4-H Advisory Committees play an important role in improving the programs, processes, and opportunities in the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program. The Committees provide leadership and offer insight, review and input to the Statewide 4-H Director for the operation and management of the 4-H Youth Development Program.

Advisory Committees are a representative group of 4-H youth, adult volunteers, county and state 4-H staff and program partners. 

Applications for State Advisory Committees will be open May 20, 2024 through June 14, 2024. 

See more upcoming events

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