May 2018

It's May, so it's time get out of hibernation, welcome back the snow birds, and enjoy all of the warm-weather bridge events that are in full swing. Why not start with the  Wilmington Regional, running now through Sunday May 6? And check below for the results of all four flights of the GNTs, which wrapped up in April.

District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Meyer Kotkin

Dave Kresge
Bill Bauer

Pat Civale  

Joann Glasson 
President's Message

As you read this, I am with players from all over D4 and the ACBL at the Delaware "First State" Regional in Claymont, DE. Tournament Chairs Judy and Bruce Gwaltney (U190) and their Tournament Committee have put together a fantastic tournament and playing experience including the first D4 Experimental Swiss - KO event with more equitable brackets and a guaranteed two-session of Round Robin or Swiss play on the first day to qualify four teams for the second day KO phase. As D4 Prez and as a player having a wonderful time, I want to thank Judy, Bruce, and their Tournament Committee: Co-Chairs Melody and Mark Henderson (U190); Sharron Laas (U190 - Hospitality); Joann Glasson (U141 - Daily Bulletin); Ala Hamilton-Day (formerly U190 now U141 - I/N); And Steve and Kathy Miller (U190 - Partnership).
The D4 District GNT finals are over and our representatives for Atlanta are:
Open: Tom Weik (NPC - U121) - Jay Apfelbaum (U141) - Dan Boye (U112) - Doug Ross (U112) - Joann Glasson (U141) - Bob Glasson (U141) - Meyer Kotkin (U141)
Flight A: Peter Kyper (U141) - Elaine Clair (U141) - Mark Henderson (U190) - Jeffrey Billheimer (U141)
Flight B: Jonathan Brill (U141) - Larry Plotkin (U141) - Steve White (U141) - Peter Schulman (U141)
Flight C: John Ferranti (U168) - Matt Sherman (U168) - Tim Sumner (U168) - Keith Ordemann (U121)
Kudos to all and good luck in Atlanta.
April is Volunteer Month and a time to thank, appreciate and celebrate the many volunteers throughout D4 who contribute their time, energy and effort to the D4 Bridge Community. I would like to list individually the name of every person who volunteers to serve D4 Bridge but the list of names would be too long to print here. The people who serve on the District Board, Unit Boards, Regional Tournament Committees, Charity, Education, I/N and Technology Committees and help out at tournaments and special events receive no pay and very little recognition of their critical contributions. There would be no D4 tournaments, no newsletters and no special bridge events without the tireless efforts of these volunteers. I echo the thought that "Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart." As President of D4, I want to thank all these volunteers on behalf of all the members of the D4 Bridge Community. As a player, I want to thank all the volunteers who work to give me the best bridge playing experience possible.

So, I am asking you all for a personal favor. Take a moment to just say Thank You to a volunteer; I know they will appreciate it. Moreover, remember that if something goes wrong, the error was not intentional. If something is not to your liking, tell one of the volunteers in a polite manner and I guarantee they will consider and discuss your issue and then give you a reasoned response. You always have the opportunity to volunteer and be part of the process.
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions. I also would welcome any offers to volunteer for D4 Bridge. I am still looking for a Club Liaison to the D4 Board. My e-mail is and my cell is 856.986.5109.
From the District Director 
joann glasson
Bridge Teachers
The future of the ACBL and our game rests with our teachers. Good teachers inspire new players with the love of the game and foster their desire to learn and advance their level of play.  The ACBL, understanding the need to develop more good teachers, has developed a new teaching program called the ACBL Best Practices Teacher Certification to replace the old TAP.

