LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
The Club is Back Racing!

Some great race-momentum building! It was fantastic to see so many members participate in our club triathlon event and to carry that momentum forward into Ironman 70.3 St. George. Wow! Some fantastic results! We saw some members have podium races – at a highly competitive event! Luigi Grullon took 1st place in the 45-49 age group with Tedd Girouard taking 5th in the same age group while Mark Malone took 3rd in the 60-65 age group!
Thanks to everyone who affiliated their Ironman Profile with the Las Vegas Triathlon Club – our club earned 7th place overall (over 200 clubs participating)!

It was also great to see members participating in the BBSC Sand Hollow event – always popular. There were so many great performances – congratulations to everyone!

Moving forward, we have a ‘swim and rack’ event planned for 5/28/21. This will be a swim at Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club followed by organizing our bike racks! We have so many bike racks but need to match them up with the support legs. If you just want to come out to the swim, that is ok … but if you can lend a hand setting up a bike rack, that would be great too.

Our next training event is June 12th, 2021. This will be a sprint triathlon at Lake Mead Boulder Beach. Check out our website to join our club and register for this 2nd of 4 events down at Lake Mead. We will have our third event in mid July, an aquabike.

We are also planning a ‘test event’ that will be a swim-run format. We’ll hold this event in August at Lake Las Vegas. Watch for more details.

As more races start to open up, we know this fall is going to be very busy tracking everyone! Keep up your consistent training now so you can enjoy your races in 2021!
Club Membership

Club Memberships Now Available:
  • Single Membership Only $65.00
  • Family Membership Only $85.00
  • Student Membership is $40.00
Please visit our membership page and sign up to take advantage of all the Club Training Events down at Lake Mead and Lake Las Vegas.
Socials/Training Events/Education
5-28-21: Swim and Rack event planned for Friday night 5-7 pm. This will be an evening swim at Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (Northwest corner of the lake) followed by organizing our bike racks! You can find directions via Google Maps when you put Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club into the map app.

6-12-21: Training Event #2
Sprint Triathlon at Lake Mead Boulder Beach.
Register today and come down to Boulder Beach and train with local triathletes.
Coaches Corner:
Racing is REAL again! And so is that dang Open...Water...Swim. Here’s some facts and tips to wrangle in that most unpredictable leg of triathlon!
Surrender to the fact that you're not going to get in your perfect swim warmup...

Whether, breathing, temperature or muscle prep, you can count on the race start not at all resembling your training swim starts. So, consider a few concepts replacing that normal warmup.
- Wet your face to reduce cold shock
- Water in top of wetsuit can create space for shoulder mobility.
- Run around or in place in wetsuit to get HR up to either stay warm or wake up pulmonary system
- 4 count inhales and 10 to 12 count exhales. In through the nose and slowly out nose or mouth.  Know that breathless feeling at the start of the swim no matter how controlled you took off? It's not necessarily a matter of getting enough oxygen IN. It's likely a matter of getting CO2 OUT.  These breaths (do as many as possible while staging) if exhaling long enough so you feel that tightness in chest, will help diaphragm will totally flatten. This makes lung capacity larger so you can get plenty out and in, and therefore swim feeling waaaay more comfortable and calm.  
- Perform same breaths for general calming. Structured breathing reduces anxiety and stress hormone, Cortisol. Anxiety before the race means we are more likely to go into 'fight or flight', crank up Cortisol- the adrenal response to life threat, and numb all of our 'good swim form brain work' for the sake of getting OUT. This cycle is a losing battle. Breathing helps. 
Bring your mind back to your swim, during your swim...

Feeling out of control at start of race like you never did in training? Well, there's a reason for it (many). And ways (many) to get it back...
- Start SLOW! Slow, with good form, is not actually slow.  
- Bring back that CATCH! The catch is the part of the swim that holds us up AND allows us to glide. It’s the foundation when taking a breath and gliding, and especially important in open water swimming. For the same reason you need support while rotating/breathing, you need that catch arm extended out in front with authority so you can SPOT. That catch arm helps serve as a support for pressing down and lifting head. VS sinking and eating waves. Ride that catch arm as long as possible each stroke!
- If flight or fight is in full effect....COUNT YOUR STROKES.  This calms the brain with a simpler focus amidst the chaos. 10 strokes face down freestyle. 5 to 10 breaststroke or sidestroke or number of breaths head up gathering your 'calm head'. Or choose a ratio and go for it!  Chances are, your swim won't be that much slower than expected since your form is good when your head is together!

