Special Guest Speakers - Osher Institute at Florida Atlantic University
A Donation to the National Library of Israel - OLLI at University of Oregon
Saturday Morning Book Talks - Osher Institute at University of Missouri
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Greetings from the NRC    May 2019 15
As the end of the academic year approaches, Osher Institutes across the country celebrate another superb year of learning, friendship, and fun. We also celebrate "Older Americans Month" - which began in 1963, when many of us were considered younger Americans! Our colleagues at the National Association for Area Agencies on Aging remind us that there are a lot more people coming to the longevity party. Consider that 56 years ago, 17 million Americans were estimated to be aged 65 or older. Today the number has grown to 48 million, and by 2035 it is projected to be 78 million - outnumbering kids under 18 for the first time. Plus, we seem to be expecting much more from these bonus years of longevity than in 1963. It's one of the reasons OLLIs continue to grow in their popularity and success. Visit the Administration for Community Living website to learn a bit more about Older American's Month .

In this month's newsletter, we feature articles that focus on fascinating people - members, guest speakers, and authors from Osher Institutes at Florida Atlantic University, the University of Oregon, and the University of Missouri. We hope you enjoy them all.

Finally, we often receive retirement announcements at this time of the year from a few of our highly esteemed directors. Recently, we've heard about the retirements of Susan Morrow at the University of Southern Maine and the upcoming retirements of Shirley Swanson at Western Michigan University, David Fechtor at Tufts University, and Jim Peters at The University of Kansas. In recent emails between Jim and myself, he summed up his experience so beautifully, writing, "Truth is, I got more than I gave, learned more than I taught, and smiled much more than I ever frowned. It's been a joyful journey." I suspect we all could agree with Jim's sentiments.
With gratitude,
Steve Thaxton, Executive Director

Osher Institute at Florida Atlantic University
Throughout January 2019, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida Atlantic University in Jupiter presented a variety of events with special guest speakers. First, a one-man show by Clifton Truman Daniel, an author and the grandson of President Harry S. Truman. More than 400 lifelong learners attended the event, which was sponsored by Your Life Senior Living Community. "Give 'Em Hell, Harry!" by Samuel Gallu is a play about President Harry S. Truman's life and presidency. It spans his childhood, his "political apprenticeship" as a judge in Jackson County, MO, his years in the U.S. Senate and his two terms as president. The one-man show captured some of Truman's momentous decisions, such the atomic bombings, the Korean War, the firing of General Douglas MacArthur and the recognition of Israel. Actor James Whitmore originated the role in 1975. Clifton Truman Daniel took up the mantle in October of 2017, marking the first time in history a U.S. president would be portrayed on-stage by a direct descendant.
Next was a lecture by Susan Eisenhower, a policy analyst and consultant for business development. More than 200 attended the event, which was sponsored by members, Ken and Felice Hassan. "D-Day and its Enduring Legacy," included an analysis of the events that took place 75 years ago. The presentation told the story of D-Day and the race to bring an end to World War II's European theater, including the stakes involved in the largest amphibious military assault in history. The presentation also traced its meaning in today's geo-politics. Eisenhower is the granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Finally, a lecture by John Grunsfeld, an astronaut who flew to space in 2009 to repair The Hubble Telescope. More than 200 attended the lecture, which was sponsored by OLLI members Alma and Leon Sadow. "A Hubble Story," examined the steps that it took to repair The Hubble accompanied with pictures and video, and the scientific future for the telescope.
Submitted by : Kami Barrett-Batchelder, Associate Director, Public Relations/ Community Outreach, Osher Institute at Florida Atlantic University

OLLI at University of Oregon
Encounter Between New and Longtime Members Leads to A Donation to the National Library of Israel
Recently, OLLI at the University of Oregon invited local media (a newspaper targeting seniors, local radio, and TV) to cover a member talk.  The resulting publicity attracted national press reporting with mentions of OLLI.  In his talk, OLLI at the University of Oregon member Nathan Fendrich described the extraordinary set of circumstances that put him on the frontlines of another country's battle for survival. He shared his first-person accounts of living through and documenting the war.  
Fendrich arrived in Israel in 1973 to work on an archaeological dig just before the  Yom Kippur War broke out.  Armed with press credentials from a Eugene television station for his work on the dig, Nathan travelled in press buses, hired press cars, and embedded himself with Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as a photographer, using the camera he had brought with him to the dig. He took hundreds of pictures of air strikes, ground skirmishes, prisoners of war and soldiers in battle. The National Library of Israel has noted "the most striking elements in the photographs are the soldiers themselves - young and old, active duty and reservists - all allowed themselves to be photographed, during fierce battles as well as in periods of rest, in meetings with the high command and in moments of casual comradery".
In July, 2018, new OLLI member Avi Naiman met Nathan in an OLLI discussion group and heard about these photos. Reaching out to the National Library of Israel, Avi learned that the photo collection was unique since Nathan was a self-made combat photojournalist, long before embedded photographers became standard practice.  Nathan has donated his collection to the National Library of Israel which paid to digitize the photographs. In the words of the NLI's curator: "Nathan Fendrich's pictures offer a unique first-person perspective of war and are of a more intimate angle ... they are an important resource for researchers."
The first set of pictures was recently publicized, with requests for soldiers to identify themselves. In a delightful surprise to Nathan, Oregon Senator Roy Wyden's office presented him with a carefully folded U.S. flag that was flown over the Capitol at the senator's request, in recognition of Nathan's service to his country and community.
Submitted by : Susan Walcott, member, OLLI at University of Oregon