Here is a link to more information on the ACBL website:  Become a Teacher

All over  District 4 we are making a strong effort to get more of our players involved in sharing the game.  This summer, Unit 112 is taking a great stride toward that end. Just before the start of the Syracuse Regional on August 12th and 13th, Unit 112 is running this new program. It will be held all day on Sunday and on Monday morning. The program is free for members of Unit 112 and is being offered at a cost of only $50 for members outside of Unit 112.  Future teachers who receive their certification are entitled to the following benefits:

Benefits of the Accreditation Program

Upon completion of this program, teachers will be recognized as accredited by the ACBL and receive these benefits:
  1. A listing on the ACBL's online Find a Teacher directory.
  2. A $100 gift certificate for Baron Barclay for every 25 new members recruited during a calendar year.
  3. A $500 bonus check for every 100 new members recruited (no time restrictions).
  4. An invitation to the ACBL's Teacher/Club Manager Thank You Reception at each NABC.
Free resources for all teachers are available on the ACBL website:  Teacher Resources

Consider becoming a bridge teacher and sharing your love of the game with others.
District 4 Schedule
April 30-May 6  
May 7-12
June 25-July 1
August 13-19
District 4 STaC
August 20-26
October 13
October 13-14
October 27
October 29-November 4
December 10-16 
Grand National Teams    
Congratulations to the members of all four qualifying teams and good luck to them at the National competition in Atlanta.

Meyer Kotkin
Jay Apfelbaum
Dan Boye
Doug Ross

Peter Kyper
Elaine Claire
Mark Henderson
Jeffrey Billheimer

Larry Plotkin
Jonathan Brill
Steve White
Peter Schulman

John Ferranti
Matt Sherman
Tim Sumner
Keith Ordemann
Save the Date for ABA fun!     
The Philadelphia Unit of the ABA will hosting the Chester Plummer Tournament on August 25 at the Greenbriar Apartments in Philadelphia. It's a one-day, two-session Swiss Teams that will be nothing but fun and friendliness. Card fees are $20 for the day and a boxed lunch is $12. Pre-registration is required (and pre-order is needed for lunch). For all the details, click here for the flyer
News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier
Unit 112 Sectional
June 2-3: Ithaca
Unit 112 Sectional
July 14-15: Rochester
Unit 112 Sectional
September 8-9: Cicero
Unit 112 Sectional
September 29-30: Utica
Unit 112 Sectional
October 20-21: Binghamton
Unit 112 Sectional
November 10-11: Waterloo
Unit 112  is welcoming our "Snowbirds" back with STAC events,  Sectional Tournaments, Regional Tournament and club play. We are  committed to increasing our membership and maintaining our current  players.

Coming August 12th !
The Best Practices Teacher Workshop  helps participants teach bridge more effectively.  Centerpiece of the new Teacher Accreditation Program, the  Workshop implements the best practices validated by over 400 teachers in  the recent ACBL teacher survey.  Fast-paced and highly participative, the Workshop features demonstrations of teaching tactics, "how to" exercises  and small group simulations of interactive lessons.
This workshop will be offered in Syracuse in August 12-13, prior to the start  of the Regional.  There will be no charge for Unit 112 members; the cost is  $50 for others, which includes the workshop, materials, dinner on Sunday  and a continental breakfast on Monday. For further information, contact  Mary Miller, 585-394-7899 or

