As we all continue to live in a strange new world, Lumunos' exploration of paradox and relationship continues to move in ways we never fathomed coming into the year. As Angier Brock wonderfully describes below, we're all engaged in our relationships in radically new ways.

A friend of mine sent along this powerful message from Francesca Vezza, a nurse at St. Joseph's University Medical Center in Patterson, NJ, one of the hardest hit hospitals in the country.

Francesca describes losing multiple patients within hours of each other. "The only thing that got me through that shift was knowing I did everything I could to honor their lives....I don't want to be called a hero. I simply want respect and to be treated as any other human being. I want non-healthcare workers to understand that this is our job and we are proud of what we do day in and day out."

She concludes with, "I'm grateful to have this experience as a nurse because it is teaching me to never take anything for granted." To honor Francesca, her patients and all that so many people are doing for others at this time, I will commit to keeping her words about gratitude front-and-center. I'll rely on my colleagues at Lumunos and my family to let me know how I'm doing.

Be Well,
Dan Quinlan
Dan is the Business and Operations Director for Lumunos. He can be reached at