May 2017
The District Level GNTs have finished. With the completion of the Open Flight and Flight B, the District 4 Teams slated to compete at the Toronto Nationals are ready to go. Good luck to them all! We look forward to reporting on their successes later this summer.

The answer to last month's District 4 GNT-NAP Super Seven trivia contest? Our own Howard Kahlenberg. Congratulations to him for his achievements in those contests and to Bob Glasson for being the first to identify Howard as the player to attain the Super Seven success.

District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Dan Boye

Meyer Kotkin
Bill Bauer

Pat Civale  

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
DBoye head shot

Plan NOW to support District 4 Regionals this summer and fall. The split Regional in Harrisburg and Rochester commences on 5/1 and ends 5/7. If you haven't made plans to attend either of those please consider doing so as Tournament Chairs Bob Priest and Mary Miller have worked hard to ensure an enjoyable and entertaining player experience. Also, it isn't too early to make plans to attend the Regionals in Valley Forge (6/26-7/2) and Lancaster (10/30-11/5). All District 4 tournaments are smoke free, support Zero Tolerance, and tournament chairs work diligently to create a schedule of events and player friendly experience to meet expectations of all levels.
With respect to District 4 governing, District policies are reviewed and implemented by a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee. The BOD is comprised of 43 voting members representing the 8 Units within the District with Unit representation determined by a percentage of the units' bridge population within the entire District and 5 non-voting members. The Executive Committee is comprised of 9 members designated from the BOD. There are a couple of reasons to consider reducing the number of members. First is expense savings for the District as members attending the Board meetings are reimbursed for travel mileage and the District also pays the cost of a meal (generally a breakfast). A second reason is the potential to be more efficient in discussing, creating and implementing District policies. I would appreciate players' comments regarding reducing the number of members on the Board of Directors. While there is no general Board meeting scheduled in VF there will be an Executive meeting and a discussion of Unit Representation is on the agenda. This is YOUR District so please take a moment to send your comments/suggestions on this or any topic to any member of the Exec Committee (can be seen on District website).
Congratulations and Good Luck to all 4 teams representing District 4 in Toronto GNTs. I look forward to seeing many of you at the tables in the upcoming tournaments.
From the District Director 
joann glasson
Look carefully in your May ACBL Bulletin for the CEO column by Robert Hartman. In it he talks about his personal experience last year coming to the District 4 Regional Tournament in Lancaster at Spooky Nook.
Robert observed in Lancaster the efforts put forth by Debi and John  Klinger and their team of volunteers. Our District is very fortunate to have  caring individuals like Meyer Kotkin, who chairs the Valley Forge  Regional, and Mary Miller, who does double duty, running both the  Syracuse and Rochester Regional Tournaments.
Judy and Bruce Gwaltney run the Delaware Regional every other year, as  does Bob Priest in Harrisburg and Walter Mitchell in Wilkes-Barre.
These tournament chairs, along with their committee members who do  information, partnerships, hospitality and intermediate/newcomer events, are hard-working and caring players. Without their efforts, we  wouldn't be able to participate in bridge as we know and enjoy it.
Running a regional tournament is a big commitment of time and these  great volunteers happily give their time so that others can enjoy this  wonderful game.
Bridge in the U.S. has a rather unusual structure. ACBL-sanctioned bridge  clubs are privately owned businesses, but all Sectional and Regional  Tournaments are not-for-profit events run strictly by volunteers. National  Tournaments are run by a mixture of local volunteers and professional  ACBL staff.
The next time you are at one of the District 4 Regional Tournaments, take  the time to meet the tournament chairs and thank them for their work.  They deserve all of our gratitude.
District 4 Schedule    

 Harrisburg Regional (split site)
May 1 - 7

Rochester Regional (split site)
May 1 - 7

June 26 - July 2
District 4 STaC
August 28 - September 3

Lancaster Regional
October 30 - November 5 
Grand National Teams

Many thanks to Bob Glasson, GNT Coordinator, for a great job this year. Participation was way up and the players really enjoyed the wonderful playing site at the Valley Forge Bridge Club. Thanks also to Dave LeGrow for making his club available for the event. 

Here are this year's winners and runners up in Open Flight and Flight B.