Congratulations to our Rochester Sectional Winners
Open Pairs 15 ½ tables
         Flight A&B - James Carroll, Lyons and William Port, Geneva 60.74%
         Flight C - Gary Gottermeier, Fairport and Graham Holroyd, 
         Webster  56.37%
299er Pairs - 8 ½ tables
   Flight AB&C were Shawna Saunders, East Rochester and Jane Hicks,
   Canandaigua 59.83%
Sunday Open Swiss Teams - 21 Tables
     Flight A - Sam Maitra, Rochester; David Hunt, East Rochester:
                     Douglas Ross, Pittsford; Daniel Boye, Farmington
   Flight B&C - Roger Newell, Robert Howell, Fairport;
                     David Waterman, South Harpswell,NE; Dick Rohrberg,
299er Swiss Team Winners - 3 tables
Lucille Loder - Mary Seeman, Pittsford; Noreen Icavo, Fairport; Kathleen Chandler, Webster
Congratulations to our Rochester 199er Sectional Winners
199er Pairs - 20 tables
   Flight A&B - Paul Wilson - Jo Wilson, Rochester - 66.31%
   Flight C - Mary Jane Jarvis - Harriette Howitt, Rochester - 64.29%
299er Swiss Teams - 18 tables
Flight A&B - AnneMcGhee; Susan Tahl, Rochester; Noreen Incavo, 
Fairport; Manjula Mehta, Pittsford
Flight C - Tara Holter - Nicholas Nelson, Rochester; Lynne Holter - 
Reid Holter, Canandaigua
Unit 112 will be holding their STAC events during the week of May 6th.  Be sure to participate at your clubs!
CONGRATULATIONS   to our Unit 112 members on their new masterpoint  rank achievements:
Junior Master
Carol Achilies, Fairport
Judith Christley, Sackers Harbor
Nandini Joshi, Pittsford
Michael Olmsted, Fayetteville
Catherine Pasture, Oswego
Terry Schwartz, Pittsford
Alfred Tyminski, Syracuse
Club Master
Marilyn Barney, East Syracuse
James Galvin, Rochester
Michael Kirschen, Pittsford
William Beau, Jamesville
Cindy Poole, Canandaigua
Shawna Saunders, East Rochester
Jeffrey Weiss, Ithaca
Samuel Hubbard Jr, Rochester
Michael Nupuf, Oswego
Jo Anne Sarli, Elmira
Sectional Master
Jane Iannello, Vero Beach
Nancy Geoca, Webster
Tare Holter, Rochester
Marla Kleinman, Rochester
Nicholas Nelson, Rochester
James Sutter, Rochester
Regional Master
Dr Padmanabh Kamath, Rochester
Ann Brewster, Pittsford
Dorothy Lamkin, Byron
Sandra Merle, Webster
NABC Master
James Horkheimer, Pennfield
Jeanella Trotter, Pittsford
Advanced NABC
Kathy Creveling, Rochester
Life Master
Gwenyth Conners, Pittsford
Kathy George, Rochester
Bronze Life Master
Graham Holroyd, Webster
Lewis Rothberg, Pittsford
Silver Life Master
Mary Jo Whitehead, Lisle
Save the Date - June 2 - 3  Ithaca Sectional
Kendal at Ithaca - 2230 N Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
Tournament & Partnership Chair           Eleanor O'Connor Email:
Director in Charge                                  Brian Meyer

Unit 112 website is under construction .  We welcome Doug Bradley as  our new webmaster.  Doug is a seasoned bridge player and director,  manager of the Rochester Duplicate Bridge Club. Thank you for your  patience as we develop "our new look!" Continue to visit us and we will  keep you informed.

Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Fay Pacchioli
Unit 120 Sectional
June 8-10
Unit 120 Sectional
October 5-7
Just returned from the Gatlinburg tournament and, except for our van breaking down and getting confiscated by the Police (the van that is), we had a wonderful time. The total table attendance was 8,109 tables and 54,629 masterpoints were won by 3,242 players. The top player (from Chicago) went home with 149.58 points. District 4 and unit 120 were well represented at the tournament. I could not get enough players to take the bus trip we planned so we took an 18 passenger van.
Gary Hillenbrand from Lehighton and Clarence Kofron from Kunkletown were two of the top point winners in District 4 and came home with 50.19 points.
The two top winners in Unit 120 were Mary Jo Stofflet and Naim Rizk - 7.16.
Other winners were :
Kate Shumaker - 5.56
Diane and Stan Berkowitz - 4.67
Beverly Bright - 4.63
Gretchen Jack- 4.19
Teri and Alan Trynz - 3.68
Begona Kowet - 3.63
Jean Olcese - 2.58
Helen Tanski and Fran Hofherr - 1.99
Dolores Delin - 1.58
Joan Winters and Fay Pacchioli - 1.41
If you have never been to Gatlinburg it is an experience to do.
If you are at a tournament and come home with some points, please email me or call me if you would like them publicized in the bulletin.
HawlHHHHH2018 CALENDAR - May 21 - Honesdale Welcome Back Party,
                                   Central House Resort, Beach Lake, Pa.
                                   $30.00 includes game fee. Prime Rib and Chicken
                                   Dinner with all the fixings. Game time 11:00 am.
                                  All are welcome and it is a fun day.
   June 1 - 3 - NEPA Sectional Tournament, Wilkes Barre
                                  July 9 - ACBL wide Instant Matchpoint Game - Gold pts
                                  September 9 - ARCHITZEL MEMORIAL GAME, Beach                                        Lake
                                   October 5 - 7 - NEPA Sectional Tournament, WilkesBarre
                                   October 13 - North American Pairs - Flight C
                                   October 27 - North American Pairs - Flight B
                                    October 31 - ACBL Instant Matchpoint Game - Gold pts
                                   December 10 - Honesdale Holiday Party

