laptop to promote digital workshop

eNEWS - May 13, 2024


Confirmation This Coming Sunday!

Join us in the Sanctuary at 9 AM

We have a special celebration planned for Pentecost Sunday! Please join us as we celebrate and learn from five of our young people. Their words, inspiration, and insight will be infused into this special service. Let's join together in supporting and celebrating them as they take this important step in their faith journey.

Covenant Circle Celebration Luncheon

Sun. May 19 | 12:30 PM | Holiday Inn Bayside in Point Loma | RSVP

We’ll be celebrating recent generous estate gifts and learning about how our church’s ministry is putting those gifts to work. If you’re a Covenant Circle member or interested in learning more about legacy giving here at First Church, you're invited! Today is the last day to RSVP and send in your food choices to Jason Tucker. Send any questions or RSVPs to or call the church office.

VBS 2024 logo

VBS is Coming & We Need Volunteers!

Register to help: Sundays, July 14 - August 4

We're reimaging VBS! This year, it will take place across four Sundays from 12 to 3 PM each day. We're packing it full of fun, helping our kids embark on a summer camp adventure with God. But we need your help to make it a success.

Parents: Registration is also open for kids! You can get all the details online. Share the info with your friends and be sure to register by June 30!


Need Help With Social Media?

Sun. May 19 - June 2 | 10 - 10:45 AM | Linder Patio

Want to connect with First Church and others but don't know how to set up the right accounts? Stop by the patio after service for help with creating free Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. We'll have a table set up to help you out. Pro tip: Bring your smart phone, tablet, or other portable device you'd like to use to access social media.


Family Bowling Event

Sat. May. 18 | 2 PM | Aztec Lanes | RSVP by May 15

Looking for a family-friendly activity? Join us at Aztec Lanes on the SDSU campus. Children and youth of all ages are welcome! RSVP by May 15 so we reserve enough lanes. Cost is $10 for 2 hours, and $3 for shoe rental. Be sure to bring socks! Reserve your spot online.

Digital Workshop: Analytics & Social Media

Sun. May 19 | 12 - 1 PM | Linder 4 & Zoom | RSVP

Get an inside look at First Church analytics to understand the impact of the church's social media and other digital channels. And learn how you can help increase the awareness and engagement of our digital evangelism. All are invited to attend! If you'd like to join online, register to receive Zoom information.

Sankofa Pilgrimage Pre-study Class

Thurs. May 23 - June 27 | 6 - 7:30 PM | Linder Lounge & Zoom | RSVP

Prior to embarking on the Sankofa pilgrimage, we'll prepare through a weekly study. The pre-study is free and open to anyone interested (even if you're not joining the pilgrimage). Register for details including Zoom link.


"Life and Water" Vocal Recital

Sat. June 1 | 4 PM | Sanctuary | Free Childcare

Come enjoy the next concert of our Cultural Events Music Series! This concert features our vocalists and musicians: Lauren Zinke, soprano; Patricia McAfee, mezzo-soprano; Timmy Simpson and Brian Lustig, tenors; Sean Smith, baritone; and Jaebon Hwang, piano.

globe on desk

More Conversations About Israel and Gaza

Presentation & Luncheon | Sun. June 2 | 12:30 PM | The Cove | RSVP

Thank you to all who have participated in our first two events, designed not for debate but for awareness, not for arguments but for understanding.

For our next presentation, we welcome Imam Taha Hassane, Imam/Director of the Islamic Center of San Diego and Dr. Alham Muhtaseb, professor of media studies and the graduate coordinator of the Department of Communications at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). Register for details.

Assistive Listening Available

Did You Know? Assistive Listening in Sanctuary

Connect through the free Listen EVERYWHERE mobile app.

With the Listen EVERYWHERE mobile app, you can connect your Bluetooth enabled listening device to the sanctuary audio.

It's free and easy to connect. Simply follow a two-step process to access Listen WiFi and to install the Listen EVERYWHERE app. Next time you're in the sanctuary, see the pew pocket card or an usher for details!


woman in nature with book

Reflect, Learn, Discuss: Grow in 2024

Join us each week as we uncover new understandings of scripture, theology, and life. We hope you join us!

REFLECT: Tapestry Worship Service | Sundays in Trotter Chapel. Gain a fresh perspective as you question, listen, and see God through non-traditional and interactive worship.

LEARN: Perspectives Podcast | Mondays

Featuring two of our pastors talking theology, life, and faith.

Listen Now

DISCUSS: Convergence – Online on Tuesdays 6 PM | In Person on Wednesdays 10:30 AM

Discuss themes from Perspectives and Tapestry to shape your spiritual journey.

Prayers of the People

Pray for one another and prayer requests

Wednesdays, 9:30 AM

In-person & Zoom

Email Rev. Brittany

Heart of Christianity


11 AM | Zoom

Book Study

Register for Zoom



Donate Birthday Cards

Bring cards to church office to help Caring Hearts ministry!

Our Caring Hearts group is seeking birthday cards to send to our church members as they turn 80+ (what an achievement!). Please bring new cards to the church office.

coins spilling out of jar

United Women in Faith “Mile of Pennies” Drive

Bring pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars on Sundays!

UWF will collect them during coffee hours on June 2. Thank you to all who have donated so far!

