American Academy of Pediatrics
California - Chapter 2 
In this Issue
Stu's View
Events Calendar
A Successful Event
Chapter 2's Late Resolution Takes Top Spot!
Children's Annual Art Contest
Teen-Parent Safe Driving
Updates in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Conference - June 7
TB screening form
New Immunization Law
Tdap Resources for Pregnant Women
Fit to Play & Learn: 3rd Year!
AAP-CA Priority  Legislative Issues for 2014
Reduce child poverty in CA

Support continuation of California Children's Services Program (CCS) as a separate entity, while identifying needed program improvements. 

Ensure Affordable Care Act implementation in CA is consistent with quality care and access for children.

Prevent gun violence-intentional and unintentional- against CA's children and youth. 

Support implementation of AB 2109 (Pan)-legislation to increase parent knowledge regarding mandated school-entry vaccines and improve the Personal Belief Exemption process. 

Ensure that education about vaccines in school curricula is science-based and accurate.

Please support AAP-CA's advocacy efforts on bills of interest to you:

Click here to visit the Advocate Now page on the District IX website
Stu's View

 Click here for Stu's View   


a blog post by District IX Chair 


Stuart Cohen, MD, MPH, FAAP





May Events
Chapter 2 Elections
Electronic ballot sent weekly via email.
Please vote by May 31st. 

UCLA Health Disaster & Trauma Symposium
Office of Emergency Preparedness
Date: Friday, May 23, 2014 
Time: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM (PDT)


You are cordially invited to join us. This event will feature trauma and medical emergency experts who will share their real world experiences in responding to recent disasters, and a military physician who will present current battlefield trauma protocols and their application to civilian practice. Following the talks there will be a medical surge capacity demonstration.


The symposium is free, but seating is limited.   Please register today by clicking the link below to reserve your spot. 

Click to Register 







June Events

Updates in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Conference

June 7th, 2014

Stauffer Conference Room @ CHLA

(See full ad on right)

Chapter 2 
Town Hall Meeting
June 17, 2014 6:30 PM
Host: Dr. Ken Saul
Speaker: Dr. Mike Fitzgerald
Topic: The Needs of The Preterm and Near Term Infant


Where:  Maggiano's
6100 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 
(818) 887-3777 


Invitation with required RSVP will be sent out separately.





Chapter 2 Quarterly Board Meeting
June 18, 2014
6:30 PM (social/dinner)
7:00 PM (meeting)

Where: Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)






 July Events



Hollywood Bowl Social

  July 13, 2014 7:30 PM


Join AAP Chapter 2 for a night

at the Hollywood Bowl


Tickets are $13 each

Section W (Center)


If you would like to reserve your tickets, please email


Tickets are limited. 





Future Events



Chapter 2

Town Hall Meeting


September 24, 2014

in Los Angeles (west side)


Host: Dr. Cori Cross

Location: TBD  

Speaker: Paul Cummins

Topic: Childhood Poverty




A Successful Event


We would like to thank all those who attended our 25th Annual Southern California Postgraduate Pediatric Conference, in Long Beach CA, this past April 26, 2014. 


We also want to thank our speakers for their spectacular presentations:


Wilbert Mason, MD


Jennifer M. Weiss, MD



Gary Rachelefsky, MD  



Pisit (Duke)

Pitukcheewanont, MD




Tracy Webb, JD 




Thank you for your ongoing support, and we hope to see you again next year.





Contact us!


May 2014 E-Newsletter 




May is the time for Chapter elections, and the slate of candidates for the 2014-2016 Board was sent out in the form of an electronic ballot on May 5th. Be sure to review the statements and biographies of this year's candidates, and make your vote count.  The last day to vote is May 31st.

Newly elected Officers will be announced in the June Quarterly Newsletter, and assumption of duties will take place immediately following the June Quarterly Board Meeting, on June 18.