I am very sorry to report the passing of Mike Menche of Pocono Pines. Mike and his wife Annie have been members of our Unit for many years and he will be missed.

Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 

December 21

Our Annual Pro Am Unit Game was held on Saturday April 21 at Sacred Heart Villa. The winners were Lucia Di Paolo, Am and Jack Berry, Pro.  
Sue Wessner will be hosting a bridge cruise May 9-18, 2019.  CLICK HERE for more information.
Congratulations to the following players for their advancement in the ACBL Ranks:
Sectional Master - William Buskirk
Ruby Life Master - Mr. Bucky Sydnor
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Deepak Khanna

Unit 133 Sectional
October 19-21 
It is with a deep sense of sadness that we announce the passing of Dr. Arnold Kritz, a prominent member of our unit and a dear friend to many of us. In a note to Mrs. Barbara Kritz, the members of the Unit wrote:
...We will miss Arnie's gentle manner, his kind nature, and his fierce competitiveness. He was a true role model to the entire bridge community. His legacy of decency will long be cherished with gratitude...
Repeat announcement--New Website for Lehigh Valley Bridge Association:
May 19, NLM Sectional at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 West Elm Street, Allentown ; Two separate Flights: 0-100 and 0-500. Lunch will be provided, further details maybe found on the ACBL website.
Sunday, June 3, 1:00 PM, Brith Shalom, 1190 West Macada Road, Bethlehem ; Unit Game, Open and NLM events.
The following players recently attained higher bridge masterpoint ranking:
Junior Master : James Sorenson and Kate Wiley
Sectional Master : Scott Guiser and Louise Powell
Several members of our unit participated in the recent NORTH AMERICAN BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP (NABC) tournament in Philadelphia and had impressive performances. The top masterpoint winners in Non-Life Master and Life Master Categories are listed below (five in each category).
Non-Life Masters:
1.  Judith Cary 19.32 masterpoints
2.  Kay Hays 19.32 masterpoints
3.  Lois Fuini 17.79 masterpoints
4.  Elizabeth Abrams 14.80 masterpoints
5.  Betsy Cutler 12.30 masterpoints
Life Masters:
1.  Deepak Khanna 82.73 masterpoints
2.  Thomas Kriz 64.80 masterpoints
3.  John Botzum 64.02 masterpoints
4.  Miriam Harris-Botzum 64.02 masterpoints
5.  Arup Mukherjee 28.08 masterpoints
The "Swiss Team Event" of Thursday, April 26 was a good success. Fifteen teams participated-each team had two experienced players and two newer players on it. Many newer players became familiar with Swiss Team movement and scoring for the first time and were very pleased for the opportunity. It was a well organized event. The participants seemed to appreciate the opportunity to be exposed to new ideas and to spend time with new friends. The Director, Bob Cole, did an excellent job of skillfully conducting this game with participants of a wide range of playing ability and experience. We thank Sara Gainey and Chuck Campbell for delivering short talks on playing Swiss Teams. Altogether it was a well planned and executed affair-credit is also due to Jim Kenny for his vision, Mike Kohler for his management, and of course the anti-starvation specialist Mimi Lengel for refreshments. Thank you all! The winners in different strata were:
Stratum C
Janet Imdorf, Karen Myers, Pat Saeger, and Vadali Sastri
Stratum B
Mike Adelezzi, Barbara Berk, Lois Fuini, and Rita Keiper
Stratum A
Chuck Campbell, Jon Clemens, Bryan Snapp, and Stanley Yellin

