May 2021 |
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CEC Special Education Legislative Summit 2021

Mark your calendars! CEC's annual Special Education Legislative Summit will be occurring virtually this year from July 19 - 21. Join to learn how to advocate for youth with exceptionalities and to put these lessons into action. This event is free. Learn more.
American Rescue Plan Impact
Education and Advocacy Resources
Listen and Learn

Watch a recording of the Committee on Education & Labor's May 6th virtual hearing "Addressing the Impact of Covid-19 on Students with Disabilities" here.


Send an action alert to your Congressional delegate urging them to support increased IDEA funding here.

Submit a Proposal

Submit a proposal to be considered for the CEC 2022 Convention & Expo. The deadline is May 26. Learn more about how to submit a proposal here.
Mental Health Awareness Month
Are You Mindful or Mind-Full?
A Brief Crash Course in Mindfulness for DBT

Written by: Dr. Julia Brillante, PsyD for the Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Often, it may be difficult to focus on the present moment. In this tenuous time, anxious thoughts can distract us from what is currently going on in our lives. We may stress over the past or future, fueled by anxiety and depression, or even regret.

When these thoughts overcome us, it’s challenging to remain focused on the “now.” Mindfulness is an essential practice for anxious times. It helps us maintain a level head and make decisions in our own best interests.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the current moment. It’s about experiencing the “now” free of judgments. It’s allowing ourselves to experience thoughts, people, and circumstances without criticism.

Notice the outside world around you. What information do your senses bring you first? Is it the smell in the air? The sounds around you? The feel of the chilled wind against your cheek? Or is there a taste on your tongue?

Sharpening your external perception helps you focus and stay grounded in the present moment.

Mindfulness is also about honing in on your internal world. Your thoughts, feelings, urges, and judgments are in a constant state of flux within your mind. It’s important to take the time to stop and notice these internal happenings. Notice them and then let them be. Allow yourself to be a curious observer within without trying to change anything.

In therapy, we sometimes make the distinction between
being mindful and mind-fullMind-full is a state of being where our thoughts and feelings overwhelm us. We may feel as if we are losing control of our own minds.

When we are mindfulor aware, we are focusing on one thing at a time. This could be focusing on an activity, such as playing basketball or washing the dishes. Or, it could be as simple as bringing our awareness to our breath-breathing in and out.

Mindfulness is allowing yourself to exist in the moment by honing in on the present.

NJCEC Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to our 2021 NJCEC scholarship winners:

Jessica C. who attends Nutley High School and is undecided as of now where she will be going in the fall.

Summer S. who attend ECLC of New Jersey and will be going to the College of NJ into the Career and Community Studies program in the fall.
NJDOE Updates
Governor Murphy Announces New Jersey Department of Education Grants to Create Computer Science Learning Hubs Throughout State. Read more.

NJ Department of Education Podcast Highlights Special Education Week. Read more.

Governor Murphy Announces That Schools Will Be Required to Provide Full-Time, In-Person Instruction Beginning Fall 2021. Read more.
In Case You Missed It: Education News
"Senator Booker, Reps. García and Hayes Re-Introduce the DIVERSIFY Act"
"Notice of Proposed Amendments to CEC's Bylaws"
"CEC President-Elect Danielle Kovach, Ed.D., Testifies Before Congress"
"How Schools Can Help Kids Heal After the Pandemic's Uncertainty"
"Warren, Sanders Bill Would Call for Expanding Food Aid to College Students"
We are constantly keeping these pages updated with all of the events that are being offered amidst COIVD-19.
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Newsletter Editor: Renee Cantor
Newsletter Contributors: Joan J. Vas, Saskia Brown
Newsletter Directors: Dr. Julie Norfus-Good, Benjamin Good