"If you take care of the birds, you take care of most of the environmental problems of the world."
Thomas Lovejoy
~News and Upcoming Events~

  • Show your support for PFA by joining the growing community of members! Click ❤️ Here

  • Birding by Bicycle Trip Report

  • Twin Falls Pollinator "Cottage Garden" and "Natives" flats of 32 plants available at The Orton Botanical Garden plant sale

  • Orton Botanical Garden Plant Sales: May (16 - members only), 17, 18 and May 23-25

  • June 8th FIELD TRIP - Birding by Kayak on Wilson Lake Reservoir

  • June 22nd SOUTH HILLS BIG DAY Bird Survey and Potluck Picnic
Birding by Bicycle
Saturday, May 4th, a small group of intrepid birders battled a chilly wind to to see what could be seen along the beautiful Canyon Rim Trail. Highlights were eye-level views of Turkey Vultures, and recently arrived Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Western Kingbirds, and White-throated Swifts. May the fourth of the wind be with you!
Species Observed

  1. Canada Goose
  2. Mallard
  3. Rock Pigeon
  4. Eurasian Collared-Dove
  5. Mourning Dove
  6. White-throated Swift
  7. Killdeer
  8. Double-crested Cormorant
  9. American White Pelican
  10. Turkey Vulture
  11. Osprey
  12. Cooper's Hawk
  13. Bald Eagle
  14. Swainson's Hawk
  15. Red-tailed Hawk
  16. American Kestrel
  17. Western Kingbird
  18. Black-billed Magpie
  19. Common Raven
  20. Horned Lark
  21. Violet-green Swallow
  22. Barn Swallow
  23. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  24. Canyon Wren
  25. European Starling
  26. American Robin
  27. House Sparrow
  28. House Finch
  29. Lesser Goldfinch
  30. Yellow-headed Blackbird
  31. Brewer's Blackbird
Orton Botanical Garden
867 Filer Ave W, Twin Falls, ID 83301, US
Plant Sale and Open House
May 16-18 and May 23-25
(May 16th is for members only. )

9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

The Orton Botanical Garden is a showcase for Idaho Native and drought-tolerant plants. The Garden will be selling many of these same plants so that you too can create a landscape that will attract pollinators, including butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds. 

Take a free tour of the garden to view the beautiful, sun-loving plants that grow throughout the garden and the many pollinators that visit them when in bloom. The plant sale and open house is timed for when the most plants are in bloom. Be sure to bring along your binoculars to watch the many birds that are attracted to the garden!

No appointment or registration is needed for the plant sale and open house.

P.S., There will be a few flats from the Twin Falls Pollinator Plant Sale available for purchase too - "Idaho Native" and "Cottage Garden" plants left over from the Twin Falls Pollinator Plant Sale.
Saturday Morning Field Trip

Birding by Kayak
at Wilson Lake Reservoir
Saturday, May 8th
8:00 - 11:00 am

Meet up at the Garden of Eden Truck Stop at 8:00

1017 S 1150 E, Eden, ID

When I know about watercraft hot-washing requirements, I'll let you know more...
Join Prairie Falcon Audubon's first ever kayaking and birding field trip!
Paddle off for a morning of springtime bird watching in kayaks — a great way to go birding! Paddling is quiet and peaceful. Hopefully the only sounds to compete with birds are the splashes from paddle strokes.

We'll slowly paddle upstream 2-3 miles, watching and listening for swallows, wrens, blackbirds, orioles and other spring migrants. In addition, we will see gulls, terns, eagles, hawks, pelicans and vultures soaring over the water.

Be ready to leave the Garden of Eden at 8:15 am.
  • Dress for the weather
  • Bring your kayak, paddle, and life jacket (required)
  • Bring your binoculars (and something to keep them dry, but accessible)
  • Bring water, snacks, etc. in a day pack.
  • Wear a hat and bring and apply sunscreen.
  • Make sure you have an updated invasive species sticker.

