Weekly Update

Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

May 12th - 18th


Church Website

We are excited to share our updated website. We will continue to update the website with upcoming events every week!

Use the button below to visit the home page on the website, or the underlined tabs to see a specific section.

St. Paul's Church Website

About Us





This Sunday, May 12th

A Blessing Prayer for Mother's Day

 Gracious Lord, we pray for blessings on all women who have loved and nurtured us throughout our lives, We give thanks for their guidance, protection, teaching, and encouragement.

 We remember mothers who are no longer with us and pray for their souls. We give thanks for birth mothers, adoptive mothers,

grandmothers, aunts, sisters, family friends and all women who take on a motherly role.

We ask your blessing upon mothers who have lost children that they are granted strength and courage to meet the days ahead.

Pour out your blessings upon those who would like to be mothers and grant them divine patience and perseverance.

For all women here this day bless them with strength to live the loving life you want for them. All this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.


       Adapted from a

prayer from St. Anne’s Church,

Sanford, Australia

This Week


Sunday, May 19th

60th Church Dedication Anniversary

We will gather on the front porch of the Church

to begin the 10:00 service.


Children's Offering Envelopes

Stop by the ministry table in the Parish Hall to pick up a box! 


Weekly Bulletin

Please call the church office at 251-342-8521

if you prefer to have the weekly bulletin mailed to you.


 Gluten Free Communion Wafers

St. Paul's is now offering Gluten Free Communion wafers.

Please ask the priest when at the rail.

Summer Office Hours

The Parish Office will undergo updates in June. This is in preparation for the arrival of our new rector.

Temporary office hours and location:

Church Parlor: Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 12 Noon

More information next week! Worship schedule is unchanged.

Saturday, May 4th

Pratt Paterson was ordained to the Diaconate on Saturday, May 4th.

We are so proud, and we cannot wait to see all the great things that he will do!

More pictures from the ordination can be found by clicking the button below.

Click to view more pictures!

Sunday, May 5th

Thank you to all of the Sunday School teachers and Choir Directors who volunteer their time to teach our children!

We said farewell to our beloved the Reverend Lydia Knizley Johnson!

She has been a wonderful part of the spiritual life here at St. Paul's Church.

We wish her all the best as she embarks on her next adventure!

See a letter from Lydia below!

A Letter from the Reverend Lydia Knizley Johnson
Dear St. Paul’s Family,
Since my kindergarten days at the lower school, St. Paul’s has been more than just a church; it's been a transformative haven of love and community.
The past 13 years on staff has been an absolute joy! I have delighted in seeing the image of God come alive in each and every one of you through our work together in Sunday School, EYC, Raise the Roof, the EEC, community partnerships and so much more! 
Your support and encouragement have guided me from Director of Christian Ed to priest, and now to a focusing on role as Mom and Missioner for Development and Evangelism on the Bishop's staff. I hope that through this work, I can carry the lessons of hospitality, creativity, and service I learned here at St. Paul’s into our broader community, spreading God’s love in innovative ways.
Though I'll be stepping back from staff responsibilities here, St. Paul’s is my family’s church home. You'll still find Wyatt, Will, Lisee and me around, even if I'm not wearing my collar. 
As the psalmist says, "Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things." It’s been an honor to witness those marvels here, and I eagerly await the next chapter.
Thank you for your enduring love and support.
With deepest gratitude,
Lydia +


St. Catherine's Guild

The ladies of St. Catherine's Guild took a field trip to Prichard Preparatory School on Wednesday, May 8th!

The principal led a tour of the school, where the ladies got to see what the students were learning and working on.

St. Paul's Church has partnered with Greer's for the Easy Eats program, where Prichard Prep students are sent home with backpack meals every week!


The UTO collected $1,360 on UTO Sunday, May 5. 

This offering of thanksgiving will transform lives locally and world wide through the Episcopal Church!

 Your blessings become blessings for others.