Congratulations to all our achievers.  
Thank You for All You Do and Indeed You Do Do a LOT!
The fourth Wednesday of April is designated as Administrative Professionals Day. We proudly honor two administrative workers of our own-Mimi Lengel and Pat Saeger. Both these ladies are deserving of our deep gratitude and strong commendation for very generously giving of their time and energy as the Unit Secretary and the Tournament Chairperson. Mimi is now volunteering as the Unit Secretary for the seventh consecutive year. She also manages and organizes the hospitality for our Unit-Games and Annual Holiday Party. Mimi functions on the Education and Outreach Committee as well. And Pat Saeger has been the Unit Tournament Chairperson for more than three years. She graciously accepted the position when the Unit appealed to her for help. In spite of the steep learning curve, Pat has quickly become our resident expert on tournament sanctions, scheduling and the like. Very impressive! Pat is also the Hospitality Chair for our tournaments. A very enthusiastic thank you to both Mimi and Pat!
  Come Have Fun in Allentown--A Special Event for Newer Players
As listed above, in a little over three weeks we will have the newer player exclusive Unit 133 I/N Sectional (5/19). Please mark your calendars and plan on participating. Come and enjoy our hospitality and checkout our nice playing site.
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Joan Warren
Unit 141 Sectional (Germantown Cricket Club)
September 21-23
Unit 141 congratulates its New Life Masters and all those who reached new designation levels. 

Grand Life Master
Bob Glasson

Sapphire Life Master
Harold Weiner

Ruby Life Master  
Bucky Sydnor

Silver Life Master
Diane Lapat
Karen Wessell

Bronze Life Master  
Gerry Jawer
John Oehrle
Susan Shenkin

Thank you to all who played in the Unit 141 April 13-15 Sectional.   A special thanks to our new Tournament Co-chairperson Ala Hamilton-Day and Randee Braslow who worked tirelessly to provide delicious meals and snacks.  
We congratulate our winners.

Fri am open:  Albert Bingaman and Barry Gorski
Fri pm open:  Margot Lebovitz and Catherine Strauss

Fri am NLM:  Mary Vitray and Patty Shaughnessy
Fri pm NLM:  Nancy Ferguson and Karin Schwenk

Sat am open: Glenn Robbins and Jiang Gu
Sat pm open: Art Korth and Meyer Kotkin

Sat am NLM: Nancy Ferguson and Karin Schwenk
Sat pm NLM: Stephanie Fine and Bunny Van Adelsberg

Sunday A/X: Richard Morgen, Donna Morgen, Everett Young, Howard Kahlenberg

Sunday I: Larry Plotkin, Joel Myers, Steve White, Peter Schulman

Sunday II: Carol Elfant, Albert Fitzgerald III, Pradip Khan, Shyamalendu Bose

Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret
Unit 168 NLM Sectional
May 12  
August 12