Kayak Rentals available from:
  1. AWOL Adventure Sports, 701 2nd Ave S, Twin Falls, Phone(208) 735-5344
  2. CSI Outdoors Rental Shop https://www.csi.edu/recreation-center/outdoors/rental-shop.aspx To Reserve, contact CSI Outdoors at (208) 732-6697 or email orc@csi.edu

Annual South Hills IBA Big Day
(OPTIONAL) Friday night, June 21st
Friday night birding begins at 6:00 PM
Saturday, June 22nd, 2024
Saturday birding ends at 6:00 PM
Compilation/Potluck Picnic begins at 6:00 PM
Call or email Karl Ruprecht to sign up:
Karl Ruprecht has been heading up the South Hills survey since 2008, so this will be our 16th census (we've missed a year due to nasty weather)!!
The weather this year will hopefully cooperate so that we can spend an entire day (or more if you owl the night before) in the South Hills searching out and counting birds. The odds of seeing something different from what you’ve been seeing at your feeder are very high. At this time of year in the South Hills there are more than 175 regularly occurring species possibilities, including the Idaho endemic Cassia Crossbill! 194 species have been tallied altogether over the years.
Please give Karl a call and he will put you on a team. He tries his best to put novice birders with “experts” and to accommodate your wishes as to where, and for how long, you would like to bird.
We finish the day with a simple potluck at the Ruprecht cabin in the South Hills. Everyone is invited, even those who did not bird. Plan to bring your own drinks, dinner-ware, and something to share that can stay in a cooler in a car all day long (salad, dessert, veges, fruit, etc.). Audubon will provide fried chicken (a perennial birder’s favorite!).

Call Karl for more information and to RSVP if you plan to bird or if you plan to attend the potluck picnic. He will provide directions to the Ruprecht cabin and set you up with a team.
From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Click the link above to read the full article, watch some great little videos, and be inspired to do some good in the world to help out the birds
1. Make Windows Safer, Day and Night
These simple steps save birds: On the outside of the window, install screens or break up reflections—using film, paint, or Acopian BirdSavers or other string spaced no more than two inches high or four inches wide.
2. Keep Cats Indoors
A solution that’s good for cats and birds: Save birds and keep cats healthy by keeping cats indoors or creating an outdoor “catio.” You can also train your cat to walk on a leash.
3. Reduce Lawn, Plant Natives
Add native plants, watch birds come in: Native plants add interest and beauty to your yard and neighborhood, and provide shelter and nesting areas for birds. The nectar, seeds, berries, and insects will sustain birds and diverse wildlife.
4. Avoid Pesticides
A healthy choice for you, your family, and birds: Consider purchasing organic food. Nearly 70% of produce sold in the U.S. contains pesticides. Reduce pesticides around your home and garden.
5. Drink Coffee That’s Good for Birds
Enjoy shade-grown coffee: It’s a win-win-win: it’s delicious, economically beneficial to coffee farmers, and helps more than 42 species of North American migratory songbirds that winter in coffee plantations, including orioles, warblers, and thrushes.
6. Protect Our Planet from Plastic
Reduce your plastics: Avoid single-use plastics including bags, bottles, wraps, and disposable utensils. It’s far better to choose reusable items, but if you do have disposable plastic, be sure to recycle it.
7. Watch Birds, Share What You See
Enjoy birds while helping science and conservation: Join a project such as eBirdProject FeederWatchChristmas Bird Count, Climate Watch, or The Great Backyard Bird Count to record your bird observations. Your contributions will provide valuable information to show where birds are thriving—and where they need our help. Note: If you don’t yet know how to use eBird, we have a free course to help you get the most out of the project and its tools.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Prairie Falcon Audubon, Inc. fully supports
National Audubon Society's statement on
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Prairie Falcon Audubon, Inc. believes that everyone has the right to enjoy birds, the outdoors, and a healthy and safe environment. In order to fulfill our mission to educate the general public about birds, bird watching, and preservation/improvement of the environment that birds and bird watchers share, we will work to include everyone, no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, age, or disability. We are committed to building an equitable, diverse, anti-racist, accessible, fun, and inclusive organization that supports birds, and the people who watch them, in our community. 
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
An incredible resource for anyone (young to old) who wants to learn more about birds!
"Whether you’re a bird lover, an educator, or a student, interactive courses and multimedia-rich resources will lead you into the fascinating lives of birds, from birding basics to comprehensive ornithology."