The Associates of New Entra Casa are sponsoring an annual celebration in June and are asking for donations of pennies. The idea is to reach a “Mile of Pennies” as a means to defray the cost of the event. New Entra Casa is a home and program for women working towards becoming free from addictions and in many cases, reuniting with their children. 


Get to know your church neighbors!

Sera Mesa / Mission Valley

Wed. May 15 | 5:30 PM | Mimi's Cafe 5180 Mission Center Rd, San Diego CA 92108 | RSVP Bill Horton

North County

Sat. May 25 | 12 PM | Broken Yolk 11630 Carmel Mountain Rd, San Diego CA 92128 | RSVP Kent Schrock

Young Adults 4th Sunday Brunch

Sun. May 26 | 12:30 PM | If you're a younger adult (20's to 40's) and want to connect, join us every 4th Sunday! We meet at different local eateries – email Jason Tucker for more details.

Senior Singles Fellowship Group

Fridays | 12 - 3:30 PM | Linder Lounge

Potluck lunch followed by games! You may bring a food contribution serving 6. No RSVPs needed. No charge. Questions, call Karen, 619-263-3743 (no texts).

The River (LGBTQ group)

Sun. May 19 | 12:15 PM | Email Rev. Hannah for location & RSVP

Join us for a time of fellowship, celebrating this year's major change in the United Methodist Church, preparing for Pride Celebration in June and Pride Parade in July. 


Book Study with Young Parents 

Sun. May 26 | 10:10 - 10:30 AM | Cove (UMC building)

Join us for a book study on Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy. Email Rev. Hannah if you have questions. 


Childcare for infants to preschool is available during all services.

Zoom meeting with Rev. Hannah Ka and Confirmands

Rev. Hannah Ka will be joined by our Confirmands!

Traditional Worship

Sundays | 9 AM | Sanctuary

What Now? Speak, Still

Scriptures: Acts 2:1-12

Join us in person or watch our Livestream

For our online viewers: Consecrated elements for communion are available for pick up Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM, or can be mailed upon request.

Watch Live Page
Sermon Archive


Sundays | 11 AM | Trotter Chapel

Becoming Better Humans: Speaking

Scriptures: Acts 2:1-12

Let’s gather together to check out the resources of hope at our disposal and create a safe space with others to rest in that hope.

Altar Flowers  
Donating altar flowers on Sunday is a way to recognize significant events in your family’s life.  Bouquets are $65 each and anyone can donate one or two bouquets. If you are interested, please contact Demmie Divine in the church office about available dates. 


Children and Youth Ministries Sunday Schedule

PRE-K, INFANTS, AND TODDLERS | Sundays 8:40 AM - 12 PM

This program offers a loving and nurturing environment in the Multipurpose Room located in the Children's Growing Center.

Kids First

SUNDAY SCHOOL | Kids First (Grades K-5) & Students 1st ( Grades 6-12)

Start in Sanctuary for "A Time with Children," then we head to the Cove. 

No Sunday School on the 1st Sunday of the month, when children and youth are encouraged to worship in the sanctuary with their families. Email Rev. Brittany for more info.

MUSIC PROGRAMS | 10 - 11 AM | The Cove

Primary Choir (Grades K-5): 10-10:30 AM

Secondary Voices (Grades 6-12): 10-10:30 AM

Youth Chimes (Grades 4+): 10:30-11 AM

Contact Dana Zimbric for more info.

ACOLYTES | Grades 4-12

Sign up to assist in Sanctuary worship service! Contact Demmie Divine.


Would you like someone to talk to?

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. You'll meet privately—by phone, video chat, or in person—for care and support. Contact Rev. Brittany for more information.

Alzheimers Assoc

Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group

3rd Thursday of the month: May 16 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Free | RSVP

Providing care for someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementia can have severe emotional and psychological impacts. If you're a caregiver, we offer you a place to feel heard, connected and empowered with those who understand this unique struggle.

Deaths: Check our website for weekly updates regarding deaths, memorial services, and funerals.

Request a Prayer


Quilt Prep & Fellowship

1st Sat. & 3rd Thurs. of the month: May 16 | 9 AM - 12 PM | Linder 4

Learn more about the Prayers & Squares Quilt Ministry or request a quilt for another person. To sponsor a prayer quilt for someone in need of prayer, be sure to ask for their agreement to be a recipient. 

Request a Prayer Quilt


Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM

Closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day

Memorial Garden Hours
Monday - Friday - 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - 8 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday - 8 AM - 4 PM

Giving: How to Give

  1. Deposit your gift in the offering plate during worship.
  2. Give online using your credit/debit card or ACH transfer from your checking account. Gifts can be one time or automatically recurring each week or month.
  3. TEXT to Give. Just text MYCHURCHGIFT to 73256 and see how easy it can be!
  4. Mail your check directly to the church via US postal service: First United Methodist Church of San Diego, 2111 Camino del Rio S., San Diego, CA 92108.

Contact Jason Tucker with your questions about giving and tithing to First Church.

Weekly Attendance

5/5/24, Sunday in-person services (9 & 11 AM)

Combined number of attendees: 236

5/5/24, livestreamed services

Real-time viewers: 333

Avg. watch-time: 25:15

First Church YouTube subscribers: 2,527

To subscribe, log in to your Gmail account, go to First Church YouTube channel, click the subscribe button. You can choose to be notified when we livestream.

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2111 Camino del Rio South,

San Diego, CA 92108

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