In addition to upcoming events, included in this issue are the results of the resolution process at the Annual Leadership Conference which occurred in March, and the number ONE resolution was our own incoming chapter president Paula Whiteman's on banning marijuana advertising to children!

Also included are information on the annual art contest for the AAP, teen driving, and forms that might be required as children start coming in for their pre-kindergarten physicals (TB screening, and vaccine refusal counseling documentation).

For your patients' mothers who are pregnant, enclosed are handouts to encourage them and their OBs to give the Tdap vaccine in the third trimester.  This is especially important after the recent death of an infant from pertussis in the San Diego area this year.

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Mothers' Day, and have a thoughtful Memorial Day!


Heide Woo, MD, FAAP
AAP - California, Chapter 2


                               Follow us on Twitter

AAP Chapter 2's Late resolution 
Takes Top Spot!
at Annual Leadership Forum


Link to full article below 


Late resolution takes top spot

Although resolutions are due by Dec. 1, late resolutions can be submitted. One such resolution, "Ban on Marijuana Advertising that Could be Perceived as Directed to Children" was submitted on the opening day of the ALF and ended up being ranked No. 1. The resolution calls for the Academy to advocate for a ban on marijuana product advertising that may be considered enticing to children.


"The legalization of marijuana is quite recent, and it is only now that we are seeing advertising directed toward children," 
said the resolution's author 
Paula Whiteman, M.D., FAAP, FACEP, 
California Chapter 2 vice president.


"The volume and nature of this advertisement could not be predicted."  Dr. Whiteman's resolution was backed by other chapters and sections.


Read full article 





AAP Invites Children to Enter Art Contest Depicting "Helping Others to be Healthy and Happy"

For Release:  March 4, 2014


Children can be powerful advocates in their world, helping their friends, peers, family members and others in their community to become healthier and happier.  For the 10th annual Children's Art Contest, the American Academy of Pediatrics invites children to create a piece of original artwork on the theme: "Helping Others to be Healthy and Happy."


First prize is a trip to San Diego, Calif., where winners will receive a $500 cash prize during a presentation at the AAP National Conference & Exhibition.


Entry forms below!


In the USA, the contest is open to children in three divisions: grades 3 to 5, grades 6 to 8, and grades 9 to 12. 


Group winners and their parents or guardians will be invited to a presentation ceremony before several thousand pediatricians at the AAP national conference on Sunday, October 12, 2014. 


Each first-place winner will receive a $500 cash prize and up to $1,000 for travel-related expenses. 

The three second-place winners will each receive $250. The six winners' schools will be awarded matching cash amounts. Some artwork will be featured on the AAP website and in promotional materials. 


Entries are also welcome from children outside the USA. For the single international award, the contest is open to children ages 13 to 18. The international winner will receive a USD 500 cash prize with a matching amount for the school or home school. 


"Children have a unique perspective on the world," said James M. Perrin, MD, FAAP, president of the AAP. "We look forward to seeing the vision these young artists share of how children can help those around them be healthier and happier."


To enter, children in the USA and abroad should mail original artwork to: Children's Art Contest, American Academy of Pediatrics, 141, Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. International category entries may also submit entries by email to Deandra Galarde (


Entry forms and consent forms must accompany all entries, along with official rules and regulations. Entries must be postmarked by August 30, 2014. Winning entries will be selected by a panel of judges, including pediatricians, and announced in the fall. 


Entry Form


Consent Form


Rules and Regulations 



Together, with The Allstate Foundation and the American Academy of Pediatrics California, Chapter 2, as well as many collaborative partners, The Teen-Parent Safe Driving Partnership is leveraging the relationships pediatricians have with youth and their families to provide education, resources, tools and advocacy that  address the issue of risk teen driver and passenger behaviors.


Great resources below that you can use in your office  


Motor Vehicle Crashes kill approximately 5,550 teens aged 16 to 20 each year, and are the leading cause of death for this age group. Of those killed in these crashes, approximately two-thirds are drivers 

and one-third are passengers. 