~Nancy Jones
Safety Corner

Swim Help

Even with the best of training, nutrition plans, etc., triathlon can be a sport with many unexpected changes and challenges. The swim can be one of the most unpredictable parts of triathlon. Water temperature, weather, and more can wreck your swim, but knowing what to do if you run into trouble can save your life.

  • Flotation Devices – Generally speaking, flotation devices are NOT allowed in most races. If you practice with triathlon-specific flotation devices, check before the race to see if these items are allowed for your specific triathlon race. If so, make sure you do not only rely on this device to keep you safe during the swim. If the flotation device is not allowed, practice safely without them when you are not alone, and when you can easily regain control if needed. A shallow area of a swim-zone in a lake or a pool is a good place to start.
  • Hand Up for Help! - If during the swim you find that you need help - the first signal of needing help is raising your hand out of the water. Wave towards an official kayak or lifeguard until they see you. If your hand is up and no one is coming, don’t panic, but calmly continue trying to gain their attention. Once the kayak or lifeguard has seen you, they will paddle towards you.
  • Resting - If you just need a rest, you are generally permitted to do so in a race as long as you do NOT PROGRESS FORWARD. Let them know if you simply need to take a breather and make sure you do not move from your current stopping spot. Be sure to check local race rules.
  • Leaving the swim - If you do NOT want to move forward with the race, let the lifeguard or kayaker know and they will safely remove you from the water. You will be disqualified, but you will also be safe.
  • Better to be safe - Do not feel ashamed if your swim isn’t perfect, or if you have to quit a triathlon because of the swim. With your safety and health, you will be able to try again in better conditions or when you feel more comfortable.

 Hope this month’s Safety Corner helps and STAY SAFE tri friends!  

Amanda Wolpink

Prez Corner:

Reboot Triathlon – Back to Rookie!
Although there were some early races in 2021 that were postponed, there have been a number of key races that have happened and the near future looks very promising.
It has been great to see the pictures and race recaps for events like our club event as well as Ironman 70.3 St. George and BBSC Sand Hollow events.

I know many of you enjoy the training – which is so important to a positive triathlon lifestyle – but having events to participate in is also so important. But 2021 is almost like returning to triathlon as a rookie!
Do you remember that first race? The anxiety is often high because of the ‘unknown’ aspects of racing … what will the swim be like? Did I set up transition correctly? Did I remember to bring all the right gear? Do I have the right nutrition program? Lots of unknowns going into that first race.

As you return to racing in 2021, you may find yourself having those same type of questions! That added stress of the unknown of racing may ultimately work against a good race day experience.

How do you reduce that stress of that 2021 first race? Plan, plan, plan. Something we may not remember is that it is common over plan that first race. We probably all packed too much gear for transition (e.g., do you really need an extra pair of socks in case something happens to the race socks?) or over-complicated transition set up (‘keep it simple’). But over planning is probably the right mistake to make as we get back to that first race. Time to brush off that list of equipment you should pack for that race … put your mind at ease knowing you have the right gear for race day.

Even though you may have years of experience, it is good to get back to basics and (over) plan your first event in 2021. That way, you can enjoy the event and let your fitness shine!

~John Mercer
The Las Vegas Triathlon Club Gear Store

We have new 2021 trucker hats and Las Vegas Tri Club Visors available in our online store. Limited quantities so get yours today!
Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced ?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.
  • Candace McCutcheon
  • Paul Brandt

Click on the names to view the video.
The Evidence-Based Triathlete

  • Chain Care
  • IM St. George 70.3
  • Aerodynamics & Climbing
  • The new triathlete #2
Check our website for Discount Codes 
Login to your account and look for top right account menu "My Membership" as circled below. On your dashboard page in the middle of the page you should see a link "Discount Codes". Click on that for latest discounts for members. These will appear as they come available.

Featured LVTC Sponsors
Fresh Body provides mindfully formulated hygiene products with clean ingredients derived from plant based materials & extracts.

Your financial life is complicated. Whether you are a pre-retiree, a business owner, or a Nevada government worker, you are not immune to the complexities of personal finances. Luckily, Peak Financial Solutions is specialized in helping people like you, better plan for retirement.

XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club