A BIG win for local players at the Williamsburg Regional:
Two D4 players, the redoubtable Jeff Stead and the incomparable Dennis Wick found themselves in a high draw of a knock-out, facing none other than Jeff Meckstroth & Eric Rodwell (Meckwell!!), one of the most successful pairs in the history of Bridge! And, they WON! They actually beat the fabled Meckwell, and with Jeff Stead not even a Life Master (yet). Now, it was a 3-way, and Meckwell also advanced. Our heroes may have gone down in the next round (it was the top bracket, after all), but still quite an achievement! Ya gotta play to win! Congratulations, Jeff & Dennis! You're an inspiration to us all!
News From Chambersburg :
Plan ahead and join us at the Chambersburg Sectional, scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, June 14, 15, 16. Click on this link  for game information, directions, and contacts for the tournament.
News From Harrisburg :
Special games in May include:
  • Mentor Game - May 3 (evening)
  • Brunch and Bridge - May 5 (morning)
  • Wine and Cheese - May 9 (evening)
  • Ramona Karlson and Judy Groenenboom Memorial Game - May 10 (afternoon)
  • Junior Mentor Game - May 17 (evening)
  • Continental Breakfast and Bridge - May 19 (morning)
  • Monthly Swiss Teams - May 23 (evening) 
We now have a 0-1000 MP game on Friday mornings at 11:30 a.m.
Visit our website at for dates and times of our regular and special point games.
News From Lancaster :
Special games at Maple Grove in May include:
  • 5/14: 12:15 Swiss Team game - Pre-registration required!
  • All games during the week of 5/14-18 will be ACBL Membership games.... Extra Points!
Come out and play with us. For partners, call Andie Sheaffer at 717-581-1003
News From York :
May special games and workshops at the Bridge Boardroom are as follows:
  • 5/26: 6pm   Saturday Night Special
  • 5/8: 9:30-11:30       Cuebids
  • 5/11: 10-Noon        Active or Passive Defense
  • 5/22: 9:30-11:30     Balancing
  • 5/25: 10-Noon        Defending Against Distributional Hands
CONGRATULATIONS  to these Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Club Master:
Robbie Cohen, Harry Jefferies, Cathy Johnson, Elizabeth Louie, Clair Mohn, Susan Shultz
Sectional Master:
Nancy Hudock
Regional Master:
Lyn Widnyer
Advanced NABC Master:
Nina Sadler, Rick Sadler
Silver Life Master:
Carl Fahnestock
Sapphire Life Master:
Linda Ivanoff, Deborah Klinger
Wacky Hands & Gadgets - by Dave Bort
Kokish Three-Way Game Tries!
In a local club game in April, white-on-red, our opponents held:
       North: 72 KJ96 J743 Q75       South: JT4 7 AKQ52 9862,
while partner and I held:
       West: Q8653 AQ2 6 AKT3       East: AK9 T8543 T98 J4
The bidding proceeded (with the opponents silent throughout):
       West       East (me)
       1S           2S(1)
       3D(2)      4S(3)

(1) Denies an invitational hand (since playing Two-Way Reverse Drury, where 2C/D would show an invitational hand with 3/4 Spades). In this case, I was content to give partner a simple raise. With one more Spade, for a total of two more trumps than my Club doubleton, I would have considered my hand invitational, despite its having the same point-count. Shockingly, not all hands are ideal - I read that once in a book!
(2) Diamond shortness, part of Kokish Three-Way Game Tries, from among 2N = "is there a suit in which you would accept a Help Suit game try, partner?" (First Way); 3C/D/H = shortness in C/D/H (Second Way), and 3S = "we may have the points for game, partner, but my trumps are poor, so unless yours have good honors, please pass" (Third Way). Kids, before trying this at home, please note that there's some additional complexity associated using with a Heart trump suit - just sayin'. You can ask me for details, if you're interested.
(3) Given that partner's Diamond shortness is opposite my three Diamond losers, and given that I have the top of my non-invitational bid, accepting the game try.
Result: Making 4 Spades, when partner slightly misplayed the hand. Yes, the double-dummy analysis of the hand record shows it can only make 4, but the opening lead of the slavish, fourth-down Heart 6 (you DO look for the best lead, given your hand and the auction, rather than simply using rules for what to lead, don't you?) gave up a trick immediately, after which partner was somehow kind enough to return the favor. Anyway, chalk up another 23-point game, thanks to... Wacky Gadgets!
Lebensohl After Partner's Double of Opponent's Weak Two
In the same, fruitful club game in April, red-on-white, our opponents held:
       North: 8 AKQ764 87 J976       South: Q95 JT9 432 T842,
while partner and I held:
       West: A7643 3 KQ65 AK5       East: KJT2 852 AJT9 Q3
The bidding proceeded:
       West       North       East (me)       South
                      2H(1)       Pass               Pass
       X(2)        Pass         3H(3)            Pass
       3S(4)       Pass        4D(5)            Pass
       4N(6)      Pass         5H(7)           Pass
       6S(8)       All Pass