A big thank you to Sugene Lawler and Joyce Baker for serving at the 8:00 am service and to Minette Elder, Pam Moore, Patti Parnell, Ann Miller, Jeaneane Fountain, and Patricia Powe for serving at the 10:00 am service. Many thanks to the Ladd/Jeffries Altar Guild group for putting out the UTO offering baskets and to Pam Moore for counting the offering. 

If you were not able to make your offering on Sunday it is not too late. You may send your gift anytime this month or give online by clicking the button below, and selecting UTO in the dropdown menu.

Love and Blessings,

Dil Hobbs

UTO Chair

UTO Giving

The Cracked Plates will be cooking for Mckemie Place on April 23rd, and will take all donations from the Parish Hall on that day as well!

Thank you to everyone that participates in this ministry. Your time and donations are greatly appreciated!

These are the items needed most often to take care of the homeless women who come to McKemie Place.

There is a box in the Parish Hall for donations.

Thank you!

  • Toilet Paper
  • Washing Powder
  • Plastic Utensils
  • All Purpose Cleaner
  • Liquid Hand Soap
  • Lysol


Dog Costume Contest

Thank you so much for everyone who came out to support our Dog Days of Summer, Dog Costume Contest, honoring Faye Mullis.

Thank you to the contestants who brought their pups all decked out and competed.

Thank you for the judges for your hard work, Dr. Jeni Knizley, Dr. David Inge, and Mrs. KD Inge. You had your work cut out for you!

Thank you to Catherine and Chad Tubbs who tirelessly devote themselves to this church, most recently donating the freezer for the raffle, as well as being the bartenders, the check in table, the hot dog dinner helper,

the set up and the break down committee

at the Dog Show.

Thank you to Katie Tillman for donating her time and her photography skills and her husband Clifford for jumping in and helping with the hot dog dinners.

Thank you to Brad Clark for his beautiful works of art that doubled as trophies.

Click to view more pictures from the event!

The Bone-a-fide winner of the People's Choice Award goes to Mac Campbell!

1st Place: Washington Johnson

2nd Place: Hilly Inge

3rd Place: Dot Jones

Click to Donate!

Select "youth" as the fund

to donate to the youth group!

Youth Missions & Disney

St. Paul’s Youth group has partnered with the Church of the Good Shepard in Lake Wales, Florida. The Care Center will be hosting our youth group for the mission portion of this trip. The project managers are putting together age appropriate tasks for the youth to complete around the Care Center. They will be helping with their community garden as well as stocking their pantries, and there is a possibility that they will be helping in their thrift store. This portion of the trip is an excellent way to give back and to experience life outside of Mobile. Often times, getting out of our town allows our eyes and minds to open on how big our world really is. The second component of this trip is meant for connection! The youth group will be staying at Sarasota Springs in the Walt Disney World Property and will be headed out each day for fun!

The youth group would love your prayers and support as they raise money to offset the travel costs.

Please reach out to Miranda with any questions!

News from the EEC

Read about all of the wonderful things that the EEC has to offer!

EEC Website

Memorial Flowers

Sunday, May 5, 2024

With love and affection,

the flowers on the Altar of the Church

are given to the Glory of God

and in loving memory

and thanksgiving for

the life of Suzanne Renee Pierce

and Carolyn James Pierce

by Jennifer Pierce Dean and her family


The flowers on the Altar of the Little Church

are given to the Glory of God

 and in loving memory of

Mr. H. Taylor Morrissette, Jr.,

Dr. Harry A. Luscher,

Vester J. Thompson, III,

and the United States Armed Forces who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.


Worship Schedule


8:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Big Church

  • Nursery provided
  • Children's Christian Education

6:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

  • Contemporary music


7:00 - Holy Eucharist - Little Church

10:00 - Holy Eucharist - Rite I - Little Church

  • Healing service follows

5:30 - Holy Eucharist - Rite II - Little Church

Morning Prayer

8:15 - Little Church

Weekdays except Wednesday

The 10:00 service on Sunday is always livestreamed. Click the button to view!

View the livestream