May 2023


Suzanna Eversole, SGP Director, visited Forge Graphic Works in Portland, OR to present Todd with his well-deserved award in front of his team members.

Todd Ebersole of Forge Graphic Works is New Sustainability Champion

Congratulations to Todd Ebersole on being the first recipient in 2023 of the esteemed SGP Champion award.


Todd's dedication to sustainability has not gone unnoticed. He has dedicated his time to being a patron for the planet. Whether speaking in support of SGP certification at events or collaborating with SGP board members, or offering Forge services to design the graphics for this award program, Todd has

established himself as a legitimate advocate for the planet!

After his nomination as a Sustainability Champion, Todd was nominated and joined the SGP Board of Directors. Congratulations Todd & the Forge Graphic Works Team!

Create awareness of the Sustainability Champion award program by sharing the SGP Sustainability Champions video with your company. Submit nominations via Sustainability Champions Nomination Form.

Register for the first 2023 Sustainability Summit- “The Power of Sustainable Print in the Digital World”

SGP will hold its first Sustainability Summit of 2023 on June 22nd at the Eastman Kodak facility in Dayton, OH. The SGP Sustainability Summit is a unique event that brings together thought leaders and community stakeholders in pursuit of more accountable sustainable print supply chains. It will feature insightful presentations and roundtable discussions given by industry leaders. Some of the current issues to be discussed at the conference include carbon footprints, alignment with U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, circularity and how SGP certification can help your company meet its corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals and environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) objectives.

At SGP, we are passionate about the development and advancement of sustainable practices in the print industry. SGP events are a unique forum to network with industry leaders, explore different perspectives, and learn new ways to advance the print industry into a more sustainable future. All SGP Community members, interested printers and print buyers are welcome to attend.

For more details and to register for the Summit: SGP 2023 Dayton, OH

Emmerson Packaging’s 6 1/2 Initiatives Supporting Supply Chain Sustainability

SGP certified, Emmerson Packaging was the the first flexible packaging company in North America to achieve the ISO-14001 environmental management designation.

Emmerson Packaging’s commitment to environmental protection is deeply ingrained in the company. They continuously implement initiatives showcasing a commitment to supply chain sustainability. Here are some achievements from the past year:

  1. Sustainable Green Printing (SGP) Partnership Re-certification 
  2. Tracking Transportation 
  3. Compressed Air Correction 
  4. Cooling Without Domestic Water 
  5. Pick Up The Park Challenge 
  6. Reuse of 6” Cores 

Plus 6.5- Paperless Payroll 

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SGP Facilities

Yunker Industries

Elkhorn, WI


since 2017

SGP Patrons

Piedmont Plastics



since 2016




since 2021

Alcom continues sustainability leadership with its annual continuous improvement project

Alcom is well known in the United States as a sustainability leader. Certified in 2009, it was the 13th printer in the United States to be certified by SGP. For 2023, Alcom worked to reduce paper usage in the facility for their annual SGP continuous improvement project.

"We believe in doing what we can to maintain the health & viability of the world. SGP Partnership encourages participation in the worldwide movement to reduce environmental impact & increase social responsibility of the print and graphic communications industry. This certification is given to those who have built an ongoing sustainable approach to doing business every day to minimize the impact on our environment & yours."

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Note from Birdley

Birdley James is Chair-Elect of SGP and Compliance Manager & Press Supervisor at Miller Zell

Miller Zell on Track to Meet Landfill Waste Reduction Pledge

Miller Zell reduced the landfill waste from its production facility by nearly 1,084 tons in 2022 — a 63% recycling rate — now aims to divert at least 10,000 tons of landfill waste by 2030.

Miller Zell announced its goal in April 2022 to reduce landfill waste by at least five percent annually, until the goal is reached. This involves transitioning current waste production into an alternative recycling stream, while also identifying opportunities to repurpose packaging that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Read more

Email me if you have any questions or want to discuss how you can develop such a program.

Donate to SGP Foundation

SGP Foundation Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, is dedicated to providing education on sustainable practices for the printing industry and sister organization to SGP. Include SGP Foundation in your corporate giving programs. Make tax-deductible donations.

Donate through GuideStar

These Times Demand New Signs

Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., the oldest continuously operating paper mill in the United States and SGP Patron introduces new “Un-Plastic” and sustainable wide format and signage materials.

“For brands and retailers looking to fulfill their sustainability commitments without compromising durability, printability and great style – the search ends here with Monadnock and our two newest product lines,” said Lisa Taylor, Vice President Sales and Marketing. “We invested in developing Boulevard and Pavilion PC 100 without compromise, without plastic and without a doubt that these times demand new signs.”

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