(1) Preemptive
(2) Over a Weak Two, shows an opening hand (over a Weak Three, should have even more)
(3) Lebensohl, shows a Stayman bid, with an invitational or better hand, without a Heart stopper
(4) Shows 4+ Spades - with a 5-loser hand, West could bid a Spade game directly, but chooses to keep the bidding low to facilitate slam exploration
(5) Cue bid, shows a Diamond control, cooperating in slam exploration. In general, cue bidding at this level shows either first-round (the Ace), or first- or second-round control (Ace, King, singleton, or void), by partnership agreement
(6) 1430 - West could cue-bid 4H, which would show the Club control that East's Diamond cue-bid denied (since cue-bid is done "up the line"), but West decides to go ahead with keycard, since only he knows about the partnership's 9-card Spade fit (after East's Stayman bid showed 4)
(7) 2 keycards in Spades, without the Queen of Spades
(8) Hmmm, partner bid Stayman and also cooperated with my slam investigation, but has only shown 7 points in keycards, and he's denied the Queen of Spades, so he likely has some more working honors in Clubs and Diamonds. It looks like this is a solid-enough slam, needing only a possible finesse for the Spade Queen (which could even drop). Let's go for it!
Making 6, for an Absolute Top - a 27-point slam! Oh wait... at least, that's how the bidding could have gone. As it was, I just bid 3S after partner's double (jumping after their double, to show an invitational hand), and partner bid game, instead of giving me the cue-bid they owed me, with their 5-loser hand... sigh. So, we ended up in game, just like everybody else - and made 6, just like most. As you may have heard, hindsight really IS 20-20! By the way, I actually greatly prefer Transfer Lebensohl, rather than regular Lebensohl, but in this hand, it's the same bidding for the Stayman sequence, so I won't explain the transfer version right now, but you could ask me about it.
Stay tuned next month for more wacky hands & gadgets. And I highly recommend hand records, they're a very effective way to learn. If your club doesn't provide them already.... Ask!
Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day
Unit 190 Sectional
June 1-3
July 26-28
Unit 190 Sectional
September 14-16
Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 27-31

Come and join me! I'm playing at the fabulous DELAWARE REGIONAL (April 30 to May 6).  If you're not hee, you are missing out on a wonderful time and a great tourney!

After this, there's the WILMINGTON SECTIONAL  (June 1-3) and then I'm heading to Historic Lewes in Lower, Slower, Delaware, for the BRIDGE AT THE BEACH SECTIONAL  (July 26-28). I've got dibs on that purple chair.
JUNIOR MASTER Peter R. Hartogensis and Marnie L. Laird
CLUB MASTER William B. Herdle
SECTIONAL MASTER : Francis B. Jacobs
REGIONAL MASTER : Robert R. Hatton and Mary M. Scharf
LIFE MASTER Betty Duncan

Check out the 2018 DSBA Mentoring Program which starts this month. Further information is in the May 2018 Dummy. Just click on the bottom link.

The Delaware State Bridge Association (Unit190) welcomes newer players! We encourage new players to play duplicate in sanctioned club games and would like to help players be more comfortable playing duplicate. For this reason the DSBA is sponsoring a 2018 Mentoring Program. The Mentor Chairs and Clubs will assist pairings of mentors and mentees .

Mentee ~ less than 100MP ~ $10 per session
Mentor ~ ACBL Life Master ~ free
All participants must be both ACBL and DSBA Unit 190 members
All sessions will be held at the Bridge Studio
Sign up on line or at the Bridge Studio 
Mentor/Mentee Playing at Bridge Studio

Mentors and mentees will play at the Bridge Studio on  Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm,  May 22, June 5, June19, July 10, July 24 and Aug 7, 20.

For news and results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown
Unit 217 Sectional
June 1-3
Unit 217 Sectional
September 21-23
Check back next month for a Unit 217 report.
Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

novices only logo
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
January , April , July, October

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The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  February, May, August, November

advancing logo
  A Spot 4 the Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
  March, June, September, December

Click here to read this month's article: The ABC of Bridge.
Click on any blue month above to read recent articles. 
Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

Ever wonder how contract bridge started? Nick tells you in the intro to this month's problem and then leads you to a problem he's not sure any bidding system has quite figured out.

First, click here to read the analysis of this month's problem.

Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online: 
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4Spot | May 2018 | Editor: Allison Brandt |