
Happy Mother's Day.

This week's update includes:

Best Regards,

Paul Warren

Please note that this email is being sent by me as an individual and not as an official action on behalf of the Board. The content is created by me and any errors or omissions are solely my responsibility.

What's On My Mind

Select Board Licensing Hearing - The Select Board holds public hearings on licensing twice per month. These hearings are typically held Wednesday mornings at 10:00AM. The hearings may include requests for common victualler licenses, changes in operating hours and management, temporary and permanent alcohol licenses, and requests by utility companies to work within the public way. The hearings are an important opportunity for the public to comment on license requests. The next licensing hearing will be held on Wednesday, May 15 at 10:00AM. The agenda and packet are available online as is the Zoom meeting registration.

Annual Town Election Results - Of the 39,471 registered voters in Brookline, 9,845 or 24.9% voted. A summary of the election results was reported by Detailed results by precinct are available on the Town Clerk's Election Results Website.

Town Administrator News Letter - The May edition of the Town Administrator's News Letter is now available.

Last Meeting - Tuesday, April 30

The Select Board did not meet last week due to the Annual Town Election. The prior meeting was held on April 30 and was summarized in the May 5 Weekly Update.

Next Meeting - Tuesday, May 14 @5PM

Organization of the Select Board - The Board will elect the Select Board Chair and Vice Chair.

Public Comment - Up to fifteen minutes for public comment on matters not appearing on the agenda. Advanced registration is available by calling 617-730-2202 or by email at

Miscellaneous -

Human Resources Department $140,000 reserve fund transfer request.

Site Plan Review Fees - Review and possible vote on charging fees for Site Plan Review Applications.

Business Closing Hours - Discussion and possible vote on framework for determining later closing hours for businesses serving food and alcohol. Supporting documentation - Memo, list of businesses and closing times, and map.

Records Retention - Review and possible vote on a records retention policy for communications to, from, and between public bodies appointed by the Select Board.

Indigenous Peoples Celebration Committee Interview, David Brick.

CPA Committee - Request to appoint Susan Cohen as the Brookline Housing Authority's representative to the Community Preservation Act Committee.

Appointment of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Group.

7:00PM - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - Public hearing and vote on the Town's CDBG Annual Action Plan.

ARPA Reallocation -

Review and possible vote on a plan to reallocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from projects unable or unlikely to be completed by relevant deadlines to new or existing projects able to meet such deadlines.

Discussion and possible vote on the following warrant articles for the 2024 Annual Town Meeting:


Email comments and requests to speak at public comment to Kate MacGillivray @