Open Flight Winners
Rick Rowland Bob Glasson Joann Glasson Marty Rabinowitz

Open Flight Runners Up
Ray Raskin Ken Chatzinoff Andy Kauffman Bill Parks

Flight B Winners
Helen Liebowitz-Hoyer Judy Robbins Andy Rosenberg
Wayne Rosenberger

Flight B Runners Up
Gary Hillenbrand Tom Andrews Frank Morgan Jim Kenny
News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
DeWitt Henricks

Rochester Regional (split site)
May 1-7

Unit 112 Sectional
June 3-4

July 15-16

Unit 112 STaC
August 14-20

Unit 112 Sectional
September 9-10

Unit 112 Sectional
September 23-24

Tom Moses (left) and partner Gene Hauber, both new ACBL members, play against Jim Case and Angie Sykes at the Joan Powell Duplicate Game in Elmira.
Corning Player Rejoins ACBL after 47 Years
Moses has returned to the promised land.
Tom Moses, that is.
Tom, a Corning, NY resident, has rejoined the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) after a nearly half-century hiatus.
A retired Corning Glass millwright machinist, Tom first joined ACBL as a teenager and often played duplicate bridge as well in college. But then the demands of his job and marriage to wife Linda and three children kept Tom away from the bridge table for many years.
His ACBL membership lapsed.
Twelve years ago Tom, 67, retired and 2 years ago returned to the bridge table. He brushed up on his bridge by taking classes from an experienced player.  He now plays 4 times a week: Monday and Thursday at Corning and Wednesday and Friday at Elmira.  Tom enjoys playing with regular partners Gene Hauber, who joined ACBL last year, at Corning, and Joanne Sarli at Elmira. "I've learned a lot from them," Tom says. 
But until February of this year Tom had not rejoined ACBL. "Gene and I were doing much better but he was getting points for it and I wasn't," he says of his decision to rejoin ACBL.
Was it possible that Tom might have earned some Master Points nearly a half century ago?
"I don't remember if I did," Tom says, almost certain that he had not.
A call to ACBL and a friendly staffer revealed that the records back then were on paper and are now stored in archives and seldom opened.
While rejoining ACBL is a milestone, he has never played in a sectional or regional tournament. But that could change this year. He is considering playing in the Binghamton sectional in October.
If that comes to pass, the Tom will have reached another milestone in his return to ACBL.
And that's a promise.              
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Fay Pacchioli

Unit 120 Sectional
June 2-4

The Longest Day (Honesdale Club)
June 19 and June 21

Archizel Memorial Game
September 24

Unit 120 Sectional
September 29-October 1

Instant Matchpoint Game
October 25

Its good to see the snowbirds coming back. Table count at most clubs is already increasing. The Honesdale club is holding lessons before the game on Mondays. Lessons are from 9 to 10 am. They also plan to start a beginners class in early June which will be held on Wednesday mornings.  For further information just drop me an email and I will let you know when final details are worked out.   
I had the pleasure of attending the Gatlinburg Regional for the first time and am very sad that I missed this tournament so many years. We had a marvelous time and the efficiency and hospitality of the tournament was fantastic. A few years ago I tried to organize a bus trip there but we could not get enough interested.  If anyone is interested in a bus trip to Gatlinburg in 2018, drop me an email and if we have enough interest I will see if the Unit is interested in sponsoring one. We need to start early in order to line up the bus and room reservations.
Results from Gatlinburg listed the following from Unit 120 coming home with points.
Kate Shumaker, Gwen Ritter, Mary Jo Stofflet and Naim Risk came in third in Wednesday Knockouts for 6.47 points. On Friday this same team came in third in the compact knockouts for 3.58 points.  
Leslie Sloan found a slot on a team needing one player and the team came in first in Thursdays compact knockouts for 7.96 points.
Joan Winters and Fay Pacchioli came home with 2.50 points in Swiss Teams competition.
We saw our old Tournament chairman Ray Depew there playing with Peggy Yeager and they took a third place in BAM for 2.22 points.
Helen Tanski is on the mend after a stay in the hospital. Helen is recuperating at home and if you wish to send a card her address is 721 River Road, WilkesBarre, PA 18706.
Gladys Santee has moved into Providence Place and is recuperating there.  Her address is Providence Place, 2200 First Avenue, Pottsville, Pa. 17901. Gladys was secretary for the Unit at one time and then went on to become President and somehow I became her secretary and she taught me a great deal about the organization. Drop her a card and let her know we have not forgotten her years of service.    
The Jeanne Liese Game will take place May 21. Contact for details.
New Regional Masters - George Clark and Diana Giallorenzi
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 

