In This Issue
Union Square Apartments
Become More Financially Savvy
CEO Forum
Inclusionary Zoning Law Leads Nation
2016 Social Equity Campaign
SCC at MACDC Lobby Day

Union Square Apartments
3,400 Applications for 35 Units of Affordable housings 

When tallied on Thursday, May 12, more than 3,400 applications were  submitted for 35 units of affordable housing under construction by the Somerville Community Corporation.  Read more.

Become More Financially Savvy

SCC is offering f ree Financial Literacy Classes, beginning June 22.

Do you live, work or study in Somerville?  Do you sometimes feels as if there's no way you can ever save any money? This fun and engaging class could be for you! You just need to commit to seven Wednesday/Thursday  classes.  Read more.

CEO Forum

Be sure to check out our new CEO Forum for an overview on the state of Somerville's affordable housing situation. 

First Source Manufacturing

First Source staff, City of Somerville OSPCD staff and 12 SHS adult evening manufacturing students attended a Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium's Career Networking Event on April 17, 2016 at Middlesex Community College's Bedford Campus Center. 

Students met with nine different manufacturing companies in the region, learned about career paths and hiring practices in the industry and had the opportunity to network. At least one of the students who attended the event has two upcoming job interviews with employers he met through the Manufacturing Career Networking Event.

Upcoming Events & Meetings  
Our numerous groups and committees meet regularly and are open to newcomers! 

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Reacting to the 3,400 applications for SCC's affordable housing at Union Square Apartments, SCC's Director of Real Estate Scott Hayman, said,"This is a highly desirable area in which to live and raise families. And median income families and individuals are finding it harder to remain in this community."

Starting with our  CEO Forum  piece on housing issues in our city, we look at some exciting new projects and explore the important role that organizing plays in maintaining a diverse city. Of course, we also provide you with updates on employment, advocacy and SCC fundraising for families in need.  

From all of us at SCC, thank you for your support.

Somerville's Inclusionary Zoning Law Leads Nation
Members of AHOC
On Monday, May 9, 2016, the Somerville Board of Aldermen unanimously approved a proposal submitted by the member-led Affordable Housing Organizing Committee of the Somerville Community Corporation to implement stronger inclusionary zoning requirements. 

The vote followed a year-long campaign by AHOC to increase the inclusionary zoning rate, which will require a larger percentage of the housing units in new developments to be affordable. The ordinance has been heralded as one of the most progressive in the nation. This is a great win for Somerville, as the policy is considered a critical tool for creating affordable housing in areas undergoing rapid development. Read more.

Launch of 2016 Social Equity Campaign

SCC's Social Equity Campaign Team launched our 2016 campaign with a spring event to thank our donors and kick off this year's activities. Featured speakers included Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone and Marybeth Campbell, executive director of SkillWorks.

Read more about the festive, well-attended April 27 th event  at Brass Union in Union Square. 

For more information about the Social Equity Campaign, contact Meridith Levy at 617.776.5931 x242 or

SCC at the 2016 Save Our Homes Walk
The  13th Annual Save Our Homes Walk  took place on Sunday, May 22nd. Predicted rain held off, and the walkers enjoyed a nice walk through Somerville neighborhoods as they raised funds to address and awareness about homelessness. Read more. 

The Second Line Brass Band joins the ave Our Homes Walk.

SCC at MACDC Lobby Day

On May 3rd, an SCC team visited the State House for the Annual MACDC Lobby Day. We had a productive group discussion with the Somerville legislative delegation, to get their important feedback and support on priority issues. 

We were pleased to have their thoughtful consideration on the following legislation:
  1. Increase funding for foreclosure prevention and homebuyer education  (Line Item 7006-0111)
  2. Support to sustain Community Preservation Revenue (H.2567 and S.1459)
  3. Support for An Act to Provide Opportunities for All to support small business lending (H. 3983)
  4. Support for the passage of the Jobs Linkage Home Rule Petition
  5. Future support for enabling legislation for the Community Investment Tax Credit

As always, we appreciate feedback.  Be sure to join us on Facebook & Twitter for the most current info on what we're up to and how to get involved. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you soon! 

Daniel LeBlanc
Somerville Community Corporation