Osher Institute at University of Missouri
Saturday Morning Book Talks
In May of 2012 Osher member Kit Salter taught an Osher class on local authors, and invited Dr. Ed Ailor, III, to talk about a book his book, Blue Highways Revisited ( 2012) . This was an ambitious undertaking that involved the doctor father and son retracing much of the 13,000-mile blue highway road trip that local author William Least Heat-Moon had pioneered in his 1978 odyssey, Blue Highways: A Journey into America (1982). The overwhelmingly positive reaction to this class lead Kit and his wife, writer Cathy Salter, to initiate a monthly Saturday Book Talk series. Now six years strong, it features local mid-Missouri authors talking about the intent and content of their writings.
The series, which is conducted in collaboration with the City of Columbia Parks and Recreation 50+ program, has averaged about 40-50
attendees, almost all of whom are Osher students. After successful promotions on the radio and in the local press, attendance grew, having as many as 100 attendees f or particularly well-known authors and a steady sale of the presenting author's book(s). Local publisher Yolanda Ciolli produces bookmarks twice a year for th ese Osher Book Talks. They are widely distributed as both giveaways and a reminder of the active Osher@Mizzou presence in Columbia. All Osher students are admitted at no cost. Non-Osher attendees pay $3.00. A sponsorship fee is charged to each presenting author, and this component has expanded the
commercial as well as literary circle of the members and community. The series offers 20 minutes of Q & A during the hour; almost all of the talks have a steady give-and-take.
The series has presented many notable authors; local New York Times Best Seller List author George Hodgman, Bettyville (2015); successful self-publishing author, Eric Prachan, The Burden of Silence (2015); debut author, Laura McHugh, The Weight of Blood (2015); and Missouri's First Poet Laureate-Walter Bargen, Too Quick for the Living (2017).

Submitted by : Kit SalterVolunteer Leader, Osher Institute at University of Missouri

Osher NRC 2019 Webinar Series
Mark your calendar for the next webinar on May 15, 2019 beginning at 2pm Eastern/1pm Central/noon Mountain/11am Pacific/10am in Alaska and 9am in Hawaii. Register for the webinar here.

Would You Repeat That? Assistive Hearing Technology in the Classroom
Between the clamor, acoustics, and noises of the classroom, hearing well can be difficult. In addition, it is not uncommon for some Osher Institute members to have hearing loss. While there are many behaviors that can contribute to better sound quality in the classroom, assistive hearing technology can also increase the ability for members to hear clearly and participate more fully. But what assistive hearing technology is right for your OLLI? From hearing loops to smartphone apps, there are numerous technological solutions that can provide hearing assistance. This webinar will explore the top tech solutions that Osher Institutes use to provide hearing assistance.  
Sarah Anderson, Executive Director
OLLI @ The Pennsylvania State University
Rebecca Low, Administrator
OLLI @ California State University, Long Beach
Jamie Lundergreen, Program Coordinator
OLLI @ Boise State University

If you have interest in being a presenter or have ideas for future webinars, please contact Kevin Connaughton (kevin.connaughton@northwestern.edu ). 

Spaces and Places of OLLI SpacesAndPlaces
University of Arizona
After ten years in an off-campus university building, the Central Tucson Campus of OLLI at the University of Arizona (OLLI at UA) relocated in January 2017 to a popular shopping area in Northwest Tucson.

Following a decision to offer the former building for sale, a new site was identified in October of 2016, and a rigorous relocation process took place in fourteen weeks - an amazing feat over the holiday period.

The new facility is 5,000 square feet, housing three classrooms, restrooms, and a lounge. The 30-person conference room, 55-person classroom and 72-person classroom offer much flexibility. The lounge is heavily used before, during, and after classes as social space. There is seating for 32 with kitchen facilities and bulletin boards. Coffee service provided by volunteers is greatly enjoyed.
Parking includes 40 spots to the east of the facility that are almost always available for members. An additional 1,200 parking spots in the shopping area lot provide ample parking within easy walking distance.

The build-out cost was extensive: $110,000 from OLLI with a matching amount from the landlord. OLLI at UA funded this from a legacy gift made in 2005. Additional move-in expense was about $30,000. A summary of the project can be found here.  Operating expenses, including rent on a ten-year lease, common area assessment, utilities, insurance, and maintenance are $125,000 per year.