June 9
Unit 121 Sectional
September 2
Our Annual Pro Am Unit game was held on Saturday April 22 at Sacred Heart Villa. The winning pair was Keith Ordemann (Am) and Wally Eckton (Pro). This pair won the 7 table game with 70.54%.
Congratulations to the following players for achieving their next masterpoint rank:
Keith Ordemann - Club Master
Ralph Althouse - Regional Master
Nancy Machusick - NABC Master
A new series of lesson for BEGINNER bridge players will begin on Monday June 12 at Wyomissing Public Library. Contact Sue Wessner if interested or if you have any questions ( or  (610) 972 - 5327).
Sue Wessner is planning a bus trip to Atlantic City from Wednesday September 6 through Friday September 8.  The trip includes two sanctioned bridge games on Thursday. Contact Sue Wessner for more information ( or  (610) 972 - 5327).
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Dave Kresge

There is no Unit 133 report this month. Check back in June for updates and information. 

Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Joan Warren
Annual Meeting and Sonny Jaspan Game
May 20

Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge
June 26-July 2 

The 2017 Annual Meeting and Sonny Jaspan Game is  Saturday May 20  at Raffles. Brunch starts at  10:30 , with the meeting and game following. 
Please contact Joan Warren about attending.

Cape May County Duplicate Bridge 3rd Annual "Out To Bridge Lunch"
Avalon Golf Course Links Restaurant Indoor Patio  Sunday, June 11.  Lunch will be served at 11:45am; bridge game begins at 12:30pm
Price: For Club Members:  $13 includes lunch and bridge; $18 for non-club members (the extra $5 will automatically make you a club member for the year). Bridge is Free (Charity Game....extra pts). Advance Signups a Must! Contact Karen Sylvester at to make a reservation.

We had lots of members attaining new designation levels in March.  Congratulations to them all.

