designing a world of hope
News from John Agee with
Engineering Ministries International  
May 2011

I trust that God is encouraging you through His Word and the body of Christ when you meet together. May Your worship of and love for the One who is worthy grow to new depths!

Last week was full of activity as new interns arrived and project leaders prepared for trips that leave this week. Thank you for your continued prayers for the Ghana project team who depart their homes today.
In This Issue
Prayer for Upcoming Ghana Trip
Fall 2011: University Project in Ghana
Finance Update
Prayer for Upcoming Ghana Trip
Clearing Party at New Site in Aflao
Thank you for your prayer covering throughout this trip! We fly first to Accra, the capital of Ghana, and then we will drive east to Aflao (on the Togo border) for the children's home project. Most of the team will depart Ghana on Sunday, June 12. My sister Rebecca, the two EMI interns, and I will remain for 3 additional days to explore Accra and to meet with local designers and ministries. Please pray that God guides our actions and words by the power of His Spirit. Praise Him that the community has cleared the new site in Aflao for our land survey!
Please join me in praying:
  • That God is glorified through this trip in attitude, word, & deed as we worship Him through this trip
  • That the design team would bond well and work well together in Ghana, sharing Christ's love & gospel
  • That God's true gospel shines on those who call themselves Christian but are not trusting Jesus as Lord
  • For ingenuity and flexibility as we design with local, sustainable criteria in mind, and that the community would be involved and have a voice in this project
  • That the Holy Spirit will work mightily in the hearts of the team and the people He places around us
  • That God would protect the team spiritually and physically
  • For Christ to shine through us as we meet with key officials (including the King of Aflao), builders, and ministry partners
  • That God would enable us to work effectively and efficiently in the site survey, programming andmaster planning, and engineering design (civil, electrical, structural) for the children's home site
  • That the team and I would be sensitive to and follow the Holy Spirit's leading, not just our agenda
  • For team members' time with the children to encourage each other in their faith and trust in Jesus, that He would be more loved and worshipped
  • That God will continue to provide vision & direction to the Jesse Brooks Foundation for this project
  • For a decisive break from all fetishism and occult bondages, and that true liberty in Jesus be found
  • That local Ghanaian people & leaders would sense the love of Christ through this short-term team and the long-term ministry
  • For God to use this site to draw more Ewe, Kabye, Mina, Fon, Dagomba, Bimoba, Wala, Hausa, Fulani, Zerma, and other peoples in the Ghana/Togo region to Himself
  • For Ghanaian believers to demonstrate a love for and unity with others that transcends divisions
  • Praise God for recent increased worship of Jesus in Ghana
  • For vision & leading in my meetings and investigation in Ghana for EMI's future in West Africa
  • That more Ghanaian design professionals would take interest in serving the poor and praising Jesus through their professions
Fall 2011: University Project in Ghana
I recently learned that I will be leading another trip to Ghana this fall. We will partner with a university in Accra that has a 5-acre site in Accra and recently received 65 acres to expand in a more rural part of the city. The EMI design team will assist them with a master plan for their existing site, as well as a conceptual master plan for the future site. I am planning to visit the university while I am in Accra, so pray for my time there with representatives as we consider how best to be involved. Also, join me in praying that God would provide a team of designers who will participate in this September or early October project.
Finance Update
I greatly appreciate all of you who have committed to partner financially in the work God has led me to, especially those of you who have recently begun or increased your level of giving! I am blessed by God's provision through you as I live in this privileged place of dependence on Him.
I am currently $260 per month below full funding due to a few recent contribution changes and the loss of one significant partner. Thank you for lifting this need before our Father so that He will be glorified!

Please contact me or see the "Get Involved" section to the right if you would like to get involved financially as a ministry partner. 
Grace and Peace in Jesus,

John Agee
Engineering Ministries International
Be Built Up in Confidence
The Lord led me to Hebrews 10 as He continues to show me that we are to live offensively since "we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls." (Hebrews 10:39)

I encourage you to remember who you are in Christ: one made righteous to live by faith, to confidently enter holy places by the blood of Jesus. God does not redeem us to fall back and let our enemy take ground. The kingdom of God advances forcefully (Mt. 11:12) as we move forward by the power of His Spirit, abounding in hope (Rom. 15:13). Our fight is "not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." (Eph. 6:12)

Do not fear evil, but use the Word of the living God and advance His kingdom! Live confidently and trust His righteousness, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7)
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Prayer Requests
  • Praise God for His provision of a team for the upcoming children's home project in Ghana

  • Praise God that He gave me the ability to pass the P.E. licensure exam!

  • Connections with people and ministries in West Africa, and God's provision of a team for EMI's future West Africa office

  • New Partners to Cover $260/mo. Financial Need

  • That the EMI family would learn from each other, share in each other's burdens, and live in unity of the Spirit as we prepare for our world staff gathering in Colorado this August
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