1. What is the best way to help?
Monetary donations directly help us to feed our neighbors in need. Donate here!
2. Are you accepting food or clothing donations?
Currently, we are ONLY accepting food donations. The drop-off times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10AM-3PM. Please call our office upon arrival (631-283-6415). Our clothing room remains closed until further notice. No clothing donations will be accepted.
3. Do you need volunteers?
Yes! Please sign up on our website here.
4. How does one register for the food pantry?
One can register ahead by calling our office (631-283-6415) to speak with our bilingual staff. New customers are welcome to visit during food pantry hours- Wednesdays and Fridays from 10AM-12PM. Upon arrival, they will be asked to fill out a registration form and provide valid identification. This form is used solely for reporting numbers to the food bank so we receive enough food to feed our customers.