The month of May usually sees events that bring awareness to the outstanding need for affordable, accessible housing in the United States.

Far too many families are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. Nationwide, more people are renting their homes than ever before, but the federal government’s investments in accessible, affordable homes have not kept pace with demand. Nearly 11 million families spend more than half of their income on rent, and the number of people experiencing homelessness has increased nationally over the past few years. Rents are increasing, while housing infrastructure is deteriorating. The need for more affordable housing is felt in every state and congressional district, but despite the growing need, only one in four people who qualify for housing assistance actually receives it.
A reflection on what "home" means to her, dRC Executive Director Gloria Garton shares these thoughts;

"A home is more than a physical structure.
Having a home is a universal human need. A place to call home is essential to your well-being. However, a home is more than a physical structure. A home is where memories are created. I have been very blessed throughout my life to have a home. As a child, although my parents were poor, our home was filled with love, laughter, and constant activity having 4 brothers and a sister. Growing up in a home on a farm meant I was surrounded by the beauty of nature, farm animals, and a night time sky that is still magical in my mind. My childhood “home” became the standard I set for creating a home for my own family. My home is my lifesaver – it keeps me safe (emotionally and physically), warm and reminds me daily of how lucky I am and the love I am surrounded by."
-Gloria Garton
Mother's Day is Sunday, May 9, 2021
Here's to all the cool MOMs out there!
There is growing interest in the benefits of CBD infused products.
Pacha Soap Co. is a great company that makes a great product that Brian recommends. They have created a special ADDITIONAL 20% off code just for the dRC to try their line of CBD based products! Use code DRC_NC_20 at checkout and you can STACK the discounts (thanks Stevie!) onto the current 40% discount!
May has a LOT going on. One of the most important things we can do is take care of ourselves physically. Since May is also Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and National Melanoma Awareness Month, we want to remind you that the top hazards for healthy skin are tanning beds and overexposure to the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays. Your risk DOUBLES if your skin gets burned! If you take medications on a regular basis, please ask your doctor or pharmacist, and check for side effects that may be indicated as it pertains to UV sensitivity.

Living so close to the beautiful beaches of North Carolina, the temptation is always there to indulge in somme sun-bathing. But you can be overexposed by just being outside! Talk with your dermatologist if you can to ascertain what other risk factors you may have (medications, genetics, history, fair skin, red hair, etc) and be sure and use appropriate broad spectrum sunscreens. Do some research as to the brand you choose and if it is recommended by doctors. The National Council on Cancer Research shares 9 Must-Know-Facts about sunscreen here

And there are lots of easy steps to reduce your risk while having fun outdoors! Seek shade as much as possible, a healthy diet, using protective film on your car windows, and yearly check ups with your doctor. Be aware of any moles and changes in their shape, texture, or color as well.

Billy from the dRC also reminds us that the sun's rays are most harmful between 10 am and 2 pm. Be careful out there!

For more information, visit the Skin Cancer Foundation
With America’s population living longer amidst all the ongoing concerns from the pandemic ACL (Administration on Community Living) would like to highlight Older Americans Month. If we Americans have learned one thing from the past year it is to appreciate the little things especially spending time with friends and family. Many older Americans faced social isolation this past year by not being able to engage with their friends or receive visits from their family so dRC would like to provide a couple of tips that you can use to let the older Americans know how much they are appreciated as well as ways for them to stay positive while things are a little different.

One suggestion is to keep a gratitude journal to make the best out of every day. Use this journal to jot down one thing each day that you are grateful for so that you can look back when things are down and remember the little things you can also use social media to document these events. Offering to do a chore for your neighbor even though you may not be able to hang out you can still help leave a note on their doorstep with your number and the offer of assistance it could be something as small as bringing their newspaper to the front door or helping them unload groceries when they come back from shopping. One last thing to think about is learning a new skill or partaking in a hobby that you have been putting off. Many skills classes are offered virtually, or you can ask a neighbor to assist you in ordering supplies online for something you have been thinking about trying.

Whatever you decide to do make sure you share your idea with others because you never know who you could inspire and what relationships you could build of that idea. dRC is offering virtual classes so make sure you read our newsletter, check our website and follow us on social media to find out about our upcoming events and activities.
May is also

Share your favorite photos of what HOME means to you with our Facebook page!
Only YOU can prevent wildfires.
Have you ever thought about BEEKEEPING as a hobby? I recently got my first hive and then adopted a colony from a local Beekeepers Association. I am excited to learn a new hobby, and to contribute to the health of the local ecosystem! I have also discovered that beekeeping has been around for THOUSANDS of years, and bees have been respected and revered in cultures all over the world! I have several plants and trees that depend on bees to be healthy. So I am really looking forward to growing my colonies!

Some people are SEVERELY allergic to bee stings and some products made with honey, and young children are actually sensitive to the bacteria in honey and should not consumer it until they are older. Be very aware of that if you come into contact with bees. But bees provide the valuable service of pollinating most of our food crops. If you are interested in learning about it as a hobby for yourself, or just learning more about it for fun (kids find it REALLY interesting! What a great educational opportunity,) Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, Onslow and Pender Counties all have Beekeeping Associations! Be kind to bees in your garden, don't use pesticides that harm them, and consider planting a bee friendly garden! For more information you can visit or

If you have any questions for me, Id be happy to help or find the resources for you!

THANKS! Bee Well!
Brian Todd Barnette
dRC Community Outreach +
Resource Development Director

What are YOUR hobbies? Or what would you like to explore as a new hobby? Let us know! We can share information, help facilitate a group discussion, or if you are interested in sharing your story and what YOU like to do, LET US KNOW!
Billy wanted to share a special SHOUT OUT to Marilyn Costen. Marilyn escaped a devastating fire by jumping from the second floor of her condo in April. She lost everything in her home. She is on the mend and appreciates the support and assistance she has so far received from the community. If you would like to know how you can assist, contact Billy at
The Next Chapter Book Club has chosen "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll as the next book! It's a GREAT time to join them in exploring this all time classic! So much to talk about in this book! The fun starts on May 19, and meets Wednesdays. You can  Email Renee to get information and ask for any accommodations! 
If you have a business that would like to reach LOCAL residents in over five counties in North Carolina, customers who are LOYAL and vocally supportive of the businesses who serve them, OR if you have information about a company or business that you feel deserves attention for their great product, service, or contribution to our communities, then LET US HELP! We can share deals and discounts, information, and resources! Opportunities exist to actually sponsor the newsletter on a variety of schedules, or sponsor our social media and websites.
Before we go, MAY is also National Strawberry Month! North Carolina is a great place to get fresh, locally grown strawberries in season! Here is a great link to a classic Strawberry Shortcake Recipe from Williams-Sonoma.
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