LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
Happy Training!

Our Club has been busy training away. It is great to see so many people staying active amidst the pandemic and increasing heat-just check out the Club totals below to see how far we have traveled for the month of May.

A huge shout out to all the members who participated in the Kyle Canyon hill climb time trail. View the results below.

Congratulations to the race series points winners. Check out the links below as our president sits down to get to know each member better.

Looking for beneficial information regarding triathlons? You’re in luck! Our Sports Science Conversation section has some helpful videos to view. 

We are working hard to schedule our race series for this year. As more information becomes available, we will continue to update our members. As you gear up for the series races, get gear ready! Call Velofix for a bike tune up, or upgrade to an Xterra wetsuit or lava shorts using the Clubs discount code.  

Socials/Training Events/Education

Kyle Canyon Hill Climb Results

We had a small but mighty group for our hill climb challenge. Congratulations to the daring souls who participated in the vigorous hill climb that is not for the faint of heart.

1st Place: Tedd Girouard 14.1mi/h 1:08:05

2nd Place: Trauger 12.9mi/h 1:14:13

3rd Place: Randall Lomax 12.5mi/h 1:16:30

4th Place: Conor E 11.4mi/h 1:23:57

5th Place: Rodo Cao 11.4mi/h 1:24:11

6th Place: John Mercer 10.3mi/h 1:33:20

7th Place: Julie Marschner 8.1mi/h 1:58:51

8th Place: Christy Keeler 4.4mi/h 3:39:45

Race Series:

Race #1: April 19th, 2020 Sprint Triathlon, Aquabike, Duathlon, Relay, Youth Tri
Rescheduling to November
Registration opens TBA

Race #2: June 6, 2020 Sprint Triathlon, Aquabike, Duathlon, Relay, Youth Tri
Registration opens TBA

Race #3: July 11th, 2020 Aquabike, Youth Aquabike
Registration opens TBA

September 13, 2020 Triathlon, Aquabike, Duathlon, Relay, Youth Tri
Registration opens TBA

**Upcoming Event Info**

Our next Las Vegas Triathlon Club event is scheduled for June 6th, 2020. We are in communication with the National Park regarding whether or not the event can happen.

If the event does happen, we have already been discussing how to modify the race as needed to respect the COVID-19 guidelines. There may be some logistical changes that we will need to make. We will keep you informed as more information is provided.

Once we receive clearance, we will open registration 1-2-weeks prior to the event for a limited number of entries (e.g., 40). We'll keep a wait list in case the event can be larger (the maximum via our permit is 100).
We are also in the process of rescheduling our April 19th event to November.

We appreciate our members support and understanding during this time. So keep training, stay healthy, and, as always, stay safe!

May Club Totals:

The Club has been very active for the month of May! Let's keep the mileage going! Here are our totals so far:

Swim: 33,319 yards
Bike: 2,936.5 miles
Run: 484.7 miles

Remember as it gets hotter to stay hydrated and try to workout in the cooler parts of day.

Train hard and smart!
Calling All Competitors!

We are looking to organize a virtual mult-day race using the Racery platform.
This would involve forming different teams, for example, East of I-15, West of i-15.

You could join one of the teams and then log your training mileage. The website keeps track of where the team is on the map.

There is a cost (probably less than $20 per person depending on the options).

If you think this is something you would be interested in registering for, please email us at
Featured LVTC Sponsors:


Whether you're an endurance athlete seeking steady, long-lasting energy or you're looking to fuel your fitness goals, UCAN is the smart choice to help you finish stronger. 

Login to website for Discount Codes 

Fresh Balls offers a range of male hygiene products designed to control moisture & keep your balls smelling fresh.

Thus, the creation of FreshBreasts™ – an all-natural product designed specifically with ladies’ needs in mind.

Login to website for Discount Codes
Prez Corner:

Problem Solving

Having a successful triathlon race is sometimes defined by how well you solve problems that you are faced with. Sometimes, those problems happen during a race. Flat tire, broken google strap, lost shoe in transition, dropped nutrition … on and on. Sometimes, those problems happen during training. Strained muscle, broken bone, lack of time to train, … COVID-19.

Here we are almost half way through 2020 and no races. I sincerely hope you, your family, and your friends are all doing well and are healthy. Whether or not we race in 2020 is insignificant when considering the global pandemic and public health. That being said, I’m going to focus on triathlon here – because triathlon is a way of life and it is a part of life that we can control.

It is easy to lose focus on training for triathlon when there are no races in sight on the calendar. As much as I enjoy training, I have struggled more than I thought I would when I do not have a race on the calendar. Or, I have some races still scheduled – but it is not clear if they are going to happen. That lack of clarity, that unknown, is hard to handle.

Typically, I like to train alone … that’s just the way I’m built. But it is amazing to me how much I miss the interactions with others … passing each other on a bike ride or run, saying hello at the swim pool, or seeing each other at races.

Problem solve. How do we continue to train effectively, how do we continue to live the ‘triathlon life’ in a healthy way? How do we connect so that we can encourage and support each other?

As a club, we are trying to continue to engage people as much as possible virtually. We are having ‘Sports Science’ video conversations, ‘Member Spotlight’ video conversations, Zoom ‘Happy Hours’, … it is really important to at least connect virtually with each other. Please jump in on a zoom call or follow one of our live streams on facebook. We are also looking at starting a virtual training event – something unique!

Your training program is likely all off schedule. No more ’12 weeks to the next event’ type messages! Problem solve. What can you do that will help your next race – is this the time to focus on flexibility, core strength, fixing your bike, organizing your gear …? Maybe this is the time to back off serious training and include some other types of activities like reading, playing an instrument, meditation, jigsaw puzzles, foosball (really?!), or drawing/painting.

Think back to your races – what problems did you have to solve to reach the finish line?
Hold on to that tenacity … that grit … that gift to find a solution that you have. Keep moving forward.

Problem solve …. focus on what you can control … keep striving to improve … know that what we do today will help us tomorrow.

~John Mercer
LVTC Member Spotlight

Check out our President's conversations with our series point winners. Click on the names to view the video.

Colleen Takahashi – 2019 Female Overall Points Series Winner

Luigi Grullon - 2019 Male Overall Points Series Winner

Ethan Klein - 2019 Male Rookie Points Series Winner

Micah Bluto - 2019 Female Rookie Points
Club Store:

Las Vegas Triathlon Boco Gear Visors are now available for purchase in our online store.
Check our website for Discount Codes 
Login to your account and look for top right link as circled below.
XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club