New Life Master 
Philip Rosenfeld

Sapphire Life Master 
Andrea Laskin

Gold Life Master 
Marjorie Ross

Ruby Life Master  
Nicholas Nazarenko

Silver Life Master  
Michael Salton
Mark Hedson
Spencer Kiernan

Bronze Life Master  
Susan Morse
David Silberman

Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret 

May 13

May 26-28

August 6

NEW LOCATION:  Holiday Inn, Grantville PA   
In addition to our typical Regional events, two unique evening programs are available with a start time of 7pm & goal of ending by 9:30 nightly.  The reduced evening entry fee of $10 per person, per session will still pay FULL Regional GOLD points for all Strata!! 
Stratified Open Swiss teams :  Tuesday/Wednesday (0-750, 750-2000, Open) 
Three 6-board matches both nights (must play both evenings)
Evening Pairs :  Thursday/Friday (0-750, 750-2000, Open)
18 boards each night (must play both evenings)
This Sectional will again be held at the Leola Fire Company / War Memorial building, 54 W. Main Street, Leola PA.  Refer to the event flyer for additional details and stratification information.
NOTE!!!! - event has been CANCELLED   (was to occur 6/9-11)
            Club Master:            Janet Crovatto, Patricia Kaufold
            Sectional Master:            Terry Hammel, Jane Marfizo, Jeanne Stoner
            NABC Master:            Rick Sadler
            Bronze Life Master:             Gail Bishop
            Silver Life Master:             Sheryl McEwan, Susan Sobestanovich
HBC will be closed during the week of May 1-7.  During that time, parking lot repaving and carpet cleaning will occur, making our club even better!  We hope to see you at the Harrisburg Regional.
5/21:  Birthday Game:  lunch @12:30, game time @1pm
Come celebrate our Taurus and Gemini players and earn some masterpoints too!
5/24:  Swiss Team Game:  dinner @5:45, game time @6:30pm
Circle these upcoming dates for HBC special games in June:
6/3:            Brunch & Bridge - Worldwide Pairs
6/9:            Friday Night Special - Dinner & Game
6/13:            Memorial Game - in memory of Judy Groenenboom
During our Club Championships week (4/17-21), Lancaster clubs served super lunches, collected donations and held 50/50 raffles to benefit the Schreiber Pediatric Group.  Many thanks to our members who helped raise over $400!!! 
6/12-16:  Mark your calendars and plan to play in North American Pairs (NAP) qualifier games at the Lancaster Bridge Clubs.
From The Trenches Of Gatlinburg - by Dave Bort
My team just returned from the Gatlinburg Regional, after a whirlwind experience, playing Monday through Saturday. For the first four days, we played morning, afternoon, in the 12-board Dinner Bell KOs and in the evening.  My motto? Too Much Is Not Enough!
Entirely as planned (uh-huh!), winning the earlier Dinner Bell KO rounds earned us the right to continue through Thursday, which also gave us the much-needed relief of full-length, leisurely dinners on Friday and Saturday (instead of having to play the Dinner Bell from Wednesday through Saturday, as I've done in the past, after losing the first couple of starting attempts on Monday and Tuesday). Hardly knowing what to do with all that extra late afternoon/early evening time between, we went to nicer restaurants, and... discussed Bridge! (OK, and other stuff). But, I digress.
My team had mixed results, including a few near misses in Compact KOs. In one, we tied in the first round, which was resolved by the Director looking at the scores that had already been decided as if they were BAM  scores, i.e., Board-A-Match, where each board is simply scored as either a win (for 1 point), a loss (for 0 points), or a tie (for 1/2 point). This compresses the larger scores to a pass-fail style, win-or-loss result, which unfortunately resulted in our team losing that tie-breaker.  Hey, it builds character, right? Right?! Bueller?
Then, in another Compact KO, the following auction loomed large, starting on my left (with opponents' bids shown in parentheses):
(1C); 1D; (2S); X; (P); P!; (P)
Evidently, partner did not fully appreciate the gravity of leaving in a two-level double in team scoring (IMPs).  So, 2SX by the opponents, making 2, and giving up 11 IMPs, did NOT help us. This type of result is known by the term "round-killer".
Two boards later, though, I saw a chance to get it back.  With partner the first bidder, and us white against red, playing another of my favorite (wacky) conventions, and with me holding:
J985  void  AK65  986532 , the bidding proceeds:
P; (1N); 2H*; (4H); P; (P!); P (I could not pass quickly enough!)
*alerted by partner, and explained as showing either Spades and Clubs, or just Clubs
Evidently, my RHO (Right-Hand Opponent) did not fully realize that although my hand could have Spades, it only definitely had Clubs, so failed to recognize their partner's 4H bid as... a transfer!  Their resulting 4H contact was down five (for 9 IMPs, Yes!).  This type of play by the opponents is described by the term "Oops!"  Unfortunately, it wasn't quite enough to recover from the first board, and by a 1 IMP margin, we lost that Compact KO round.  No problem, I'm sure that's the last time that will ever happen! J
On the positive side, we won a full-length KO, a Compact KO, and placed 3rd in another Compact KO.  There's nothing like playing some 528 boards to settle down your game.  I highly recommend it!  Carry on.
Oh, and congratulations to our teammate, Carrie Singer, a new Life Master.  Well done!

Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day 
Lewes Sectional
July 27-29

Unit 190 Sectional
September 15-17
It's Coming: The Lewes Sectional - 
July 27th to 29th


JUNIOR MASTER:    Darlene J. Bolig, Harold Hellman and John L. Wirth


SILVER LIFE MASTER:    Spencer J. Kiernan  
For top teams in the Eight is Enough event, click here.

My partner and I have decided to relocate from our level playing field to somewhere hillier.
The May Dummy is where you can see pix of winners, be asked, "What's Your Line?" and read about  THE SIMPLE THINGS  by Whippersnapper, as well as columns by Director Sandy Cerato and Pieter Van Bennekom.
Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown
Unit 217 Sectional
June 1-3

Unit 217 Sectional
October 6-8
There is no Unit 217 report this month. Check back in June for updates and information.  
Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

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For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
January , April , July, October

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The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  February, May, August, November

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  The Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
  March, June, September, December

Click here to read this month's article.
Dave: The ABC of Bridge
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Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

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4Spot | May 2017 | Editor: Allison Brandt |