Graduated driver licensing (GDL), minimum drinking age and drunk driving laws, improved seat belt laws and cellular phone and texting while driving laws are saving teens' lives, but there is still work to be done. Parents in particular are often unaware of their teens' risky driving habits, and while they place restrictions on their teens' driving, parents need to focus on proven safety benefits such as prohibitions on nighttime driving and limits on the number of 

teen passengers.


Pediatricians can educate parents and teens about the dangers of teen driving and ways to enhance safety, especially around distracted driving. They can facilitate communication between the parent and teen about driving , and can help parents establish useful restrictions and logical consequences as their teens begin to drive. 


The Partnership has put together the Teen-Parent Safe Driving Toolkit for pediatricians and healthcare workers to use in practice as part of their counseling on teen driving which includes:

To learn more about this project, and to watch a video on Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Laws, please click here

If you are interested in collaborating on a community event, or are a physician who would like to receive the Teen-Parent Safe Driving Toolkit, please contact the Project Coordinator,

Sharis Shahnazarian, MPH at (323) 361-5754 or


Updates in 
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics  

Free to attend
CME available

This conference is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Registration is Free.
To RSVP, contact Kelly Clancy at


Current Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Questionnaire is attached below as a link. 

You may save the document to your computer for future use.


Document Highlights:


There is a note at the top clarifying the current recommendations for the appropriate test for TB infection to use for children under 5 years of age and for children over 5 years of age.


The first question has been re-worded to focus on children born in high-risk countries.


There is a note at the bottom clarifying that a test for TB infection need only be re-applied if the child presents with any new risk factor since his / her last assessment. 


Click the link below to access the newly revised RAQ 

Revised TB RAQ (english) 

Click below to access the LA County's TB Control Program



For Practicing Pediatrician Members of the AAP-CA:

Practical Advice About Your Role In The New Immunization Law Relating To School-Entry Vaccine Exemptions


Links below to the full article, Assembly Bill No. 2109, PBE form, and more. 


Effective January 1, 2014 a new California law requires parents/guardians who want to exempt their child from one or more school-entry vaccines to obtain a health care provider's signature documenting that they received specified information about vaccines, with certain exceptions.  


The following is based on information provided by the Department of Health Care Services and is intended as general guidance for pediatricians regarding how to comply with the new law. 


  • Why establish a new law and new form for exemptions from school-entry vaccines?
  • What is being asked of me, as a pediatrician, under the new law? 
  • Is there legally prescribed information that I need to provide parents/families who request that I sign the new Personal Beliefs Exemption (PBE) form? 
  • Am I legally required to sign the new PBE form if a patient asks me to? 
  • When should the form be signed?


Read the full article 




Access Assembly Bill No. 2109 here.


Personal Beliefs Exemption form (CDPH 8262) click here.


The California Department of Public Health provides additional information about school-entry vaccines, the new law and more. Click here to view.




Tdap immunization is recommended between 27 and 36 weeks gestation. Immunize with every pregnancy, even if 

your patient received Tdap before becoming pregnant. 




We have included several resources accessible by clicking on the links below.




All documents are FREE to download/ distribute:



brochure:  English or Spanish
Access your local health department by clicking this Link

Send CDC's health e-card:  Pregnant? Get Tdap

Distribute CDC's Immunizations and Pregnancy flyer. 


FTPL: 3rd Successful Year !

Fit to Play & Learn (FTPL) is finishing up its 3rd successful year in LAUSD!


We continue to grow and are currently planning for the 2014-2015 school year.


We have over 70 school nurses interested in bringing the FTPL curriculum to their school for the upcoming school year!



FTPL is an childhood obesity prevention program which strives to teach both students and their parents how to integrate healthy food, healthy drinks choices, and physical activities into their daily lives. It has been a wonderful partnership between the AAP-CA2 and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) School Nurses.


We are currently taking donations to fund this program. Thank you for your support!