Scott Aldridge, OLLI at UA Program Manager commented that "Leasing this space allowed more control over activities with 24/7 access. More importantly it has been a major builder of community, adding greatly to the program and value for members. The campus is at capacity with a waiting list despite a 40% increase in member fees. Along with the 200+ classes offered each year, this site hosts streamed University of Arizona science lecture events at night, holds holiday parties, and Board and Council planning meetings. The site also piloted a night and evening series aimed at the 50 - 65 age group. Of course, along with this freedom comes the complications of 24/7 facility maintenance and upkeep with a dedicated volunteer staff."

LLI at UA is celebrating its 30th anniversary this fall. The program grew out of SAGE - Seniors Achieving Greatness through Education - that started in 1989, becoming an OLLI in 2007. Current membership is nearing a record 1,500, across four different site locations. Programming is offered 36 weeks of the year with nearly 90,000 enrolled hours and 450+ classes in 2018-19.

Want to see your own distinctive "Space or Place" in this newsletter? Please send it to oshernrc@northwestern.edu.

An Advice Column for Osher Institute Staff and Volunteers
dearolliDear Olli
Dear Olli,
Do you have any suggestions for little to no-cost solutions to address hearing issues in the classroom? Some of the classrooms we use at my OLLI have no sound systems for amplification.
~Say What?
Dear What,
There are three areas to consider in no-cost assistance: the speaker, the listener, and the room acoustics. For the speaker and listener, it is about their responsibilities in these roles. Effective methods for speakers can include things like proper voice projection, where they stand while speaking, and use of visual cues; for the listener, it can include room seating, visual contact with the speaker, and letting the speaker know when you are experiencing hearing difficulties. With the room acoustics, some areas to consider include minimizing extraneous noises (air vents, fans, etc.), using captioning for films/videos, and room arrangement so the distance between the speaker and listeners is minimal. If technology solutions are a consideration, I have good news! Our May webinar, "Would You Repeat That? Assistive Hearing Technology in the Classroom" focuses on the range of tech solutions for hearing assistance, ranging from low-cost Smartphone apps to comprehensive hearing loops. How does that sound?

Have a question for Olli? Please send it in care of Kevin Connaughton (kevin.connaughton@northwestern.edu). 

Educational Travel Ideas from the OLLI Network
The OLLI Traveler OlliTraveler
OLLI at California State University San Bernardino
Pageant of the Masters
The Pageant of the Masters is the Festival of Arts' crowning jewel and arguably one of the most unique productions in the entire world.  You'll be amazed and enchanted by 90 minutes of tableaux vivants (living pictures), incredibly faithful recreations  of classical and contemporary works of art, with real people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original pieces. An outdoor amphitheater, professional orchestra, original score, live narration, intricate sets, sophisticated lighting, expert staff, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers have won recognition for the Pageant of the Masters as the best presentation of its kind. Learn more about this trip to Laguna Beach
Date: July 31, 2019

OLLI at Saginaw Valley State University
Ireland in Depth
As you travel through Ireland, delve deeply into a land rich in history, legend, stirring music, and verdant landscapes. Begin your journey in Dublin, Ireland's cosmopolitan capital, before continuing on to the historic city of Kilkenny. From there, you're off to Cork and its nearby seaport of Cobh, from which thousands of Irish emigrated during the Potato Famine. You'll also visit Killarney and the 110-mile Ring of Kerry, boasting some of Ireland's most astonishing scenery, before exploring the eerie landscape of the Burren and the captivating Cliffs of Moher. Finally, end your Ireland guided tour in lovely Galway, where there's a tune playing around every corner. This Ireland tour is an in-depth discovery of the Emerald Isle-its lore, its lands, and above all, the gregarious charm of its people. Learn more about this trip to Ireland.
Dates: May 22 - June 5, 2019

OLLI at University of North Carolina Wilmington
Switzerland: Hidden Trails & Majestic Peaks
You're on your way to a world wedged between Germany, Austria, France and Italy - the country of four languages that's one of the most heralded destinations in Europe. Your journey through Switzerland will be entirely by train, offering an up close and personal rendezvous with the best the country has to offer, from the Alps to the historic villages of the Swiss Riviera. Get ready to experience the culture, history and lifestyle of Switzerland firsthand. Discover Neuchatel's historic quarter and the treasures of the Belle Époque period. Explore the vineyards of Swiss wine country on foot. Use your Swiss Travel Pass as an all-access entrée to museums and more. Learn more about this trip to Switzerland.
Dates: September 6 - 15, 2019

Quick Tips for Helping Operate an Osher Institute
didyouknowQuick Tip - Honor OLLI Instructors

Honoring instructors can take many forms. The Osher Institute at the University of Rhode Island incorporated it into their celebration of their 10 Year Anniversary. As part of the celebration they are highlighting many of the wonderful instructors that donate their time to the Institute. This flyer provides a brief bio of the instructor with photos and a listing of all of the courses taught over the years. What generous contributors to lifelong learning!

  Career Openings in the OLLI Network
jobboardJob Board
Director Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Grant Program Director - OLLI

Academic Program Assistant

Web, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator

Part-Time Classroom/AV Support Staff

Is there a staff opening at your Osher Institute? Please send it to us at  oshernrc@northwestern.edu